We will keep you informed! To stay connected with events you can join and actions you can take each week, sign up for our weekly Call to Action.


Regular Standing Meetings

Wednesday, October 23 • 7PM • In-person @ 2 W. 64th Street  

Climate Actions in NYC over the Summer and Fall were numerous and effective and we will present a round-up of the outcomes and next phases of these campaigns. Actions included over 40 protests against Citibank’s investment in fossil fuel industries, intense efforts to convince Comptroller Lander to divest pension funds from private equity, and responses to the congestion pricing debacle. Newcomers come at 6:30 if you can and we’ll orient you to our work. Pizza and drinks will be provided!  

Upcoming Events

Extinction Rebellion NYC: Chase Bank Mindful Rebels Sit, Wednesday, October 23 • 12PM • In-person @ 51 E 46th St
The mega financial institutions have invested hundreds of billions of dollars in recent years in the fossil fuel industry. They are funding the 6th mass extinction. XR NYC responds with protest; peaceful, mindful community gatherings where people connect, chat, hold signs, meditate, and acknowledge indigenous suffering and land ethics. Bring your own cushion or seat, water bottle, and dress for the weather. Other “sits” include:
• BlackRock on Tuesdays at 8:00 AM – Meet at 7 train exits near 50 Hudson Yards

• Chase on Wednesdays at 12:00 PM – Meet at Vanderbilt Ave & E 46th St

• Evening Citibank sits at 5:30pm – 388 Greenwich plaza

NY Renews: The Next Chapter—Our Fight for Climate Justice in 2025, Monday, October 28 • 6PM • Virtual

In 2023, the New York climate justice movement fought hard and won New York’s Climate Action Fund, exclusively dedicated to funding emissions reductions and climate justice projects across the state. In this mass call, you’ll learn more about our plan to direct those dollars to the communities that need it most. Join to talk about the months ahead, the status of the state’s “polluters pay” program, and a renewed focus on base building from the Bronx to Buffalo.

Eco-Opera: Blued Trees Wednesday, October 30 • 6:30PM doors open • 7PM performance @ 494 Greenwich Street, Ground Floor

Anita Rogers Gallery will host Aviva Rahmani’s Blued Trees, a collection of embedded dispatches from the front lines of ecological conflict, with dancer Rishauna Zumberg, pianist and arranger Luka Marinkovic, and soloist Alison Cheeseman. Rahmani will then moderate an international participatory streaming event to judge a fossil fuel executive and his wife for ecocide– what is the extent of liability? RSVP to Info@AnitaRogersGallery.com


Past Events


CLIMATE WEEK Monday, September 23 • 10AM • In-person @ Citigroup’s Global Headquarters, 388 Greenwich St

 Summer of Heat Continues—Citi Standoff: Come Down or Shut Down
For months we’ve taken action at Citibank to demand they stop financing fossil fuels. But they refused to change their investments, policies, or meet with frontline leaders from the Gulf about the impacts of projects on local communities. These new fossil fuel projects continue to be built with investment from Wall Street fossil financiers. So join us in giving Citi a choice: Either come down to meet with climate leaders from the Gulf South, or we shut down their corporate headquarters. Sign up 


CLIMATE WEEK Thursday, September 26 • In-person @ City Hall 

 Food and Water Watch: Rally for Local Law 97 
Please join this rally in support of Local Law 97, the landmark Buildings Emissions law. Several groups are attempting to weaken its impact by introducing a bill that will allow garden apartments to include outdoor space in building size calculations. This would affect about 3,000 multifamily apartments. Check to see if your council member is one of the 25 supporting this bill.  Rally with us to draw attention to this insidious campaign!



Wednesday, August 28 • 5:45-7:15PM • In-person in Central Park

Annual Picnic & General Meeting

Save the date for our annual picnic in the park. Bring food and drinks and we will provide dessert and updates on our campaigns. We willl also have a visit from Maki Isayama, who will talk about the volunteer canvassing buses he has been helping to organize to get out the vote in swing states this Fall. Here is where we will meet:


NOTE:  The WasteNot and  Buildings, Energy & Transportation Working Groups will not be meeting in August. 


Sunday, August 25 • 2PM • In-person @ Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Memorial, 23 Washington Place

 Summer of Heat: Feminists Fight Fossil Fuels
Join this fun and militant action that honors the women, femmes, and non-binary people of all genders who are at the forefront of fighting against fossil fuels and for a livable future. Globally, women are 14 times more likely to die from climate-related events yet Wall St leaders like Citi CEO Jane Fraser continue to finance climate chaos that fuels inequality, family separation, and environmental racism. Wear bright colors! Bring your instruments!


Monday, August 26th • 6PM • Virtual 

People vs. Fossil Fuels: Unfrack FERC! Orientation for DC Action 
This summer the D.C. Circuit Court made landmark rulings against the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s (FERC’s) approval of several Texas LNG terminals and pipelines. This is an unprecedented legal ruling. With grassroots movements escalating against FERC and the D.C. Circuit Court finally issuing consequences for FERC’s failures – is this the beginning of the Fall of FERC? We are looking for dozens of people to come to D.C. September and help to interrupt the monthly FERC commissioner meeting. Get looped into the planning.  Register


Tuesday, August 27 • 7:30AM or 11AM-5PM • In-person @ 388 Greenwich St 

 Third Act! Summer of Heat — Climate Action for Our Grandchildren 
Join this elders-led Third Act action which will call out Citigroup for its role in stealing our grandchildren’s future by bankrolling the coal, oil and gas companies that are polluting our communities and causing the overheating of the planet. Please prepare a “I AM HERE FOR __________” poster to hang from your neck. You will be emailed a template and instructions for preparing the poster. Or you can send the statement and photo to Third Act! which will print it out for you.  RSVP


July 18 • 6:30 In-person @ New York Society for Ethical Culture, 2 W. 64th Street

New York Communities for Change and Allies: New York Leaders on Climate Justice—An Accountability Forum 

Governor Hochul cancelled congestion pricing and the New York Assembly failed to pass vital bills as dictated by the New York landmark climate bill, the Community Leadership and Climate Protection Act.  It is time to hold our leaders accountable, in person.  We have invited Governor Hochul, Attorney General James, and other City-wide elected leaders to answer our questions about the accelerating climate crisis.  Join us.  RSVP. 


Wednesday, June 26 • 7:00PM • In-person @ 2 W. 64th Street

General Meeting
Our speaker will be Genevieve Gunther, whose book The Language of Climate Politics: Fossil Fuel Propaganda and How to Fight It will be published this summer. Guenther is the founding director of End Climate Silence and affiliate faculty at The New School, where she sits on the board of the Tishman Environment and Design Center.  We will also provide updates on our current campaigns. Newcomers come at 6:30 if you can and we’ll orient you to our work. Pizza and drinks for all!


Thursday, June 20 • 5:30-8:00PM • In-person @ 9-03 44th Road, Queens

 Zero Waste NYC: Sip & Socialize Rooftop Happy Hour at Solar One 
Solar One is a nonprofit dedicated to reducing NYC’s carbon footprint through various environmental and educational initiatives. 350NYC will be at this event as well as other organizations. Come socialize and learn at the same time. A portion of proceeds will go directly to Solar One to support their fantastic mission.  Get your Ticket

Monday, June 10 • 7:30-10:00 AM • In-person @ Duane Park, 166 Duane St,

 Summer of Heat Coalition: Shut Down Citi 
We are going to shut down Citibank’s Global HQ by engaging in nonviolent civil disobedience – and we’re going to have a great time doing it, no matter how early it is.  Register 


Tuesday, June 11 • 7:30-10:00 AM • In-person @ Duane Park, 166 Duane St,

 Summer of Heat Coalition: Orcas Sink Citibank 
Oil spills. Deafening noise from drilling rigs. Ocean acidification. The orcas are angry and they are rising up. On Tuesday, orcas will emerge from the oceans with a single mission: Shut down Citibank, the world’s largest funder of coal, oil, and gas expansion. Over the past few years, orcas have been expressing their rage by sinking the yachts of the rich and powerful. Now, they are coming for Citibank. We will have orca costumes for humans who want to be in solidarity with their orca friends.  Register


Wednesday, June 12 • 7:30-10:00 AM • In-person @ Duane Park, 166 Duane St,

 Summer of Heat Coalition: Scientists Speak Out 
Scientists have been sounding the alarm on the climate crisis for decades. But banks like Citi have ignored their warnings and kept on funding fossil fuels. So, on Wednesday, dozens of climate scientists will engage in nonviolent civil disobedience to shut down Citi’s Global HQ. And they need your help. Join us and demand that Citi listens to the science and stops funding fossil fuels.  Register


Thurday, June 13 • 7-10AM • In-person @ Duane Park, 166 Duane St

 Summer of Heat Coalition: Elders Out Front
Join the Rocking Chair Rebellion in their blockade of Citibank’s HQ––home of the world’s second largest fossil fuel funder––to demand that Wall Street banks and financiers stop using our hard-earned retirement savings to fund the climate crisis. This day will bring together people of all ages committed to ensuring a livable future for the generations to come.  Register 


Friday June 14 •3-6PM • In-person @ Citi HQ, 388 Greenwich St

 Summer of Heat Coalition: Party in the Plaza 
Music. Art. Food. Rebellion. It’s all going to be going down as we close out week 1 of the Summer of Heat with a massive block party on what was formerly known as the Citibank Plaza and is being reclaimed and renamed… So make sure you join us at the Peoples’ Plaza on Friday afternoon, as we celebrate having kicked-off the Summer of Heat with a bang.  Register 


Wednesday June 12 • 7:00 • Virtual

Transportation, Buildings, and Energy Working Group WILL NOT MEET

Instead we recommend people attend Food and Water Watch’s Activist Briefing to Defend Local Law 97 which is under threat.  The zoom will take place at 7PM.



Thursday June 13 • 6:30 • Virtual

WasteNot Working Group 

This month’s meeting will include an overview of next steps in the campaign to pass the Packaging Reduction and Recycling Infrastructure Act, updates on efforts to restore funding for Community Composting in NYC’s budget and saving Big Reuse’s Queensbridge composting site, and takeaways from a recent  Beyond Plastics webinar on the fallacy of bioplastics. New members are always welcome!



We are having a benefit on May 22nd! 

Come enjoy an inspiring night of music with composer/pianist Craig Urquhart while supporting the health of our planet on Wednesday, May 22nd, 7PM.  The concert will take place at The New York Society for Ethical Culture (2 West 64th St), which is cosponsoring the benefit.



Urquhart has performed on international stages — from New York, Paris and Belgium, to Berlin, Rome and Japan — moving audiences with his warm, poetic style. Deriving musical inspiration from nature, human emotions, and the natural rhythms of the universe, he has released thirteen albums of solo piano music including, most recently, “Renewal”.  The evening will include brief readings by environmentalist/poets E.J. McAdams and Evelyn Reilly. This event will take place instead of our regular General Meeting this month.  Get Tickets Here



Wednesday, April 24 • 7PM • In-person @ 2 West 64th Street

General Meeting 

350NYC Steering Committee member John Ingram will talk about Health In Harmony (HiH), an international nonprofit dedicated to reversing global heating, understanding that rainforests are essential for the survival of humanity. Using the innovative process of Radical Listening, HIH collaborates with the experts – rainforest communities – to create the change the planet needs. At Cop 28 Doctors without Borders announced that they will be joining HiH in advancing this approach.  We’ll also update everyone on our current campaigns. Newcomers join at 6:30 if you can and we’ll orient you to our work. Pizza and drinks will be provided!


Monday, April 22 • 10AM-1PM •  Livestreamed and in-person @St Marks Church in the Bowery, 131 E 10th St
 Summer of Heat: The People vs. Citi—Confronting Citi Group’s Environmental Racism
Since the 2015 Paris Agreement, Citibank has poured over $332 billion into the fossil fuel industry. Coal, oil and gas companies have used that money to build new terminals, refineries and pipelines that have disproportionately polluted and impacted communities of color. Join this event chaired by Roishetta Ozane, a community leader from Sulphur, Louisiana, which has had its air, land and water polluted by these facilities, leading to an increase in illness in the community. Speakers include Wet’suwet’en Hereditary Chief, Chief Na’Moks; Sharon Lavigne of Rise St. James; Manning Rollerson, Freeport Haven Project; Marcello Federico, Indigenous Environmental Network; Christa Mancias, Carrizo Comecrudo Tribe of Texas; and Rachel Rivera, New York Communities for Change.


Wednesday April 24th and Thursday April 25th • In-person

 and Allies: Summer of Heat Direct Actions 
Join hundreds of us as we engage in nonviolent direct action to help end financing for fossil fuels. Sign up to get details. 

