We will keep you informed! To stay connected with events you can join and actions you can take each week, sign up for our weekly Call to Action.

This Week

Thursday, February 13 • 9AM • In-person @ City Hall

Food & Water Watch: Stand Up To MAGA Mayor Eric Adams—Rally to Protect Local Law 97
On Thursday, legislation will be introduced in the City Council to close a massive loophole in Local Law 97 created by Mayor Adams. Will you join a rally at City Hall with Council Members Carmen De La Rosa and Lincoln Restler in support of the new bill? The loophole allows building owners to buy their way out of reducing their pollution by purchasing Renewable Energy Credits (RECs) in place of cutting about 50% of the greenhouse gases they produce. Help call on the City Council to stand up to Mayor Adams and the corporate real estate lobby.

Sign up 


Thursday, February 13 • 6PM  • Virtual

 350.org and Coalition Partners: Webinar—Stop the Utility Spending Spree
We’re bringing together advocates and organizations to spark a movement to stop utilities from spending customer money to fund their lobbying, advertising, and other extravagant expenses in the Empire State. Three states have already passed bills to protect utility customers from their money being used against their best interests. Now, New Yorkers have a chance to join them.



Past Events

Tuesday, February 4 • 7:30AM-7PM • In-person @ State Capitol in Albany

Renewable Heat Now: Albany Advocacy Day & Rally
Join fellow advocates in lobbying for the NY HEAT Act. This state legislation will significantly reduce your energy bill while fighting climate change. It will end the 100-foot rule, which forces New Yorkers to pay $200 million every year to subsidize unnecessary new gas hookups, and allow utilities to provide cheaper and cleaner energy alternatives at no additional cost to customers. There will be a free bus leaving Manhattan at 7:30 AM and heading back around 4:00-4:30 PM, also free lunch and lobby training once we arrive.

Sign up and get details


Thursday, February 6 • 6:30PM @ 2 W. 64th Street


NY Communities4Change and Allies: Stand Up to Trump on Climate & Jobs: A Mayoral Candidate Forum
With Trump headed to the White House, it’s imperative for blue cities and states to stand up! New York City’s election for Mayor is now well underway, with the primary in June. RSVP now to join fellow New Yorkers as we grill the candidates for Mayor of New York. We’ll ask them the big, tough questions on the policies the city should implement. Let’s show them they must fight climate change, create good jobs, and build a more fair society – and get them on the record in front of us!



Wednesday, January 22 • 7PM • In-person @ 2 W 64th Street

 350NYC: General Meeting
Join us for conversation about the LA fires, the insurance industry, and the impact so far of Congestion Pricing in our city. We’ll start by discussing Bill McKibben’s newsletter this week called “Reality.”


Wednesday, January 22 • 10AM-4PM • In-person @ Underground Concourse at New York State Capitol, 263 Madison Ave, Albany

NY Renews: Fund Climate Mobilization
It’s not news to anyone that New Yorkers have multiple crises on their hands: fossil fueled extreme weather and pollution, unaffordable and substandard housing, an endangered democracy, and income inequality higher than any other state. 2025 will be the first year there is dedicated climate justice revenue in New York State to implement our landmark Climate Law. We’re fighting to ensure that funding goes to community-led climate justice solutions, increasing energy affordability, and repairing dangerous housing conditions. Buses from NYC will be available.


Wednesday, January 22 • 7PM • Virtual

Beyond Plastics: Webinar with California’s Attorney General to learn why the state is suing ExxonMobil
In late September, California Attorney General Rob Bonta launched a game-changing lawsuit against ExxonMobil, the largest producer of single-use plastic polymers, for its role in deceiving the public about plastic recycling and chemical recycling. This groundbreaking lawsuit seeks to hold major players in the plastics industry accountable for the harm their fraud has caused. Join this webinar to learn more.


Thursday, January 23 •12:30PM • In-person @ City Hall, Broadway and Murray Streets

Climate Can’t Wait!: Defend Local Law 97! Lobbying Action
Join this action to lobby City Council members in support of fully implementing Local Law 97, New York City’s Green New Deal for buildings. The goal is to oppose Intro 772, proposed legislation that would gut the law, which is already fulfilling its potential to create jobs, cut air pollution, and reduce energy bills, while helping meet our climate goals. Event sponsors include New York Communities for Change, NYPIRG, TREEage, Third Act NYC, and Food & Water Watch.


Saturday, January 25 • 11AM • In-person @ Alberto Capsouto Park, Varick Street & Canal Street

Extinction Rebellion NYC: No More Greenwashing Campaign
XR NYC is poised to take on the major ad agencies supporting climate criminals across the globe. Learn how XR will be visiting the greenwashers where they work and revealing their relationships with some of the biggest polluters and violators of human rights on earth.


Tuesday, January 28 • 10AM-4:30PM • In-person @ The State Capitol

 Beyond Plastics: Lobby Day for the Packaging Reduction and Recycling Infrastructure Act 
Last spring the Packaging Reduction and Recycling Infrastructure Act passed the Senate but not the Assembly. If the Assembly meets for a lame-duck session before January, it’s possible that the Act will be brought to the floor for a vote. There will be free bus transportation from NYC.


Wednesday, November 20 • 10-12 or 6-8 • In-person @ John Jay College of Criminal Justice Gerald W. Lynch Theatre, 524 West 59th St 
Public Power NY: Public Comment Session for Public Renewables 
As NYC faces an unprecedented threat of water shortage, we’re reminded that the climate disaster threatens everything and everyone we care about. That’s why our movement fought for the Build Public Renewables Act –the biggest state-level Green New Deal program in the country. But Governor Hochul is stalling on delivering public power because she wants to keep the money flowing to big corporations and private developers. That’s why we’re rallying at the New York Power Authority’s public hearing. RSVP and you’ll receive information for crafting your testimony.

