350NYC is an all-volunteer local affiliate of 350.org, a global grassroots network working in over 188 countries to prevent climate catastrophe.  350NYC focuses on campaigns in NYC and New York State as well as global actions.  

Why the name 350?

350 is the number of parts per million of CO2 in the atmosphere that is safe for our future. The atmosphere now has over 420 ppm of carbon largely due to the burning of coal, oil, and gas. This is rapidly heating out planet past safe levels of a livable planet.


350NYC was founded in 2011 by singer-songwriter and filmmaker Lyna Hinkel. After attending a 350.org leadership training in D.C., she and other activists from around the country returned to their home cities and started some of the first local 350 chapters. In our first 10 years, we’ve had many victories including the divestment of NYC pension funds from fossil fuels and passage of a historic bill mandating Energy Efficiency by the NY City Council.


350NYC is part of a vibrant and active climate movement in NYC and NY state. Some of the coalitions we belong to include 

Stop the Money PipelineDivest NYNY RenewsClimate Can’t Wait, and The People’s Climate Movement, NY  (PCMNY).