Sign Up 



Saturday, April 20 • Noon-1 PM •  In person @ Flatiron Plaza, 25th Street and 5th Avenue 

 Tilted Axes: TILTED ATMOS Car-Free Earth Day NYC performance
Catch Tilted Axes: Ambient Music for Electric Guitars for Car-Free Earth Day. Sponsored by the NYC Department of Transportation.

Get more info.


Wednesday, April 10  • Noon • in-person @ The Municipal Building, 1 Centre Street

New York Communities for Change, 350NYC, and Allies: Rally at the Comptroller’s Office
Join us outside Comptroller Lander’s office where we’ll push him to divest from dirty money managers, such as BlackRock, the world’s largest investor in oil, gas, coal and rainforest destruction. NYC’s pension funds, managed by Lander, hand $60 billion dollars of city business to BlackRock. They are also heavily invested in KKR, another huge, climate-destroying fund. It’s important that Lander act, because red state politicians have successfully intimidated entities like BlackRock with a “anti-ESG” and “anti-woke campaign”. We need Lander to fight at least as hard for New Yorkers as Republican politicians fight for the oil companies.  Sign up


Wednesday, April 10 • 7PM • Virtual 

Buildings, Energy and Transportation Working Group Meeting 
Working Group member Brian Schneider will give an overview of two important events happening in Queens in coming weeks.  We’ll also discuss Earth Week events starting 4/13 and running through 4/22.



Thursday, April 11 • 6:30PM • Virtual

WasteNot Working Group

This month’s meeting will include updates on the campaign to restore funding for NYC’s Community Composting programs, an overview of two recently introduced NY City Council bills to reduce plastic waste, a progress report on the Packaging Reduction and Recycling Infrastructure Act and Bigger, Better Bottle Bill, and plans for tabling at Inwood Park on Earth Day.  New members are always welcome!



Wednesday, March 27  • 7PM • in-person @ 2 W. 64th Street

 General Meeting 
We are very fortunate to have Dr Brett Branco, the Executive Director of the Science and Resilience Center at Jamaica Bay (srijb.org), as our guest speaker this month. Brett is a Marine Scientist and Associate Professor of Earth and Environmental Sciences at Brooklyn College and the CUNY Graduate Center. His research focuses on the impacts of urbanization and climate change on estuaries and surrounding communities.

The Science and Resilience Institute at Jamaica Bay’s work aims to improve the well-being of people and wildlife impacted by climate change and urbanization in Jamaica Bay, its watershed and beyond. Its current work focuses on urban flooding and nature-based solutions to problems caused by urbanization and climate change.

We will also update everybody on our current campaigns. Newcomers come at 6:30 if you can and we’ll orient you to our work. Pizza and drinks will be provided!


Thursday, March 21 • 6:30PM • Virtual

WasteNot Working Group

This month’s virtual meeting will include updates on the campaign to restore funding for NYC’s Community Composting programs, takeaways from the Crazy for Composting mini-conference at the NY Botanical Garden, a progress report on the Packaging Reduction and Recycling Infrastructure Act and Bigger, Better Bottle Bill, and plans for tabling at Inwood Park on Earth Day.  New members are always welcome!



Wednesday, February 28  • 7PM • In-person @ 2 West 64th Street 

General Meeting 

There have been several important developments in the U.S. in the fossil fuel investment/divestment space in the last month or so. One ominous trend has been the reversal by large asset managers, including BlackRock, of commitments needed to make it possible meet the UN-IPCC targets for carbon emissions and global warming. Billions of NYC pension funds are managed by BlackRock under the direction of City Comptroller Brad Lander.

Pete Sikora and Jose Gonzalez will lead a discussion with 350NYC members about options for NYC pension funds given these changes. Pete is Director of the Climate and Inequality Campaign for New York Communities for Change and Jose is Senior Director of Data and Research. Join us and contribute to planning actions. First-time attendees come at 6:30 if you can and we’ll orient you to our work. Pizza and drinks will be served!


Wednesday, February 14  • 7PM • Virtual 

Buildings, Energy & Transportation Working Group

In this month’s meeting, we will have information about Congestion Pricing and training on how to submit testimony in favor of it to the city. The intent is to have as many people as possible who are for it to submit testimony in the final round of public input. (We’ll run similar training sessions the following week on zoom as well.) We’ll also discuss a bill that has been introduced in NYS assembly that prohibits public utilities from using funds raised from ratepayers for contributions or gifts to political candidates, trade associations, public charities, and lobbyists.Your utilities are using your money to enrich themselves! Learn what you can do to support this bill.


Thursday, February 8  • 6:30PM • Virtual 

 WasteNot Working Group

The WasteNøt meeting this month will include updates on the SaveOurCompost Coalition’s campaign to restore funding cuts to NYC’s community composting programs, including some takeaways from their recent series of public teach-ins, an announcement of several new City Council bills aimed at reducing single-use plastic bottles, and a review of the January 18th New York is Not Disposable virtual lobby day. New members are always welcome!



Wednesday, January 24  • 7PM • In-person @ 2 W. 64th St
General Meeting  
Our guest this month will be Emily Fano, Climate Resilience Educator for the National Wildlife Federation in NYC, who will talk about the Climate Education Bill currently before the state legislature. Also are planning an open discussion in which anyone can volunteer to speak for 3-5 minutes on a climate issue that they are particularly interested in. The discussion could include options for effective actions: education, direct action, lobbying etc. So come share your ideas with the group! New attendees come at 6:30 and we’ll orient you to our work, but if you can’t do that, come when you can! We’ll have pizza and drinks for all.


Thursday, January 11 • Noon  • In-person @ 633 Third Avenue, the Office of Governor Hochul

 Food and Water Watch & Food and Water Action: Rally to Ban Fracking with Carbon Dioxide
A newly formed Texas company is attempting to evade New York’s fracking ban with a scheme to drill thousands of wells, frack with carbon dioxide (CO2), and construct a dozen gas-burning power plants. Join this rally calling on Governor Hochul and the Legislature to block this dangerous proposal, which threatens our water, communities, and climate. Featured speaker will be Dr. Sandra Steingraber, a biologist, a co-founder of Concerned Health Professionals of New York, senior scientist at the Science and Environmental Health Network, and leader in the fight to ban fracking in New York.



Wednesday, January 10 • 7PM  • Virtual

Buildings and Energy & Transportation Working Group
Join us for a discussion of the new era of electric buildings in NYC, which started on January 1st with the introduction of city bill 2317A. This ground breaking bill mandates the electrification of most new buildings by prohibiting the on-site “combustion of a substance that emits 25 kilograms or more.” We’ll also discuss congestion pricing and see who can participate in a final round of testimony on this.



Thursday, January 11 • 6:30  • In-person 

WasteNot Working Group
WasteNøt’s first meeting of 2024 will be held at the Upper West Side home of one of our members. New members are welcome and should e-mail Jane Selden for the exact location. There will be updates on the SaveOurCompost campaign to restore funding for NYC’s Community Composting organizations, information on upcoming lobbying opportunities to pass NY State’s Packaging Reduction and Recycling Act and Bigger Better Bottle Bill, and some exciting news about a new local plastics-reduction bill that’s in the works.

Wednesday, December 20, 6:30-8:30 

General Meeting and End-of-Year Celebration 

Join us  for our final meeting of 2023 at the New York Society for Ethical Culture (2 West 64th St). We’ll wind down the year together with a look back and a look ahead and celebrate with delicious food, wine and dessert. Please RSVP so we can accommodate everyone with space and food.


Wednesday, December 13, 7PM  • Virtual 

 Buildings, Energy and Transportation Working Group
Join us to discuss the progress of New York State’s Plan to build out utility scale renewable energy (RE) projects to reach the goal for grid electricity of 70% RE  by 2030.  All experts among our members are encouraged to bring insights to the meeting. Here’s a video introduction to the Plan. We’ll also review the results of a meeting of the Electric School Bus Coalition with the largest bus company on 12/11 to discuss how to improve electric bus deployments. And Congestion Pricing has passed another hurdle! One more to go. We talk about that and more.

Join the meeting


Thursday, December 14, 6:30PM  • Virtual 

 WasteNot Working Group
This week’s meeting will feature a talk by WasteNøt member Anita Chan about sustainability practices she observed on a recent trip to Asia. Anita is a Board Member of the composting non-profit Earth Matter and a member of the Queens Solid Waste Advisory Board. There will also be updates on SaveOurCompost’s campaign to restore funding for NYC’s community compost programs and on NY State’s Packaging Reduction and Recycling Infrastructure Act and the Bigger, Better Bottle Bill.  New members always welcome!

Join the meeting


Wednesday, November 29 • In-person at New York Society for Ethical Culture, 2 W. 64th St. 

 General Meeting 
Our guest speaker, David Goodwin, Project President of the Caperdu Forest project, a small-scale attempt to counteract biodiversity loss by restoring animal habitat in Normandy, France. Biodiversity, the variety of all living things on our planet, has been declining at an alarming rate in recent years, mainly due to human activities, such as land use changes, pollution and climate change. The Caperdu Forest project, operating on a modest budget, has revitalized 50 acres since its initiation in 2000 while adhering to the principle of not using any gas-powered machines.  Newcomers come at 6:30 if you can. We’ll orient you to our work and have pizza and drinks!

Wednesday, November 8 • 7PM  • Virtual

Combined Transportation and Buildings & Energy Working

At this joint meeting of the Buildings and Transport Working Group we will discuss updates on Electric School buses and options to accelerate their roll-out. The NYC Council Hearing on the latest LL97 regulations, some of which were designed to weaken this law, was impressive and we are anticipating a positive outcome. Also this week, 350NYC.org participated in the Global PowerUp, a global rallying call spearheaded by 350.org to urge governments world-wide to phase-down fossil fuel use and power -up the transition to renewable energy.



Thursday November 9 • 6:30PM • Virtual

WasteNot Working Group
We are pleased to have as our guest speaker, Judith Enck, founder of Beyond Plastics and former EPA Regional Administrator under President Obama. Judith will be presenting on the Packaging Reduction and Recycling Infrastructure Act, a groundbreaking NY State bill that would require companies to reduce their paper and plastic packaging by 50% in twelve years, design packaging that is truly recyclable, and be financially responsible for managing the waste they produce.




Saturday, November 4 • 2PM • In-person @ Union Square

 and 350.org: Put New York City on the Global map for “Power Up for Climate”
It’s “Time to Power Up!” Join us under the Climate Clock at the corner of 14th Street and 4 Ave for a banner-holding photo op and be part of this positive global day of action to Power Up for Climate Solutions.

Sign up 


October 24

Help us Keep Local Law 97 on Track for its 2030 Carbon Emissions Target!

There is a hearing on October 24th at City Hall for the public to comment on the new regulations issued by the Department of Buildings on the implementation of Local Law 97. This is the landmark buildings climate law passed in 2019. One new regulation gives owners of large buildings a 2 year delay to meet the 2024 emissions limit which is a huge loophole for building owners. We are not going to reach the 2030 carbon emissions target for NYC by weakening the original law!

There are several ways you can participate in the hearing; give a testimony (register by October 17th) and/or submit a comment (send by October 24th) or just turn up to show the strength of our distress. All the information you need, including talking points and how to participate can be found on our website here.


Wednesday, October 25 • 7PM • in-person @ 2 West 64th Street  

General Meeting
Join us at the New York Society for Ethical Culture. Newcomers, if you can, come at 6:30.  We’ll have pizza and drinks and will orient you to our work. But if you can’t come early, come when you can!  You are welcome!


Thursday, October 12 • 6:30 PM • Virtual

WasteNOT Working Group 

This week’s Zoom meeting will include a report on the new advocacy campaign to pass the NY State Packaging Reduction and Recycling Act and the “Bigger, Better” Bottle Bill, an update on NYC’s roll-out of the mandatory composting law, as well as new legislation requiring composting in some NYC parks, and an overview of a recent Beyond Plastics webinar on endocrine-disrupting chemicals in plastic.  New members are always welcome!



Wednesday, October 11 • 7PM • Virtual

Transportation & Buildings and Energy Working Groups Combined Meeting

On September 12, the city issued a new set of regulations that weaken the original goals of Local Law 97 which limits greenhouse gas emissions from large buildings. We will discuss how to submit a comment to the Department of Buildings on these proposed new Regulations and also how to participate in a hearing on October 24th. We will give talking points on writing a testimony and speaking at the hearing. One of the troubling features of the long awaited regulations is that they propose to allow large buildings to delay their mandated energy retrofits to reduce their emissions by 2 years.  We’ll also update you on our other campaigns.



