September 5, 2018 NY State of the Climate: What Our State Can Do to Stop Climate Catastrophe Thursday, September 27th 6 to 8PM Marble Collegiate Church Loft, 276 Fifth Avenue More Info and RSVP Here Organized by State Senator Liz Krueger …
September 5, 2018 September 26 @ 7-9 pm Voices from the Frontlines of Climate Change: Holding Fossil Fuel Companies Accountable for Climate Harms New York Society for Ethical Culture 2 W 64th St – Auditorium Organized by Union of Concerned Scientists, Greenpeace…
September 5, 2018 Drawdown: The Most Comprehensive Plan to Reverse Global Warming Join us for a presentation and panel discussion on The New York Times Best Selling Book Drawdown: The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global...
September 5, 2018 Sept 8 Global Day of Action for climate On September 8th, after months of organizing and movement-building, the Peoples Climate Movement will bring tens of thousands of people across the country into...
September 5, 2018 People’s climate March Rise NY Our country is in crisis. The global climate crisis deepens at unprecedented speed. Rising sea levels, devastating storms and flooding, extreme wildfires, and food...