New York City: Two Landmark Climate Laws Take Effect January 1st, 2024:
Local Law 97 and Local law 154


On January 5th , NYC legislators, past and present, and climate activists celebrated the introduction of 2 landmark climate laws: LL97 which limits carbon pollution from large buildings in NYC and LL154 which effectively limits all new buildings to be independent of fossil fuels. New York City is the largest city globally that has instituted such far-reaching climate bills and is providing an enviable example to other US and world cities.

The celebration of these laws was held at the Alloy Block All Electric Building on 100 Flatbush Ave, Brooklyn, First Tower ( with past city legislator CM Costa Constantinides, who was instrumental in the passage of LL97 and Mayor DeBlasio (Photo) present. The Alloy Block Building has 44 stories and 440 units, predominately affordable and market rate housing.

The final rules of LL97 were only approved in the closing weeks of 2023 and they were not without some disappointment. Despite massive and persistent advocacy by activists against the latest attempts by the Adams administration to weaken LL97, the DOB insisted on approval of a 2-year delay for buildings that exhibited a good faith effort to comply within 2 years. NYC Finalizes Rules for Landmark Building Emissions Law (

Urban Green Council has detailed information on the choices for decarbonization steps large buildings can take to be compliant for 2024 and the next benchmark in 2030. LL97 in Focus: Multifamily pathways to 2030 – Urban Green Council  Although only about 15% of large buildings must install retrofitting now to be compliant for 2024 (penalties will start to apply in 2025), 60% of buildings will have to do some moderate to extensive retrofitting to be in compliance for 2030. Urban Green Council also gives information on choices to secure financing for retrofitting. Financing Energy Upgrades 101 (Part 1) – Urban Green Council

The second climate law which comes into effect this month is Local Law 154. Although known as the All-Electric Building Act, as written it effectively prohibits the use of fossil fuels in new buildings. ll154of2021.pdf ( CM Alicka Ampry-Samuel  was the council member who valiantlyintroduced this bill at the end of the DeBlasio administration. The law applies to buildings that are less than seven stories where an application for the approval of construction documents is submitted after December 31, 2023. For a building that is seven stories or more, the law comes into effect on or after July 1, 2027. Members of together with other climate groups in NYC were very active in the passage of
both these bills.

Margaret Perkins and Eva-Lee Baird, 350NYC Buildings Working Group

Hydrofluorocarbon Refrigerants

Hydrofluorocarbon refrigerants are a powerful greenhouse gas when they leak. We have been working at both local and federal levels to establish guidelines for life-cycle management of these gases and eventually phasing them out.

MEMBERS of 350NYC and their partners in Drawdown NYC have been determined advocates for
legislative efforts to phase-down the manufacture and use of the refrigerants or coolants, potent
greenhouse gases known as hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs). Due to the rapid increase in demand globally
for appliances containing the gases they are predicted to account for 10% of global GHG emissions by
2035. After months of stalemate, success came in the final days of the 2020 Congressional session with the
passage of the American Innovation in Manufacturing (A.I.M.) Amendment.

The phase-down of manufacture of potent HFCs is only half of the problem with refrigerants: gas leaks during the appliance life-time and loss during improper disposal at the end-of-life account for over 50% of emissions. The A.I.M. act gives the EPA authority for leak management regulations and disposal of HFCs used in industrial and commercial system, authority they had in rescinded 2015 EPA regulations.  A key part of enforcement of these refrigerant management is informing and monitoring commercial partners. Consumer pressure on supermarkets is gaining interest as an additional tactic to accelerate transition to non-HFC refrigerants. Climate Friendly Supermarkets.


Interested in learning more about our work?  Attend the 350NYC Building and Energy Working Group which meets the first Wed of every month at 7pm.



Hydrofluorocarbon Refrigerants: Recommendations from the New York State Climate Action Council Scoping Plan

Concise Consumer Guide for Buying a Climate Friendly Refrigerator and Air Conditioner


Switch to renewables

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