Wednesday September 27 • 7PM • In-person @ 2 W. 64th Street 

General Meeting 

We are fortunate to have Denise Patel, who is a Climate Campaigns Consultant at NY Communities for Change, talk about the new Local Law 97 regulations released by the city to much fanfare last week. Learn more about this important part of making the city meet its climate commitments. Newcomers come at 6:30.  We’ll have pizza and drinks and introduce you to our work.


Tuesday, September 19 • 6:30-9PM • In-person @ The Great Hall at Cooper Union Foundation Building, 7 E 7th Street

 Stop the Money Pipeline (STMP): Panel and Rally
Join this panel on the future of divestment and fossil finance campaigning with an amazing panel of frontline activists, including Roishetta Ozane, an activist and leader from the Gulf South, who works with the Vessel Project and Texas Campaign for the Environment, Casey Camp Horinek, elder and the Environmental Ambassador for the Southern Ponca Tribe who also works with Movement Rights, and Alice Hu from New York Communities for Change. Then join a rally with special guest speakers who will help us imagine a world without fossil fuels and outline next steps for the movement.  Register


Monday, September 18 • 7PM • New York Society for Ethical Culture, 2 West 64th Street 

Up2Us2023: A Better World is Possible
You are invited to join us on the first night of Climate Week NYC to hear from an extraordinary array of effective, committed, inspirational and inter-generational climate communicators in conversation:
• Scott Z. Burns, screenwriter/director, Extrapolations; creator, Contagion, producer, An Inconvenient Truth
• Dr. Kate Marvel, Climate Scientist & Communicator; Lead Scientist, Project Drawdown
• Varshini Prakash, Co-founder Sunrise Movement
• Sage Lenier, Founder, Sustainable and Just Future
• Henk Rogers, Founder & Chair; Blue Planet Alliance
• Wawa Gatheru, Founder, Black Girl Environmentalist
• Bill McKibben, Climate Icon: writer, author, activist; Founder 350.org and Third Act

Register/Get tickets


Monday, September 18 • 10AM • In-person, Zuccotti Park, Lower Manhattan  

Mass Non-violent Civil Disobedience to End Fossil Fuels
The morning after the historic March to End Fossil Fuels, activists will converge on Wall Street to confront Climate Change Profiteers. As people choke on the smoke of burned homes and forests, bake and die in heatwaves, and live in societies increasingly destabilized by climate chaos, we are called to acts of civil disobedience. So join this action targeting Wall Street and calling on Biden to end the era of fossil fuels. Even if you can’t risk arrest, your help is needed to support those who can.

Sign up


Sunday, September 17th, 1-4PM • In Person 

Friends and Allies: March to End Fossil Fuels 

Join us this Sunday for the big March to End Fossil Fuels. We will be gathering on the corner of 64th Street and Central Park West, outside the New York Society for Ethical Culture (2 West 64th Street) starting at noon. At 12:30 we’ll all leave together to join the march. We’ll have signs and banners for people to carry, lots of energy, and open arms to first-time marchers and newcomers to the cause!

Sign up here to march with 350NYC.

September 13 • 7PM •  Virtual 

Transportation Working Group 


September 14 • 6:30PM •  Virtual 

WasteNot Working Group 

This week’s Zoom meeting will include an update on the September 17th End Fossil Fuels March, including specific information about the Beyond Plastics hub, a preview of this fall’s advocacy campaign to pass NY State’s Packaging Reduction and Recycling Act and the “Bigger, Better” Bottle Bill, and a discussion of the city’s roll-out of the mandatory curbside composting law. We’ll also be sharing some good news about our group’s Bottle Refill Station in Parks initiative.  New members are always welcome!



September 6 • 7PM •  Virtual 

Buildings and Energy Working Group 

This week we will focus on Financing Options for LL97 compliance for Multifamily Apartments, incentive programs, and sources of financing for upgrades. Your building or those of your neighbors and friends may be in compliance now and even with 2030 benchmarks, but the word on the street is to start exploring your energy upgrades as soon as possible. Incentive programs will start to run short of money and costs will rise as we approach legal and existential deadlines. Also bring your ideas for Buildings and Energy Innovation Sessions during Climate Week!


Thursday, August 10 • 6:30PM • In-person 

 WasteNøt Working Group: One Year Anniversary!
WasteNøt’s August meeting will be held at a local restaurant to celebrate our working group’s one-year anniversary.  We’ll be providing updates on city and state waste reduction legislation and discussing plans for our participation in the September 17th March to End Fossil Fuels. WasteNøt members will be e-mailed information about the restaurant early this week.  New members are most welcome to join us and can find out more about the dinner celebration by e-mailing Jane Selden.


Wednesday August 2 • 7PM • Virtual

Joint Transportation & Buildings and Energy Working Groups Meeting
At this meeting we will discuss Congestion Pricing for NYC and how over time it will improve our subway and bus systems. We will also introduce you to the Building Exchange Emissions Calculator, which you can use to find your own building or a friend’s, calculate its current emissions, and find out what the penalty that be due according to Local Law 97 if the building doesn’t carry out necessary retrofits.


Wednesday, July 26 • 7PM • In-person @ 2 W. 62nd, The New York Society for Ethical Culture 

General Meeting 
Our guest speaker will be Betsy Plum from Riders Alliance, a membership organization of bus and subway riders dedicated to winning better transit in New York City. Betsy has spent her career in the social justice field. She joined Riders Alliance in 2020 bringing her commitment to build a stronger, more thriving New York and a belief that we arrive at this place by investing in our public systems and holding those in power accountable. In addition to her role at Riders Alliance, Betsy serves on the Board of Directors of Central American Legal Assistance and is a Sterling Fellow, a network of systems leaders working to increase economic mobility across New York City, with racial equity as a central guiding value.

Thursday, July 13 • 1PM • In-person @ City Hall, Broadway entrance 

Rally to Enforce NYC’s Climate Law
Join this rally to demand Mayor Adams fully implement Local Law 97, New York City’s Green New Deal for Buildings. As New Yorkers choke on fumes from Canadian wildfires, Mayor Adams is considering weakening enforcement of the City’s landmark climate law at the behest of the big real estate lobby. Local Law 97 is on track to help New York meet its climate goals while creating tens of thousands of good jobs, cleaning our air, and reducing energy bills. Unfortunately, the real estate lobby is spending big money on a misinformation campaign to gut the law with weak rules that would delay its enforcement and create massive loopholes for building owners to avoid cutting pollution. Co-sponsoring organizations include New York Communities for Change, NYPIRG, TREEage, Sane Energy Project, No North Brooklyn Pipeline, Rise and Resist, and Food & Water Watch.  Register 


Thursday, July 13 • 4:30-7PM • In-person @The Brickyard Craft Kitchen & Bar at 23 Park Place (near City Hall).

 Celebrate the Passage of the Zero Waste Act
Join the celebration of the Zero Waste Act, which passed with the support of a supermajority of the City Council members. This groundbreaking legislative package includes the bill mandating curbside organics collection pick-up in all five boroughs by the end of next year. Council Members Sandy Nurse, Shahana Hanif, and Keith Powers will be there, along with a host of NYC Zero Waste advocates.

Wednesday, July 12 • 7PM • Virtual 

Transportation & Buildings and Energy Working Groups Joint Meeting

This month we’ll celebrate the approval of Congestion Pricing for our city and discuss Anti-idling and Clean Air Bills, public charging stations, electric school bus oversight, and the new Hudson River subway tunnel. Also we can discuss any questions people have about current building energy issues.



Thursday, July 13 • 6:30PM • Virtual 

WasteNot Working Group 

PLEASE NOTE THIS MEETING HAS BEEN CANCELLED so that members can join the celebration of the Zero Waste Act, which passed with the support of a supermajority of the City Council members, from 4:30-7:00 p.m. this Thursday at The Brickyard Craft Kitchen & Bar at 23 Park Place (near City Hall).

Wednesday, June 28 • 7PM • In-person @ 2 West 64th St

 General Meeting 
Cortney Koenig Worrall and David Ezer from the Waterfront Alliance will join us to talk about their work. Worrall is president and CEO of the Alliance, with expertise in climate resilience policy, campaign planning, community outreach, and public participation processes. She developed waterfront policy for the 2010 New York City Comprehensive Waterfront Plan. David Ezer leads the team on producing Waterfront Alliance’s and other events. We will also update everyone on our Working Group activities. Newcomers join at 6:30 for an orientation to our work.


Wednesday, June 14 • 7PM • Virtual

Transportation Working Group
Congestion Pricing for NYC is in the final stages. Today is the final day for public comments regarding the Environmental Assessment. Charles Komanoff, a transportation expert in NY, recommends the congestion pricing to resolve traffic issues in the central business district, and also reduction of pollution throughout the city. We’ll discuss this NYTimes article and other topics such as Public Charging stations, Anti-idling Bills relating to Clean Air, Electric School Bus Oversight, and Medium/Heavy Duty Trucks. Newcomers welcome!



Wednesday, June 14 • 6:30PM •  In-person @ NY Society for Ethical Culture, 2 W. 64th St

NY Society for Ethical Culture: Connecting Around Climate Games 
Take advantage of this opportunity to connect with other New Yorkers interested in learning about NYC energy transition possibilities while building community and having fun together.  We can teach every school kid around the US (and then around the world) how to fix climate change with accurate, updatable info, scaling from a 3 hr game to a semester lesson plan, matched to the region in which they live. How do we do this? With games like Energetic, Climate Freak and DayBreak.  Register 


Thursday, June 15 • 6:30PM • Virtual

WasteNøt Working Group
The dinner celebrating WasteNøt’s one year anniversary has been postponed until later in the summer. This week’s meeting via Zoom will cover updates on the NY City Council’s “Choose to Reuse” bill and our Bottle Refill Station in Parks initiative, an overview of the just passed City Council Zero Waste Act, which includes a law mandating city-wide curbside organics collection, and a discussion of possible next steps in the campaign to pass the Packaging Reduction and Recycling Act and the “Bigger, Better” Bottle bill.  New members welcome!


Wednesday, June 7 • 4PM • In-person @ Gibson Dunn offices / Metlife Building, Vanderbilt Ave. b/w 44th & 45th Streets 

, Third Act NYC, DivestNY, Fridays for Future, Kids Fight Climate Change, GreenFaith and others: Press Conference and Rally—Pension funds sued BECAUSE they divested? Shame on you!

A shady, Koch Brothers-adjacent, dark-money, union-busting group called “Americans for Fair Treatment” is suing three NYC pension funds to reverse their historic divestment from fossil fuels and their law firm, Gibson Dunn & Crutcher, is here in NYC. Let’s shame these lawyers and draw public attention to this cynically irresponsible and entirely political lawsuit. At this rally you’ll hear from pension beneficiaries, lawyers, and youth about just how wrong (and dangerous) this lawsuit is. And if you’re a member of the NYCERS, BERS, or TRS pension plan, we especially need you!  Register 


Wednesday, June 7 • 7PM • Virtual

Buildings and Energy Working Group 

We will discuss the recent Local Law 97 Activists Briefing Meeting organized by NY Communities for Change and allies, which addressed the importance of tracking rulemaking for LL97 that will be finalized in the next few months and how activists can help keep the intent of law intact. Organizations representing condo and co-op owners have held opposition meetings and there have been many negative stories in local media. Please call your council member and urge them to stay strong in the face of the well organized efforts of the Real estate Lobby to weaken the bill. Here is a sample script to call and email your Councilmember.



Wednesday, May 24 • 7PM • In-person @ New York Society for Ethical Culture, 2 W. 64th 

General Meeting 
Join us for pizza and chat from 6:30-7 pm and then Emma Matarasso, a member of our Steering Committee, will speak about her journey from activist to student at the prestigious Imperial College In London where she got a masters in Climate Change, Management and Finance and now is a net zero consultant for a large management company in NYC. Emma has a BA from Brown University in environmental studies and since 2019 has been working on volunteer efforts, the media task force, and the 350nyc Instagram. She is also a member of Al Gore’s Climate Reality Project. Professionally, Emma worked in energy and sustainability within the real estate industry before getting a masters in Climate Change, Management and Finance at Imperial College London Business School.

Register to let us know you can join us!

Saturday, May 20 • 12-3PM • In-person @ 31th-35th Streets in Astoria

 Queens Climate Project: Environmental Justice Street Fair
Come learn about environmental justice campaigns and organizations, composting, and the state of the climate crisis. For any questions call 718-457-0384.