RSVP for 10-12p Session

RSVP for 5-8p Session


Wednesday, November 20 • 7PM • In-person @ 2 W. 64th Street  
 General Meeting 
At our General Meeting we will make space for people to share how they are feeling and listen to each others thoughts on what our future strategies should be. Come be with others in this difficult time.


Wednesday, November  20 • 7PM • Virtual 
Food & Water Watch: The Path Ahead 
Join Food & Water Watch’s executive director Wenonah Hauter for a discussion of the election results and a review of plans to fight for a livable future.



Thursday, November 21 • 7PM • Virtual 
Food & Water Watch: Hochul Must Do Her Job 
Join this volunteer meeting to discuss plans to pressure Governor Hochul on key climate decisions she must make, including signing the Climate Change Superfund Act and stopping the Iroquois Pipeline Expansion.



Saturday, November 23 and Sunday November 24 • 7PM • In-person @ Theatre Row, 410 West 42nd Street
KOAL: award-winning climate change theatre show 
The Australian bushfires of 2019 were the inspiration for this award-winning one-woman theatre show. KOAL makes a powerful noise on behalf of nature declaring a timely message to human audiences—take action NOW to save our collective home so our precious landscapes, animals, plants, stories and history are there for our children and grandchildren.

Get Tickets


SAVE THE DATE, December 10 • All Day • In-person @ The State Capitol War Room 
Third Act Upstate and Allies: Climate Change Superfund Sit-in & Teach-in — Hochul Sign the Bill
The Climate Change Superfund Act was passed by the state legislature on June 7, yet it has not been signed into law by the Governor. To demonstrate the critical importance of this legislation climate organizations throughout the state are mobilizing to come to the Capitol to demand that the Governor comply with the will of our representatives. Join this intergenerational, intercultural and interfaith mobilization. Participants are welcome to join throughout the day.


Take Action!

Stand.Earth: Tell the Mayor and Department of Buildings—Do Not Weaken Local Law 97
SAFE Cities has been working with people like you and partner advocates in New York to protect Local Law 97, the nation-leading law to cut emissions from large buildings. A new draft of the Local Law 97 rules is out and it includes new attempts at weakening this critical law. We need to keep Local Law 97 as strong as possible for NYers’ health and safety and for climate. Would you take a moment to message the Mayor and Department of Buildings ahead of the Thursday comment deadline? Click on this link and you’ll have everything you need.


Fossil Free Media: Tell President Biden to Lock in Climate Action NOW!
As President Biden enters the final days of his term, we are demanding that he take action to lock in climate action, hold polluters accountable, and ensure they pay for the damage they cause to our environment and communities before Trump takes office.

Sign the Petition!

Extinction Rebellion NYC: Chase Bank Mindful Rebels Sit, Wednesday, October 23 • 12PM • In-person @ 51 E 46th St
The mega financial institutions have invested hundreds of billions of dollars in recent years in the fossil fuel industry. They are funding the 6th mass extinction. XR NYC responds with protest; peaceful, mindful community gatherings where people connect, chat, hold signs, meditate, and acknowledge indigenous suffering and land ethics. Bring your own cushion or seat, water bottle, and dress for the weather. Other “sits” include:
• BlackRock on Tuesdays at 8:00 AM – Meet at 7 train exits near 50 Hudson Yards
• Chase on Wednesdays at 12:00 PM – Meet at Vanderbilt Ave & E 46th St
• Evening Citibank sits at 5:30pm – 388 Greenwich plaza

NY Renews: The Next Chapter—Our Fight for Climate Justice in 2025, Monday, October 28 • 6PM • Virtual

In 2023, the New York climate justice movement fought hard and won New York’s Climate Action Fund, exclusively dedicated to funding emissions reductions and climate justice projects across the state. In this mass call, you’ll learn more about our plan to direct those dollars to the communities that need it most. Join to talk about the months ahead, the status of the state’s “polluters pay” program, and a renewed focus on base building from the Bronx to Buffalo.

Eco-Opera: Blued Trees Wednesday, October 30 • 6:30PM doors open • 7PM performance @ 494 Greenwich Street, Ground Floor

Anita Rogers Gallery will host Aviva Rahmani’s Blued Trees, a collection of embedded dispatches from the front lines of ecological conflict, with dancer Rishauna Zumberg, pianist and arranger Luka Marinkovic, and soloist Alison Cheeseman. Rahmani will then moderate an international participatory streaming event to judge a fossil fuel executive and his wife for ecocide– what is the extent of liability? RSVP to Info@AnitaRogersGallery.com

CLIMATE WEEK Monday, September 23 • 10AM • In-person @ Citigroup’s Global Headquarters, 388 Greenwich St

 Summer of Heat Continues—Citi Standoff: Come Down or Shut Down
For months we’ve taken action at Citibank to demand they stop financing fossil fuels. But they refused to change their investments, policies, or meet with frontline leaders from the Gulf about the impacts of projects on local communities. These new fossil fuel projects continue to be built with investment from Wall Street fossil financiers. So join us in giving Citi a choice: Either come down to meet with climate leaders from the Gulf South, or we shut down their corporate headquarters. Sign up 


CLIMATE WEEK Thursday, September 26 • In-person @ City Hall 

 Food and Water Watch: Rally for Local Law 97 
Please join this rally in support of Local Law 97, the landmark Buildings Emissions law. Several groups are attempting to weaken its impact by introducing a bill that will allow garden apartments to include outdoor space in building size calculations. This would affect about 3,000 multifamily apartments. Check to see if your council member is one of the 25 supporting this bill.  Rally with us to draw attention to this insidious campaign!