Tuesday, May 16 • 10AM • In-person @ Chase HQs, meet at the corner of 46th and Park 

 Petition Delivery at Chase Headquarters 
Join Third Act NYC, Friends of the Earth, GreenFaith, Dayenu, XR Mindful Rebels, and Stop the Money Pipeline to deliver a petition calling on Chase to divest from fossil fuels during their Annual Shareholders Meeting.
Bring: Yourself, a sign (or not) a song, a spiritual sense of purpose
Expect: A short, sweet ceremony for the Earth and for sanity
Contact: Jim Gordon for more information (jim@greenfaith.org)


Thursday, May 13 • 7:30PM • In-person @ Metro Baptist Church, 410 West 40th Street 

 Inspire Choir: Can’t You Hear Us?! Reenergizing the fight for climate justice through song and poetry
Reconnect to the earth and to the climate crisis affecting our planet. On May 13th, the Inspire Choir will present a program of contemporary and classic choral works, and the premiere of a newly commissioned composition by Ari Messenger, featuring the poetry of Aryaana Khan. This concert is presented in partnership with 350NYC and in collaboration with dynamic voices of Urban Word youth poets. Contact 350NYC right away for complementary tickets or click to purchase them.


Thursday, May 11 • 6:30PM • Virtual  

WasteNØt Working Group

This week’s meeting will include a report on the May 2nd New York is Not Disposable Advocacy Day in Albany, updates on our Bottle Refill Station in Parks initiative and the N.Y. City Council’s “Choose to Reuse” bill. We’ll also discuss tabling materials and activities for the May 20th Environmental Justice and Street Fair (see below). New members are always welcome!



Wednesday, May 10 • 7PM • Virtual   

 Transportation Working Group

This week we’ll celebrate the passage of a bill by the City Council that tightens up idling restrictions in school areas and near parks and also the approval of NYC’s congestion pricing plan by the Biden Administration. We’ll discussion other bills as well and the status of plans for public electric vehicle charging stations. New members welcome!


Wednesday, May 10 • 1PM • In-person  

 Municipal Materials Recycling and Recovery Center Tour
Curious about what happens to all those bottles and containers deposited in the recycling bins?  Join us for this tour of the SIMS/SMR Materials Recovery Center. The SIMS/SMR Center, the largest facility of its kind in the country, sorts 1,000 tons of metal, glass, and plastic recycling and bundles it for sale. The Center also has several sustainability features, including NYC’s first commercially-scaled wind turbine, storm retention ponds, and a solar array.  The Center is located in Sunset Park, Brooklyn and is a fifteen minute walk from the nearest subway.  Please contact Jane Selden at wastenot.350NYC@aol.com if you’re interested in attending the tour.


Tuesday, May 9 • 7PM • Virtual    

Jewish Climate Action Network NYC: Ramping up Compliance with Local Law 97 Panel Discussion
Join this discussion to learn how your building can comply with the landmark NYC legislation that will take effect in 2024 and require energy efficiency improvements in many of the city’s residential buildings.  JCAN’s panel will include Kyra Armstrong, an attorney with NY Lawyers for the Public Interest, Gledis Korra, from the NYC Accelerator, and Margaret Perkins, with 350NYC.org, who will share her story of how she is actively engaging her own building in complying with the law.   Email info@jcan-nyc.org to join


Wednesday, May 3 • 7PM • Virtual

Buildings and Energy Working Group 
KNOW YOUR BUILDING’S CARBON EMISSIONS. For this meeting we are asking people to bring information on the greenhouse gas emissions and status of compliance of their building with Local Law 97 which limits emissions. If yours is under 25,000sf and not covered by the law, ask a relative or friend who lives in a large building (about 25 one bedroom apartments) for their address and check their emissions. You can do that here. We’ll also discuss this report on retrofitting choices. As the date for penalties approaches, rhetoric is heating up. Here’s from an announcement by a real estate group: “Let our elected officials in City Hall and City Council know that the possible economic devastation of Local Law 97 must be addressed immediately.” Come whether you’ve checked your building or not. Newcomers welcome!



Tuesday, May 2 • In-person • Albany  

 Beyond Plastics: New York is Not Disposable Rally and Advocacy Day 

On Tuesday, May 2, join us and our friends at Beyond Plastics, NYPIRG, and more than 40 New York organizations in Albany for a Rally & Advocacy Day to support passing the Packaging Reduction and Recycling Act and the Bigger Better Bottle Bill. We will meet at 10:30am at the Westminster Presbyterian Church (85 Chestnut Street), then walk together to the Capitol Building for a rally at 11:30, and will meet with legislators until 4pm. You must click the link to RSVP for us to add you to the legislator meetings!
Folks traveling from NYC and New Paltz can get free roundtrip transportation, but RSVP soon. The buses will leave from 34th St. and 8th Ave in Manhattan at 7:10am on May 2 and depart Albany at 4:30, returning to Manhattan around 7:30pm. The pickup location is next to 34th St – Penn Station.

Get info and RSVP 


Saturday April 29 • 11:30 In-person • Albany Capitol Center, 55 Eagle Street 

 Divest the New York State Teachers’ Pension Rally 
The New York State Teachers’ pension (NYSTRS) is funding climate destruction. In January, they presented a report on its “Climate Change Action Through Responsible Stewardship” but the plan does not begin to address the immediacy and scale of the current climate reality. Join us as we talk to teachers outside the annual New York State United Teachers meeting to ask them to demand that NYSTRS divest from fossil fuels.


Wednesday April 26 • 7PM • In-person @ The New York Society for Ethical Culture, 2 W. 64th Street 

 General Meeting 
Our guest speaker this month will be Andrea Reyes from the NYC Fair Trade Coalition and the Sustainable Fashion Community Center will talk about “Pushing the Sustainable Fashion Movement Forward: First to Second Wave.”  Reyes is a fair trade advocate, educator, and sustainable fashion matchmaker. She is the Chairwoman of the NYC Fair Trade Coalition, a network of small ethical business owners and advocates and runs the Sustainable Fashion Community Center in East Harlem which welcomes the public to swap, pop, and drop-in to check out their clothing swap and fair trade gift shop. If you’re new to 350NYC please join us at 6:30pm for a brief orientation to the group, learn about our working groups and some of the campaigns we are currently involved with.  We will have food and drinks so let us know if you can come! 



Tuesday-Wednesday April 25-26 • 7:30AM start • In-person @ 388 Greenwich Street

New York Communities for Change, XR NY, and Stop the Money Pipeline: The People vs. Citi Sit-In
Participate in the sit-in to force Citi to confront the issue at hand. You can come and go as you please, but the longer you stay, the greater the impact we will have..

Sign up 


Monday April 24 • 4:30PM • In-person @ 302 Greenwich Street

New York Communities for Change, XR NY, and Stop the Money Pipeline: The People vs. Citi Rally and Festival
As Citi continues to top the fossil fuel finance leaderboards – as the second biggest bank funder of coal, oil, and gas in the world, the top US funder of coal, and the top funder of fossil fuels in Africa and the Amazon – the people are mobilizing to demand better for our communities, for future generations, and for our planet. Join us on the eve of Citi’s annual shareholder meeting for a rally and festival that calls out one of the world’s dirtiest financiers for putting profits over our lives and futures! With live music, fun exhibits, and some good old-fashioned chanting too, we’re taking over Citi’s HQ to force Citi to pick a side: is it going to stand with fossil fuel destruction, or will it start standing with the people?



Thursday April 13 • 6:30PM  •  Virtual

 WasteNøt Working Group 

Our guest speaker will be Yayoi Koizumi, founder of Zero Waste Ithaca and organizer with BYO-US Reduces.  Yayoi is currently coordinating a BYO (Bring Your Own) campaign in New York City, which encourages cafes, restaurants, and bulk stores to allow customers to bring their own reusable containers. There will also be updates on our Bottle Refill Stations in Parks initiative, the rollout of the City’s voluntary curbside composting  program, and NY State’s Packaging Reduction and Recycling legislation.  New members are always welcome!



Wednesday April 12 • 7PM  •  Virtual

 Transportation Working Group

We’ll be discussing plans for Earth Week (ending 4/22) and the NEED for Volunteers!

• Electric School Buses – What’s Happening?
• Public Charging stations in NYC
• Anti-idling Bills relating to Clean Air



Wednesday April 5 • 7PM  •  Virtual

 Buildings and Energy Working Group 

This Wednesday we are fortunate to have Shravanthi Kanekal, Resiliency Planner, NYC Environmental Justice Alliance (NYC-EJA) join us to talk about the projects the Climate Works for All Coalition is involved with including Green Healthy Schools. Newcomers welcome!


Wednesday, March 22 • 7PM  •  In-person at the Society for Ethical Culture, 2 W. 64th St. 

 General Meeting / Special Event: Lynne Twist & The Committed Life 

We will not be holding a regular monthly meeting in March but instead are gathering in person for a special event that night to hear Lynne Twist talk about her new book “Living a Committed Life: Finding Freedom and Fulfillment in a Purpose Larger Than Yourself“. Please join us! Space is limited.

Register to join for free.


Tuesday, March 21 • 10:30AM •  In-person 

Third Act NYC, Stop the Money Pipeline, XR NYC, Greenfaith: Day of Action  

Tuesday we’ll tell Chase to stop using our money to finance climate-killing fossil fuel projects! We’ll begin at 10:30 am with a rally at Dag Hammarskjold Plaza, 2nd Ave. @ E. 47th. Rev. Billy Talen, longtime foe of the fossil-fuel financiers here in NYC and around the world, will be our master of ceremonies.Rev. Billy will introduce our exciting speakers: Ayisha Siddiqa, Climate Activist and one of Time Magazine’s Women of the Year; Becca Richie, Global Community Manager, Climate Clock; and Steve Fox, Strategic Organizer for Climate and Environmental Justice, Office of the NYC Comptroller. AND and we’ll have music by: the Church of Stop Shopping Choir, the XR-NYC Band, and members of Batalà New York. From the Plaza we’ll march a few blocks on 47th Street to tell Jamie Dimon, “it’s not us, it’s YOU!
Please note this is NOT an arrestable action.

Sign up

Wednesday, March 15 • 7:00PM  •  Virtual 

Media Task Force

Join our Media Task Force to hold reporters, producers, and media executives accountable for covering the climate crisis with accuracy and urgency. If you are interested in joining this group, please fill out the Action Intake Form. 


Thursday, March 9 • 6:30PM  •  Virtual 

 WasteNØt Working Group 

This week’s meeting will include a report on the City Council Sanitation Committee Hearing on implementation of the Commercial Waste Zone Law and Resolution 127 in support of the “Bigger, Better” Bottle Bill (S.237).  There will also be an overview of the March 2nd Packaging Reduction and Recycling Virtual Advocacy Day and a discussion of possible next steps to support the Bottle Bill and effective Extended Producer Responsibility legislation for packaging. New members are always welcome!



Wednesday, March 8 • 7PM 

Transportation Working Group 

This month’s meeting will include discussion of Electric School Buses, Public Charging Stations, and upcoming Earth Week actions.



Wednesday, March 1 • 7PM  •  Virtual

Buildings Working Group 

Join us for a discussion of facts and fictions surrounding all-electric new buildings. A great summary can be found in Rewiring America’s 10 Facts About All-Electric Buildings. We’ll also provide updates on the City Council’s buildings legislation. New participants are welcome!



Tuesday, February 14 • 8AM  •  In-person

Extinction Rebellion NYC: Valentine’s Day Action
Start the year with a bang! A crazily elaborate, totally legal, art-filled, musical demonstration at a major FoFF (Financier of Fossil Fuels) on Valentine’s Day. But it will only happen if you turn out for it. So join bright and early at Washington Market Park, 199 Chambers Street. Stay for as little or as long as you want. Just join to tell the money men: you can have our hearts if you stop killing us with new fossil fuel projects.



Tuesday, February 14 • Noon  •  In-person @ Chase Headquarters 383 Madison Avenue

Third Act NYC and Friends!: A Valentine for Jamie Dimonl
JPMorgan Chase is the worst of the worst when it comes to fossil-fuel financing. In just the seven years since the Paris Climate Agreement was signed, Chase has invested $382 billion in fossil-fuel exploration, extraction, and infrastructure. So on Valentine’s Day, Third Act NYC (and friends) will deliver a Valentine’s Day letter to Chase CEO Jamie Dimon, demanding an immediate end to all new fossil-fuel investing, and for Chase to redirect its investments to renewable sources of energy.  Gather at E47th and Lexington ahead of time or join at Chase Headquarters.



Thursday, February 9 • 6:30PM  • Virtual 

WasteNøt Working Group 

This week’s meeting will feature a conversation with Jenny Gitlitz, Beyond Plastics’ new Director of Solutions to Plastic Pollution. There will also be updates on the lobbying campaigns for the “Bigger, Better” Bottle Bill (S.237) and the Plastic Reduction and Recycling Act (S.1064), formerly referred to as the EPR/Extended Producer Responsibility Bill. We’ll also be discussing Mayor Adam’s new plan to expand the voluntary curbside composting program to all five boroughs. Finally, please take a moment to check out WasteNøt’s newly revised webpage.



Wednesday, January 25 • 7PM  •  Virtual

General Meeting

Our guest speaker will be Environmental Justice Leader Samara Swanston, who has been practicing Environmental Law for more than 25 years on the local, state and federal levels, representing New York City, New York State and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. She is currently Legislative Counsel to The Environmental Protection Committee of the New York City Council and an Adjunct Professor at the Pratt Institute Graduate School for Urban Planning and the Environment.



Wednesday, January 11 • 6:30PM  • Virtual 

 WasteNØt Working Group 

WasteNøt is cancelling its monthly meeting so that members can attend the Beyond Plastics Local Groups and Affiliates virtual retreat. This meeting will provide the foundation for the plastics issues and policies Beyond Plastics will be focused on in the coming year. The retreat begins at 7 p.m.  Please register in advance. The guest speaker for our February meeting will Jenny Gitlitz, the new Director of Solutions to Plastic Pollution at Beyond Plastics.

Register for Retreat


Wednesday, January 4 • 7PM  • Virtual 

 Buildings and Transportation Working Group

This month we will follow-up on actions discussed by Jeanne Bergman of Sane Energy at our last meeting and identify what we can do to advocate for the NYS Build Public Renewable Act. We will also discuss being more pro-active in monitoring ConEd and National Grid as they impose huge utility hikes on NYC customers. On the Transportation side, we will talk about electric vehicle charging in NYC and also medium/heavy duty truck legislation before the City Council. We hope to see many new and returning 350nyc activists ready to push Transportation and Building issues forward!



Wednesday, December 21 • 7PM  •  END-OF-YEAR CELEBRATION

Due to concerns about the current COVID surge we’ve decided to move our end-of-year party onto zoom. Please pour a glass of your favorite celebratory drink and join us from 7-8:30PM here. We are going to toast the year’s positive climate news and share some video highlights of our work together in 2022.

We look forward to the start-up of all our Working Groups in January and will hold our next monthly meeting on January 25th.

Wishing you all happy holidays and a great new year!

Join us!


December 13-17 • in-person 

Mayday! EAARTH: Art Exhibit and Interview with Bill McKIbben and Dr. James Hansen
The Mayday! EAARTH exhibit will be open at Ceres Gallery, 547 W 276th Street, rm 201, curated by M. Annenberg. Thirteen artists declare a climate emergency. And on the 17th, M. Annenberg will interview Bill McKibben and Dr. James Hansen at the gallery from 3 -4 pm.


Wednesday, December 7 • 7PM  • Virtual 

 Buildings and Transportation Working Group 

For the last meeting of the year of this Working Group we would like everyone to come with some ideas of what their interests are for 2023, a crucial year for NYC and state climate legislation. Last week at the General Meeting we had an excellent overview of the Build Public Renewable Act by Jeanne Berman, which will be one of a few bills that have a good chance of passing in Albany. And there are others. We will also review our 2022 work on Electric School Buses and talk about issues around electric medium and heavy duty electric trucks, and the impact of federal, state, and city funding becoming available.



Wednesday, November 30 • 7PM

General Meeting 

Our speaker will be Jeanne Bergman, who will talk about the Build Public Renewables Act and Public Power NY. Jeanne Bergman (she/they) is Senior Advisor for Energy Policy at Sane Energy Project, a member of the Public Power NY Coalition. A environmental justice activist working on speeding New York State’s transition from fossil fuels to clean, renewable, affordable energy, Jeanne is especially interested in the intersection of energy issues with health and housing, and in the transformation of the centralized utility system of the early 20th Century to a distributed, democratically-controlled network.

First time attendees join at 6:30 and we’ll orient you to our work.


Register to attend by zoom 


Wednesday, November 9 • 6:30PM  • Virtual   

 WasteNØt Working Group  

The new meeting time for this Working Group will be 6:30PM! Our guest speaker this month will be Dr. Judith Weis who will talk about microplastics. Where do they come from? Where are they? What do they do to aquatic animals and to us? What, if anything, can we do about them? Dr. Weis, is a member of 350NYC and WasteNøt, and a Professor Emerita (retired, but still active) at Rutgers University. She is a marine biologist who has studied estuaries and their inhabitants for decades. Her newest book focuses on microplastics. Newcomers are welcome!


Wednesday November 2 • 7PM • Virtual

Buildings and Transportation Working Group
A number of our members have agreed to testify to the NYC Council on November 14th about the Implementation of Local Law 97, which will require buildings to take action to limit emissions. In this meeting we will discuss which issues people can cover in their testimony. If you want to testify, it’s not too late. Also Jacki Crawley will discuss the letter about EV Charging Stations going to the NYC Council. We’ll update people on other issues as well. Newcomers welcome!  Register

We will be Taking the Fight to the Filthy Rich on Saturday, October 29th. 
Join 350 NYC, Fridays for Future NYC, New York Communities for Change, Sunrise NYC and others to commemorate the 10th anniversary of Hurricane Sandy with a major protest on Park Avenue to demand that Governor Hochul tax the rich and fund a Green New Deal for our state. On Saturday, the anniversary of Sandy’s landfall, we will march past the homes of Park Avenue billionaires and then we will travel to hold a protest in a low-income community of color in the Rockaways, whose residents were left behind by promises of help following the storm that were never fulfilled. The day is going to be dramatic and moving, so sign up now.
Sign up 


Wednesday, October 26 • 7PM • Virtual and In-person

General Meeting
We will continue to hold our General Meetings both digitally and in-person at the New York Ethical Culture Society, 2 W 64th Street. This month Claire Arkin, Global Communications Lead at Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives (GAIA), will discuss the findings of GAIA’s recently released report, “Zero Waste to Zero Emissions: How Reducing Waste is a Climate Game Changer.” First time attendees, join at 6:30 and we’ll orient you to our work.  Register

Wednesday, October 12 • 6PM  • Virtual 

 WasteNØt Working Group
This group focuses on issues related to plastic pollution, composting, and food waste. Our meeting will include a report on the group’s virtual lobby meeting with Senator Brad Hoylman’s Legislative Director about the Extended Responsibility and Bottle Bills. There will also be an overview of the report recently released by GAIA (Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives), “Zero Waste to Zero Emissions,” as well as updates on the City Council’s “Skip the Stuff,” Universal Composting, and other Zero Waste bills, and a discussion about our group’s participation in the Go Green in Queens public outreach event in Jackson Heights later this month. New members welcome.



Wednesday, October 5 • 7PM  • Virtual 

Buildings and Transportation Working Group

We will discuss the latest local actions on these issues. With recent changes in the political outlook for climate, now could also be a good time to discuss new community initiatives to solve the climate crisis. Bring your experiences and ideas.



Monday, October 3 • 1PM  • Virtual 

 Lobby State Senator Brad Hoylman
WasteNØt, 350NYC’s working group focusing on reducing plastic waste, is organizing virtual lobby meetings with state Senators to ask them to co-sponsor the groundbreaking Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) bill for packaging and the “Bigger, Better” Bottle Bill, which would expand the types of bottles eligible for return and raise the redemption fee from 5 cents to 10 cents.  We’ve scheduled a zoom lobbying meeting with the Senator’s Legislative Director and are seeking additional constituents to join.  We welcome both residents of his current District 27 and those in the newly formed District 47, where he is now the Democratic candidate for state Senate. RSVP at janselo2000@yahoo.com


Wednesday, October 1 • 11AM-2PM  • In-person at Travers Park, Jackson Heights

Queens Climate Project Composting Event
Queens Climate Project will be holding a big event to rollout the curbside composting that will be starting on October 3. Besides the composting roll out, there will be tables for people to browse information on how they can take action, different environmental groups they can join, music, and lots of activities and giveaways. Details are here.


Thursday, September 29 • 7PM  • Virtual 

 Stop the Money Pipeline: Join frontline leaders and demand Wall Street stop bankrolling sacrifice zones
The natural gas industry is ramping up, with their eye on constructing new plastics plants and liquefied natural gas export terminals. But communities are organizing to stop this build out. Join this webinar coming straight from the frontlines, which will feature Goldman Prize winner Sharon Lavigne of RISE St. James, who is leading the fight against the proposed Formosa Plastics petrochemical project. Joining Sharon will be other local leaders resisting the planned Dilles Bottom ethane cracker plant in Ohio, and the proposed New Fortress Energy fast LNG project in the Gulf of Mexico.


Wednesday, September 28, 7PM

General  Meeting

Join our first hybrid in-person and virtual General Meeting at the New York Ethical Culture Society, 2 W 64th Street. We will hold a debrief on Climate Week and will also have Eric Corriel as our guest speaker. Eric is a multidisciplinary artist living in New York City who takes the urban landscape as a medium in which to create site-specific installations. He also teaches Artist as Activist at the School of Visual Arts in New York City. First time attendees, join at 6:30 and we’ll orient you to our work.



Thursday, September 22 • 11:30AM  • In-person • 730 Third Avenue

 Divestment Rally at TIAA Headquarters
TIAA-Divest!, a member of the Divestment Movement’s coalition and Stop the Money Pipeline, is supporting the new Blame Wall Street Campaign. As Aditi Sen of Rainforest Action puts it: “Money is the oxygen on which the fires of global warming burn. Wall Street makes big climate promises, but they continue to support fossil fuel expansion…. If we can stop the flow of money, we can stop the flow of fossil fuels.”  Join this rally to demand TIAA divest from fossil fuels.


Thursday, September 22 • 9:45AM  • In-person • BlackRock HQ – 55 E 52nd St

 Amazon Watch, United Confederation of Taino People, and Partners: Rally to Demand BlackRock Stop Investing in Climate Chaos  
Please join us on the streets of New York City to demand BlackRock stop investing in fossil fuels and deforestation and adopt an Indigenous Rights Policy developed with Indigenous peoples to ensure the protection of global forests, water, communities and climate. During the rally speakers from the Amazon, New York, and other communities impacted by BlackRock’s investments will speak out to demand that BlackRock act on its climate commitments.


Kick off Climate Week with Up2Us2022

This is the 5th annual event produced by New York Society for Ethical Culture, 350NYC and others to coincide with the UN General Assembly on Monday, Sept. 19th. This event at 7PM at the New York Society for Ethical Culture will present climate strategies and solutions that underscore the speed and scale needed to continue to build the biggest movement and systems transformation in humanity’s history. You’ll be inspired by the iconic global solutionaries we curated for an evening of impact and action:

Dr. Jonathan Foley: Project Drawdown
Janine Benyus: Biomimicry
Kate Raworth: Doughnut Economics
Bill McKibben: Third Act, 350.org
JoJo Mehta: Stop Ecocide International
Julia Olson: Our Children’s Trust
Ginger Zee, Chief Meteorologist ABC News
Xiye Bastida: Youth Activist, Re-Earth Initiative
Alexandria Villasenor: Youth Activist, Earth Uprising
Julia Jackson: US Allies, Stop Ecocide, Grounded
Jamie Alexander: Drawdown Labs
Mark Hertsgaard: Covering Climate Now

You will also be moved by a special video message from actress, talk-show host and sustainability advocate Drew Barrymore and touched by a live performance from 15-year old America’s Got Talent runner-up and two time Golden Buzzer winner, singing phenom Angelica Hale. About the team of pro bono women producers, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Professor Carlos Nobre has said, “I want to thank the entire team from Up2Us2022 for the work you are doing to find solutions to cool the planet.”

Tickets and Registration

Wednesday, September 14 • 6PM • Virtual

WasteNØt Working Group
This group focuses on issues related to plastic pollution, composting, and food waste. Our meeting will include a report on the group’s virtual lobby meeting with Senator Robert Jackson’s Legislative Director about the Extended Producer Responsibility bill. There will also be updates on the City Council’s “Skip the Stuff,” Universal Composting and other Zero Waste bills and on the Department of Sanitation’s public outreach efforts to inform Queens residents about the new curbside organics collection program. The group also plans to begin organizing to spread the word to local businesses about Beyond Plastics’ new waste reduction manuals for restaurants and dry cleaners.


Wednesday, September 7 • 7:00PM • Virtual 

 Buildings and Transportation Working Group

Now that the Inflation Reduction Act has been signed, we will be working hard on getting Electric School Buses rolling in NYC. We will discuss that and also issues around the Congestion Pricing effort at the MTA. People will be encouraged to write (short) emails in support of that, as well as join a possible letter campaign to improve EV charging infrastructure in NYC.



Tuesday, August 30 • 6:00PM • Virtual 

Cecil Corbin-Mark Fellowship for Environmental Justice Leadership: Meet the New Fellows 
Thanks to generous contributions in memory of Cecil Corbin-Mark, WE ACT For Environmental Justice established the Cecil Corbin-Mark Fellowship for Environmental Justice Leadership in the Fall of 2020. Please join to meet the newly appointed fellows, Elizabeth Reyes and Caleb Smith! Register here to learn how the fellowship is honoring Cecil’s memory, how the fellows are currently gaining experience in community-based advocacy and environmental justice policy issues, and engage in a Q&A. Meet with the fellows and key leaders of this unique program:  Erich Pica, President of Friends of the Earth, Sonal Jessel, Director of Policy at WE ACT, and Peggy Shepard, Co-Founder and Executive Director of WE ACT.



Wednesday, August 24 • 7:00PM • Virtual 

General Meeting
At our General Meeting this month we will discuss the federal Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and what it does and fails to do for the climate. What should be our response to it going forward? Please register in advance. Newcomers join us at 6:30 and we’ll orient you to our work.



Thursday, August 18 • 9AM • In-person 

 Food and Water Watch: Schumer, Kill the Secret Pipeline Deal Rally
We know that the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) that just passed Congress is a mix of good and bad; the climate community is split on the ratio. However, there is also a “side deal” struck between Schumer and Manchin for a separate bill containing legislation that all of the climate and environmental justice community agrees is terrible: approval for Manchin’s favorite pipeline and fast-tracking of fossil fuel projects. These had to be separated from the main bill due to the constraints imposed by the reconciliation process for evading filibuster. We are hearing rumors that this bill may be tied together with other must-pass legislation. This stinks, and we must raise a stink about it! Join us for a rally at Senator Schumer’s office at 780 Third Ave in Manhattan.



Wednesday, August 13 • 6:00PM • Virtual 

 WasteNØt Working Group
This group is working on plastics pollution, composting and food waste in the city and state. Wednesday’s meeting will include a progress report on the City Council’s “Skip the Stuff,” Universal Residential Composting and other Zero Waste bills, as well as an update on our virtual lobbying initiative asking state Senators to support the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) bill. We will also be strategizing on ways to spread the word to local businesses about Beyond Plastics’ new waste reduction manuals for restaurants and dry cleaners. Finally, we will be critiquing an 8-minute PBS News segment on plastic waste that we would like attendees to watch in advance the meeting.


Thursday, August 4 • Noon  • Virtual 

Clean Creatives and Bill McKibben: How to Persuade Your Agency to Drop Fossil Fuel Clients 
Join the launch for the Clean Creatives Toolkit for Agency Activists, written by people who have already made a change from within their agencies, and that shares lessons and secrets that can make the difference between success and falling short. Clean Creatives is also excited to welcome the activist and author Bill McKibben to talk about the power of organizing with co-workers.


Tuesday, August 2 • 5PM •  In-person at Battery Square Park 

Rally to demand that President Biden declare a national climate emergency 
While key Senate Democrats have compromised on a climate deal – one which alarmingly includes massive handouts to Big Oil – Biden still can and must do more to tackle the climate crisis using executive action. That’s why activists around the country are declaring a national day of action with the message: “Biden: declare a climate emergency”. Join Food & Water Watch, New York Communities for Change, IndivisibleNationBK, Sunrise Families NYC, and others for an urgent action to demand that President Biden use his executive authority to help end the era of fossil fuels.



Picnic and General Meeting

Wednesday July 27 • 5:30PM-7:30PM •  In-person  

Join us in Central Park. We’ll enjoy seeing each other in person and update everyone on our campaigns. We will also be saying goodbye to our beloved Ro SantiEsteban, who has been creating art and props for our actions for many years and is now moving abroad. Thank you so much, Ro!  Bring family, food, and friends. We’ll provide dessert. New attendees are welcome. Rain day will be Thursday July 28. Here’s the spot:

Friday July 22 • 11:30AM-12:15 PM • In-person
The Climate Clock is about to change from 7 to 6 years left to achieve zero emissions and avoid the worst effects of climate change. Join us at the live clock in Union Square for the first official “Climate Emergency Day.” People across the world will be gathering to observe a moment of silence. We’ve received a lot of bad news lately and sometimes it helps to acknowledge our grief together. Afterward we’ll have the opportunity to make a commitment via #MyClimateResolution to take bolder action in the next year.


Wednesday July 6 • 7:00PM •  Virtual  

Buildings and Transportation Working Group
We will brief everyone on several important local actions in the last few weeks. Also the state Department of Environmental Conservation has finally released the ambitious phase-down schedule of climate-disruptive refrigerants based on the Scoping Plan of the NYS Climate Action Council. We will discuss all this and also continue our action letters/calls regarding the US Postal Service vehicles. Some news to report on advancing clean buses and trucks, too.   Register


Wednesday July 13 • 6:00PM •  Virtual

 WasteNØt Working Group
This group is working on plastics pollution, composting and food waste in the city and state. It is also an affiliate of Beyond Plastics. New members are welcome. Register

Unfortunately, it seems that the weather hasn’t cooperated with our plans for a picnic.  Instead, join us tonight on Zoom for our June General Meeting at 7pm.  Register in advance. 

Wednesday June 22 • 7pm

General Meeting on Zoom tonight at 7pm – Picnic Postponed until July 27th due to rain.  

Register in advance for tonight’s Zoom. 


June 15 • 7PM • Virtual 

 Media Task Force 
Join our Media Task Force to hold reporters, producers, and media executives accountable for covering the climate crisis with accuracy and urgency. We’re building a movement to push ABC, NBC, and others to do their jobs and do better! If you are interested in joining this group, fill out our Action Intake Form.

Fill out Action Intake Form 


Sunday, June 12th • 11:30AM  • Virtual and In-person 

Bill McKibben: The Crucial Decades 
Author and environmentalist Bill McKibben will talk about his latest project,Third Act, which organizes people over the age of 60 to work on climate and racial justice. McKibben founded the first global grassroots climate campaign, 350.org. He is a contributing writer to The New Yorker and has written over a dozen books about the environment, including the forthcoming The Flag, the Cross, and the Station Wagon: A Graying American Looks Back at his Suburban Boyhood and Wonders What the Hell Happened. This event will also feature the Walkabout Clearwater Chorus! The talk will take place at The Ethical Culture Society, 2 W 64th St, New York, NY.

Watch online

Join in-person


Wednesday June 8, • 6PM

WasteNØt Working Group
This group is working on plastics pollution, composting and food waste in the city and state. It is also an affiliate of Beyond Plastics. This month we’ve invited Bridget Anderson, Deputy Commissioner of Recycling and Sustainability at the NYC Department of Sanitation to discuss enforcement of the Skip the Straw bill and other waste issues. We’ll also be updating the group on current city and state composting and plastics legislation. New members are welcome.


Wednesday June 1 • 7PM • Virtual

Buildings & Transportation Working Group 

During this week’s meeting Candee Cane and Jane Sheldon, residents of Stuyvesant Town, will give us an account of their victory over ConEd, which stopped the building of a fossil fuel Cogen System on the grounds. We’ll also discuss specific actions we can all take 1) in support of the NY state grant for the purchase of up to 30 Electric School Buses and 2) in opposition to the US Postal Service plan to buy 150,000 new vehicles – pretty much ALL of which will have combustion engines.

Register in advance


Wednesday May 25 • 7PM •  Virtual 

General Meeting 

We had hoped to have our first hybrid in-person and zoom General Meeting in May, but are sticking with virtual due to rising cases of covid in the city. Our guests speakers will be allies from Rise and Resist NYC, who will share stories about their latest and upcoming campaigns. Come hear updates from our working groups and from our awesome intern Amelie Srinivas who will fill us in on all the work she’s done with 350NYC this semester.


Wednesday May 25 • 7:45AM •  In-person

 Rally to Demand BlackRock End Fossil Fuel Investments!  
We’re having another action at BlackRock during their Annual General Meeting to demand they stop funding fossil fuel expansion. Join us outside their world HQ at 45 E 51st St. to demand they stop investing in new fossil fuel projects. This is a crucial time to pressure the company and shine a light on its hypocrisy, deception, and oil-soaked profits. Faith leaders from across the city will open the rally with prayer and a moral call to transition away from fossil fuels. This demonstration is sponsored by New York Communities for Change, Sunrise Kids NYC, Dayenu, GreenFaith and XRNYC and is connected to the BlackRock’s Big Problem campaign. Bring your voice, signs, passion, rage, song, friends. Sign up


Wednesday May 18 • 7PM •  Virtual

 Media Task Force 
Join our Media Task Force to learn how we are working to hold journalists accountable for covering the climate crisis for the crisis it is and also about our new campaign to target advertising and public relations firms that provide greenwash to companies destroying the environment.  If you are interested in joining this group fill out our Action Intake Form.

Wednesday, May 11  • 6PM • Virtual 

WasteNØt Working Group

350NYC’s new Working Group, WasteNØt, will meet for the first time this Wednesday.  Previously a special interest group working on plastics and compost within the Local Solutions group, WasteNØt will now meet separately and as an affiliate of Beyond Plastics.

Jane Selden and Eileen Leonard will be co-leading this new group and welcome anyone interested in plastic pollution, composting, and food waste. We’ll be discussing ways to enhance compliance with the plastic bag ban and Skip the Straw bill, including public outreach campaigns and steps we can take to support the new mandatory city-wide composting bill. Also, one of our members, Monica Barach, will be reporting on a recent visit to Alameda, a city in the Bay Area that has passed a law prohibiting food establishments from using plastic containers and undertaken other initiatives to reduce the proliferation of single use plastic.


Wednesday, May 4  • 7PM • Virtual 

Buildings and Transportation Working Group

This month we are reorganizing our Working Groups! From now on we will hold a joint meeting of the Local Issues and Transportation groups on the first Wednesday of each month at 7PM. The new Working Group will be called Buildings and Transportation. The buildings part will cover “all things buildings” including refrigerants and electrification. This Wednesday Brian Schneider will talk about activities of the Car Free Earth Day held in Queens last week, which was hosted by 350NYC, 350 Brooklyn, and Empire Clean Cities. We will also give an update on the preliminary findings of our group’s testing for climate-damaging HFC (hydroflourocarbon) gas leaks in NYC supermarkets. All 350nyc members are welcome.

Register for Buildings and Transportation Meeting


Wednesday, April 27 • 7PM • Virtual 

General Meeting
Bob Kolodny and Phil Lindsay, coordinators of Extinction Rebellion’s Citizens’ Assemblies (CA) Working Group, will join us to to talk about how the Assemblies are being held all over the world as ways to address the Climate and Ecological Crisis and to re-democratize the political process. A CA on Climate and Ecological Justice for NYC is a key demand of Extinction Rebellion. Join us to learn more about this and to get an update on 350NYC current campaigns.  First time attendees join at 6:30 and we’ll orient you to our work.


Saturday April 23 • 10-6PM • in-person 

 Car Free Earth Day 
Celebrate Car Free Earth Day with us on Saturday, April 23 from 11 AM to 5PM. 350NYC, 350BK and Empire Clean Cities (ECC) will have fun activities for all ages, as well as information about vehicle emissions, alternative fuel and electric vehicles, and anti-idling actions. There will be music, art and a real electric school bus! This is part of the Department of Transportation’s annual event, which takes place in all five boroughs. We will be located at 34th Avenue in Queens, on the whole block between 86th and 87th Street. Look for the Electric School Bus and the 350NYC, ECC signs. We also need volunteers to help for 2 hour slots. Email Leslie stevensbrnj@me.com if you are interested. More info


EARTH DAY Friday April 22 • noon • in-person — Albany

 Climate Can’t Wait: Albany 
Join 350NYC and the Climate Can’t Wait coalition in Albany on Friday April 22nd to tell the Governor and the legislature we need climate legislation now. We’ve seen how little our state government has done these past couple of years about the climate crisis. We’ve been lobbying, we’ve been calling, we’ve been tweeting. Now Climate Can’t Wait has big plans–a six day bike trek leading up a march in Albany on Earth Day. If you can’t bike, no worries. There will be buses to Albany for the rally as well. Sign up 


Wednesday,  April 20 • 7PM • Virtual 

Media Task Force 

Join this working group meeting for a de-brief on the “Media Do Your Jobs” Rally last week and a current rundown on our campaigns. If you’d like to join this group fill out our Action Intake Form.


Friday, April 15 • 12:30  • In-person

 Media, Do Your Jobs: Tell the Truth March
In 2021, climate was just 1% of overall coverage on corporate broadcast morning, nightly and Sunday morning news shows. Join us to demand that ABC and NBC immediately start prioritizing this emergency, which represents the biggest story of our times! This march is co-sponsored by 350 Brooklyn, 350 NYC, Extinction Rebellion NYC, Fridays for Future NYC, New York Communities for Change, Rise & Resist, and Sunrise Columbia. Here’s the schedule:
12:30: Assemble at Rockefeller Center to rally at NBC headquarters across the street at 30 Rockefeller Plaza
1:00: March to ABC News HQ
1:30: Rally at ABC News HQ at 47 W 66th Street



Wednesday , April 13 • 7PM • Virtual 

 Transportation Working Group 

We will talk about our campaign for electric school buses, the Car Free Earth Day event, a USPS letter action, and ongoing volunteer opportunities during Earth Month.



Tuesday, April 12 • 6PM • In-person

 Hydroflourocarbon (HFC) Metering Action Training Meeting 
350NYC will host a training session on how to do meter surveillance of HFC leaks in supermarkets at The Ethical Culture Society at 4 West 64th St.


Wednesday , April 6 • 7PM • Virtual

Local Solutions Working Group

Jane Selden will give an overview of Governor Hochul’s Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) proposal on plastic packaging and the much stronger EPR bill being proposed by Assemblyman Steven Englebright. EPR is a policy that requires companies to be responsible for the entire lifecycle of their products, including disposal. We will also discuss the arrangements for the Hydrofluorocarbon Activism (HFC) group which will be involved in a meter surveillance of HFC leaks in supermarkets in April. Join us to get more details and sign up for the action. There will also be updates on divestment, transport and Earth Week activities.


Friday April 1 • Noon • Virtual and In-person

 TIAA-Divest! “Don’t Be (Fossil) Fooled by TIAA” National Day of Action
Join tens of thousands of TIAA (The Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association of America-College Retirement Equities Fund) participants across the country to demand that TIAA stop financing the climate crisis and put an end to deforestation-driving agribusiness investments. We’ll deliver our demands and over 23,000 petition signatures to TIAA Headquarters in midtown Manhattan at 730 Third Avenue in a key moment of escalation for this campaign!   Join


Tuesday, March 29 • 11am • In-person 

 Make Some Noise Rally 
Electrify NY and other non-profits including 350NYC are planning one last rally to push Governor Hochul and the legislature to put real money in the state budget for Electric School Bus initiatives. Governor Hochul had a budget windfall this year in addition to getting federal Infrastructure funding.  Join us outside of her office at 41st and 3rd Ave in Manhattan. Let’s push the governor to put her money where her mouth is and to Fund Electric School Buses as promised!


Wednesday March 23 • 7PM • Virtual

New York Renews: The People’s Climate Action Council
After more than a year of work and advocacy, the Climate Action Council has released a draft plan intended to guide New York State’s transition.  Join The People’s Climate Action Council: Guide to Shaping New York’s Climate Future workshop and learn how weigh in on—and improve—the state’s proposed plan. This session will introduce you to the commenting process and provide you with the tools you need to call for climate justice. Register


 Wednesday March 23 • 7PM • Virtual 
General Meeting

Our guest speakers, Yi Mun and Veekas Ashoka, will talk about actions leading up to Earth Week.

Yi Mun, the coordinator of Extinction Rebellion New York City’s Media & Messaging Working Group will speak about the “Media, Do Your Jobs: Tell the Truth March” on Friday, April 15, as well as other actions planned for the 11-day Spring Rebellion (April 13-23), some of which are being organized by 350NYC.

Veekas Ashoka, an activist with the Sunrise Movement and the co-leader of its New York City hub, will talk about the Climate Can’t Wait coalition, and its plans to hold a massive rally in Albany on Earth Day (Friday, April 22), as well as efforts by the coalition to get 12 different pieces of climate legislation passed by the state legislature.

350NYC Working Groups will also provide updates on our campaigns. First time attendees, join at 6:30 and we’ll orient you to our work.



Tuesday March 22 • 7PM • Virtual

 Emergency Zoom on Extended Producer Responsibility
New York State needs to get Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) right, rather than adopting the Governor’s well-intentioned but flawed proposal. Under EPR producers are given a significant responsibility for the treatment or disposal of post-consumer products. We need to pass a strong, effective EPR program during the final weeks of the legislative session after the budget is adopted on April 1st. Please join this emergency organizing meeting with special guest speaker, Assemblymember Steve Englebright, Chair of the NYS Assembly Committee on Environmental Conservation. Register

Wednesday March 9 • 7PM •  Virtual

Transportation Working Group 
Together we’ll continue our discussion of 2022 actions. First time attendees, join at 6:45 and we’ll orient you to our work.  Register


Wednesday March 9 • 10AM-5PM •  Virtual

 Divest NYS Teachers Pension Fund Lobby Day
All hands on deck for this Virtual Lobby Day! Our lead sponsors of the Teachers’ Fossil Fuel Divestment Act, S4783A/A6331A, Senator Jabari Brisport and Assemblymember Anna Kelles, will kick off the day at 10:00am and we will be meeting with legislators the rest of the day. Please join for part or all of this very important day. After you sign up, we will form teams and a captain will reach out to you with the schedule for the day. We will have a virtual training session to prepare for the Lobby Day where we will go over talking points about the bill. Register


Tuesday March 8 • 10AM-2PM •  In-person 

 New York Renews: Major Albany Action
This will be a day to remember. New Yorkers from across the state will flood the streets of Albany to demand $15 billion for climate, jobs, and justice. This is the capstone action in the NY Renews budget campaign, and it could be the one that pushes us over the top. But to get the $15 billion our state needs, we need you. Are you ready to join us in Albany? We’ll be coordinating buses, vans, and carpools from major areas across the state. You can select your transportation needs in our RSVP form. We will be requiring vaccination and masks for all transportation and at the event. Sign up and get details.

Thursday March 3 • 11AM • In-person

Local Law 97 Rally
Join 350NYC and our partners in this rally in support of Local Law 97 (The Dirty Buildings Bill) and against the powerful real estate lobby threatening the bill’s implementation. We can’t let that happen! We will be at the Northwest corner of 42nd Street and Sixth Avenue in front of the super-polluting building, One Bryant Park. And if you haven’t, we’d love for you to sign a community letter (Defending LL97 Community Letter) to Mayor Adams. Click on this link and it’ll bring you to the letter.  RSVP


Wednesday, March  2 •  Virtual

6:30PM HCF Refrigerants Working Group and 7PM Local Solutions Working Group

This week the Local Solutions Working Group will meet at 7pm and the HFC Activism Group will meet at 6.30pm. The zoom link is the same for both meetings. On the agenda will be more discussions on actions 350NYC will organize for the week of April 18th -23rd. Mary McKenna will talk further about the composting situation in NYC and the NYC hearing on Thursday March 3rd. We will also give further updates on our Chase Bank and Stop the Money Pipeline campaign.

Register in advance. 


Tuesday March 1 • Noon •  Virtual

 40 Trillion Fossil Fuel Divestment Party
We’re winning! Thanks to the tireless organizing of millions, over 1500 institutions globally, representing over $40 trillion (with a T!) in assets, have committed to some level of fossil fuel divestment! That is a lot of money! It’s equivalent to offering every single person in the world a COVID-19 vaccination, 800 times over. It’s proof that going after the money is a winning strategy. So we’re giving this moment the celebration it deserves! We’re throwing a party with speakers like Bill McKibben, Omar Elmawi, Reverend Lennox and more! Register


Wednesday, February 23 •  Virtual

7PM General Meeting 

Come to our General Meeting with your most radical ideas. We will be planning the 350NYC contingent’s actions for the large, disruptive, and impactful mobilizations that climate groups are planning leading up to Earth Day (April 22). 350NYC Steering Committee member Eric Arnum will bring us up to date on Extinction Rebellion plans and how our action can fit into a Spring of powerful events.

Register in advance.  First time attendees, join at 6:30 and we’ll orient you to our work.

Wednesday, February 16 •  Virtual

7PM Media Task Force 

Join our Media Task Force to learn how we are working to hold journalists accountable for covering the climate crisis for the crisis it is and also about our new campaign to target advertising and public relations firms that provide greenwash to companies destroying the environment.  If you are interested in joining this group fill out our Action Intake Form.


Valentine for Chase CEO Jamie Dimon  • Ongoing •  Virtual 

See our hilarious Valentine’s Day video calling on Chase Bank to stop financing the fossil fuel industry and join our campaign to Stop the Money Pipeline.


Thursday February 10 • 7PM •  Virtual

Renewable Heat Now Power Hour!
Join the Renewable Heat Now monthly strategy meeting, now known as the Renewable Heat Now Power Hour! Take part in the discussion of how to get the Renewable Heat Now legislative agenda in the One House Budgets, hear report-backs and success stories from regional lobby teams, learn more about the recently introduced Gas Transition and Affordable Energy Act, and more! If you’re new to the campaign, this is also a great opportunity to get plugged into our exciting work to get fossil fuels out of our buildings once and for all!  Register


Tuesday February 8 • 7PM •  Virtual

 Stop the Money Pipeline Training
The Stop the Money Pipeline coalition is hosting a four-part public education and training series on how we can build power to demand that federal regulators end Wall Street’s financing of environmental racism and climate disaster. We have an amazing line-up of speakers including Sharon Lavigne, Founder of RISE St. James and 2021 Goldman Prize Recipient North America; Lisa Anne Hamilton, Climate Law and Policy Expert and former Adaptation Program Director for the Georgetown Climate Center; and Tracey Lewis, Policy Counsel at Public Citizen (moderator). Live Spanish & ASL interpretation will be available.  Register


Wednesday, February 9 •  Virtual

7PM Transportation Working Group

Together we’ll continue our discussion of 2022 actions. First time attendees, join at 6:45 and we’ll orient you to our work.  Register in advance.  First time attendees, join at 6:30 and we’ll orient you to our work.


Wednesday, February 2 •  Virtual

7PM Local Issues Working Group

Christina Starr, Senior Climate Policy Analyst at the Environmental Investigative Agency will be our guest speaker. Christina has been a specialist in refrigerants since 2014. She regularly participates in high level discussions on refrigerants policies, such as in the ongoing Montreal Protocol conferences, with the California Air Resources Board, and with other member states of the United States Climate Alliance. Currently we estimate that only about 10-15% of HFC gases in disposed appliances are collected according to climate safe regulations.

In addition, Jane Selden will talk about the new Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) model legislation, developed by Judith Enck of Beyond Plastics, in conjunction with EPR experts from across the country. Such legislation would promote reduction, reuse, recovery, and recycling of covered materials and products through investments in the end-of-product-life management of products.

Register here. First time attendees, join at 6:30 and we’ll orient you to our work.


Wednesday, January 26 •  Virtual

7PM General Meeting

Our guest this month will be Mark Dunlea, chair of the Green Education and Legal Fund and coordinator of PAUSE, the 350 affiliate in Albany NY. He will talk to us about the draft plan for achieving a carbon zero economy just released by the state’s Climate Action Council. What’s in the plan and what do we have to do to make it a reality? Register in advance here.
First time attendees join at 6:30 and we’ll orient you to our work. 


Tuesday, January 25 •  Virtual and In-person


Despite a supermajority in our State legislature, no climate legislation was passed in Albany last year.  We cannot allow this to happen again in 2022. 350NYC and climate groups across the state are coming together to take action with one goal in mind— pass climate bills this session! There’s something for everyone to do.

JOIN 350NYC and others in all or any of these important actions:

RENEWABLE HEAT NOW is organizing regional teams to virtually talk to legislators and push a package of 5 climate bills to passage in 2022. SIGN UP HERE to work with others in your region who want to get fossil fuels out of buildings, and more.

CLIMATE CAN’T WAIT is advocating for the passage of an additional package of important climate bills through a number of In-person and virtual Actions. RSVP HERE for any of the actions below.

In-person Press Conference in Albany
Jan 25th 12pm
State St Entrance to Capitol Building
Masks required

In person NYC Rally – Outside Governor Hochul’s Office 
Jan 25th 3:30pm
633 3rd Ave, New York NY 10017
Masks required

In person Yonkers Rally to Pressure Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins 
Jan 25th 3:30pm
Van Der Donck Park, 41 Dock Street Yonkers NY 10701
Across from the Yonkers Public Library and Metro North Station
Masks required

Virtual Phone Call Party 
January 25th 12pm or 6pm
Zoom info will be emailed to those who RSVP before the event.

Or if you’d prefer to make your own calls on your own time, you can either RSVP to do so or just go ahead and call:

Governor Kathy Hochul

Assembly Member Carl Heastie
District Office Telephone: 1-718-654-6539

State Senator Andrea Stewart Cousins
District Office Telephone: 1-914-423-4031


Wednesday, January 19 •  Virtual

7PM Media Task Force 

Join our Media Task Force to learn how we are working to hold journalists accountable for covering the climate crisis for the crisis it is and also about our new campaign to target advertising and public relations firms that provide greenwash to companies destroying the environment.  Join by zoom First time attendees, join at 6:45 and we’ll orient you to our work. 


Wednesday, January 12 •  Virtual

7PM Transportation Working Group

Together we’ll set our priorities for 2022 action. First time attendees, join at 6:30 and we’ll orient you to our work.

Register in advance for this meeting.


Wednesday, January 5 •  Virtual

7PM Local Solutions Working Group

2022 will be a very busy year for climate, especially at the New York State and National level. To start the legislative lobbying planned for this Spring in Albany we will discuss 12 climate bills selected by the coalition, Climate Cant Wait 2022, which 350NYC is a part of,  to campaign for passage.

Register in advance for this meeting..


Monday December 13 •7PM •  Virtual

 Action Network: ABC News and Climate Emergency: A Public Forum

For years, the country’s most-watched TV news outlet stayed mostly silent on climate change. So it was promising to hear that ABC News recently created a dedicated climate unit and committed to tell a variety of climate stories this November as COP26 got underway. Has it been enough to undo the ignorance and confusion caused by its past silence? Join our virtual public forum for a discussion on ABC News’ climate coverage. We will dive into what is needed from journalists and media organizations at the 11th hour of this climate emergency with our featured panelists:

David Fenton, founder of Fenton: The Social Change Agency (one of the country’s leading progressive communications firms)
Hanna E. Morris, PhD, researcher of media, culture, and the climate crisis and current postdoctoral fellow at the Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania
Ben Franta, PhD, JD, researcher of climate accountability and current PhD student at Stanford
We have also invited executives and producers from ABC News and Disney (ABC News’ parent company) to our speaker line-up. We hope that they can join us.

This event is sponsored by New York Communities for Change, 350 NYC, and Fridays for Future NYC.

Wednesday, December 11 • 9AM •  Virtual

 Boom to Zoom: Intergenerational Dialogue on Climate Change
This forum seeks to bring together stakeholders, established or aspiring climate activists, and professionals in the environmental field across generations for an action-oriented discussion on intergenerational climate justice. Additionally, the forum will provide youth-led initiatives the opportunity to receive funding for their grassroots projects.

Speakers include:
César Rodríguez Garavito, Professor of Clinical Law, Chair and Faculty Director of the Center for Human Rights and Global Justice at NYU School of Law, Director of the NYU Climate Law Accelerator
Jerome Foster II, Climate Activist, White House Environmental Justice Advisor, Founder of OneMillionOfUs, Climate reporter
Dr. Caroline Hickman, Climate Psychologist, Eco-Anxiety Lecturer at the Department of Social & Policy Sciences, University of Bath
Emma Buretta, Climate Activist, Youth Organizer, Fridays for Future NYC, Story-telling intern at Columbia Teacher’s College Youth At the Center

ALL proceeds from this forum will be converted to a microgrant in an effort to stimulate grassroots and youth-inclusive climate action. If participants are unable to contribute ticket amount, they may contact the organizers to petition for reduced or free admission at b2zclimate@gmail.com.  See more info here

Organized by: Ariana Lippi, Rosie Chawla, & Emma Buretta

Sponsored by: UNESCO Center for PeaceFridays for Future, 350NYC, and Reach Beyond Diversity

Get tickets


Wednesday,  December 8 •  Virtual

7PM Local Solutions and Transportation Meeting

Our guest speaker will be Bob Wyman, an Upper Westside advocate for Beneficial Electrification with an emphasis on eliminating the use of fossil fuels in buildings, and thus 35% of NY’s GHG emissions, by installing geothermal heat pumps. With Google, Bob co-founded Dandelion Energy, the industry-leading New York-based geothermal heat pump provider.
Register in advance to join.

Wednesday,  December 1 •  Virtual

7PM General Meeting

Ajani Stella, a 10th grade student in New York City, will talk about his experiences at COP26 as an observing delegate. Ajani is the President and Founder of Kids Fight Climate Change and a Human Impacts Institute Youth Advisor.

Register in advance for this meeting.


Wednesday, November 17

7PM Media Task Force 

Join our Media Task Force to learn how we are working to hold journalists accountable for covering the climate crisis for the crisis it is and also about our new campaign to target advertising and public relations firms that provide greenwash to companies destroying the environment. First time attendees, fill out the Action Intake Form. 

Wednesday, November 17 • 11AM •  Online Rally and Hearing

#GasFreeNYC Hearing 

The NYC Council just scheduled a virtual public hearing on a bill which prohibits gas in new construction and gut renovations. Now we need to demonstrate that the public wants this bill to pass NOW.  Please do two things: 1. “Rally” online one hour before the hearing starts, with activists and elected officials to push for passage of the bill. We want to get a big turnout from NYCers across the city to show that the people want this bill passed! 2. Join the hearing and sign up to testify. You can just watch the hearing online – and there’s a public counter of the number of people watching online – but what we’d really encourage is signing up to testify to your support for the bill. Please see here for suggested “talking points” for testimony. The #GasFreeNYC campaign’s core groups are NYPIRG, Food & Water Watch, WE ACT for Environmental Justice and NYCC, and the effort is also supported by many other groups, experts and individuals.  Register.

Saturday, November 13 • Noon • In-person 

The Fall of Fossil Fuels, The Rise of Climate Justice: NYC
Make a bold statement to Gov. Hochul and our legislators: CLIMATE JUSTICE MUST BE YOUR TOP PRIORITY. The NY Renews Coalition is building a united grassroots movement demanding action on the climate crisis and showing our legislature and new Governor that the Climate and Community Investment Act must be a topline priority when they convene in January and pass in the 2022 budget. Join this march from Times Square to Governor Hochul’s Office (633 3rd Avenue) where we will be demonstrating the importance of the climate crisis to us! Join us.

Wednesday, November 10

7PM Transportation  Working Group

First time attendees, fill out the Action Intake Form. 

Remember Sandy — March and Rally 

Friday, October 29 • .12:30PM   

Remember Sandy: Defund Climate Chaos

On the anniversary of superstorm Sandy, world and corporate leaders will assemble in Glasgow for a conference that is the “last, best chance” to avert climate catastrophe. We’re marching to demand that they stop the money pipeline to fossil fuels. If we can stop the flow of money, we can stop the flow of oil and gas! Join us!

12:30: March Assembly under the Brooklyn Bridge (Outside Smith Houses at Robert Wagner Place and Pearl Street, which was flooded during Sandy) 

1:00: March to the Federal Reserve (Maiden Lane and William Street)

1:30: March to CitiBank HQ (Leave from the Federal Reserve)

2:00: Rally at CitiBank HQ (388 Greenwich Street)




Wednesday, October 27

7PM General Meeting 

Join us in the run-up to the Remember Sandy: Defund Climate Chaos march on Friday and get up to date on all our current campaigns.

Register in advance

Wednesday, October 20

7PM Media Task Force

Media Matters for America will be joining us to discuss the state of climate coverage and what we need to do to keep it growing.  Click here to join by zoom. 


Wednesday October 18 • Noon • Virtual

Phone bank for the #SkipTheStuff bill in NYC

In July & August phone banks to request a public hearing for the Skip The Stuff bill 1775B were a huge success – 5 more members of City Council signed on as co-sponsors and the hearing for this bill will be scheduled in October. Help make sure this bill—which allows restaurants, food delivery apps, and online delivery platforms to provide single use plastics only if requested by the customer—passes by working to get more co-sponsors! Join the phone bank to call members of City Council to ask for their support.  Get details.

Thursday, October 14 • 9AM-2PM • In-Person

 Electric Vehicle Festival 

Join us and our partners, Empire Clean City and 350BK, at the Electric Vehicle Festival in Union Square North, across from Barnes and Noble. Stop by and kick the tires (literally) of a variety of electrified vehicles for NYC – including an ELECTRIC SCHOOL BUS !!!  RSVP


Wednesday, October 13 

7PM Transportation Working Group 

Join us in celebrating the City Council’s passage of the Electric School Bus bill! We’ll also discuss the NYC Streets Master Plan and NYC25x25, how to testify in writing about your support of Congestion Pricing, and how to reduce cars and trucks and increase use of public transportation. First time attendees, fill out the Action Intake Form. 


Wednesday, October 6 

7PM: Local Solutions Working Group

This Wednesday we’ll recap the Climate Week actions and events, including the arrests at Chase Bank. Everyone is welcome to talk for a few minutes on any events or meetings you joined. We’ll also provide an overview of the climate bills before the state legislature and an update on the progress of the NYC Ban the Gas Bill, #2317.

Register in advance for this meeting. 

Thursday, September 30 • 11am • In-Person

 Rally for Electric School Buses

Join 350Brooklyn, 350NYC, and the Clean School Bus Coalition to demand passage of a bill which would require NYC to transition to an all-electric school bus fleet by no later than 2040!  Some version of this bill has been in the works for 20 years, but the time is now. We hope you will show up and stand with us as we demand a vote on this critical bill to protect the lungs, hearts and minds of our most valuable resource – our kids. Come to the Tweed Courthouse, 52 Chambers Street for the rally.   Sign up for the rally.

Climate Week: Special Event

Get your tickets here!


CLIMATE WEEK 2021 • Thursday September 23 • Noon • In-Person 

GasFreeNYC Rally

Hurricane Ida was another tragic reminder of the devastating impacts of climate change. The City Council has a huge opportunity to strike a blow against the fossil fuel industry by passing a bill to ban gas in new buildings and major renovations. Will you rally with us to urge the Council to pass this important legislation? Join New York Communities for Change and Food & Water Watch at City Hall Park Fountain, Broadway & Park Row, Manhattan to demand that City Council take real action NOW to prevent climate catastrophe. RSVP

CLIMATE WEEK 2021 • Friday, September 24 • Noon • In-Person 

Fridays for Future (FFF): Global Climate Strike 

CODE RED FOR HUMANITY will be be one of Fridays for Future’s most important global demonstrations yet. It follows the recently released United Nations IPCC 6th Climate Assessment—a disturbing but not surprising report. FFF is demanding intersectional climate justice, and a system that defends the most vulnerable regions and communities in our society. Join this action at City Hall Park in lower Manhattan!  Get info about the action 


Wednesday, September 8 

7PM: Transportation Working Group

Join the Transportation Group to learn about our campaign for electric school buses, upcoming Fall actions and more. First time attendees fill in the Action Intake Form.


Wednesday, September 1 

7PM: Local Issues Working Group

Our guest speaker will be Tria Case, the University Director of Sustainability and Energy Conservation at the City University of New York. She will speak about CUNY’s plans to deploy community solar and about the NY Solar Map, which CUNY played a leading role in developing. The NY Solar Map is an interactive tool for estimating rooftop and ground mount solar electric potential for specific locations.

Register in advance for this meeting. 


Wednesday, August 25 

6PM: Picnic and In-Person General Meeting

Join 350NYC for a picnic in Central Park on August 25th. We’ll enjoy being (safely) together for the first time since the beginning of Covid and share our plan of action leading up to the Glasgow Cop26 climate meetings in November. Bring your family and friends and food!  We’ll provide dessert.  Here’s the spot! 



Wednesday, August 11

7PM: Transportation Working Group  

Join the Transportation Group to discussion community input into NYC’s Streets Master Plan, that status of our campaign for electric school buses, upcoming Fall Actions and more. First time attendees fill in the Action-Intake Form.


Now to Aug 8, Wed-Sun 12-6 PM • Gallery Exhibition

Smack Mellon Gallery: Waiting for Water

Waiting for Water is a solo presentation by artist Shayok Mukhopadhyay. Employing two different styles of water-carrying vessels, this installation examines the disparate material conditions of those prepared and unprepared to handle water shortages anticipated by the impending climate crisis. Mukhopadhyay grew up in Kolkata, India and graduated from the Documentary Photography and Photojournalism program at the International Center of Photography in NYC. He is also a member of the Steering Committee of 350NYC. The gallery is located at 92 Plymouth Street, Brooklyn. Free admission. 

Tuesday, August 3 • 8PM • Virtual

Stop the Money Pipeline Coalition: Deadline Glasgow—Defund Climate Chaos Kick-off 

The Stop the Money Pipeline (STMP) coalition has launched a major new campaign demanding that the financial industry & the Biden Administration take transformational climate finance action before the Glasgow Climate Talks. Join an exciting campaign kick-off, when we’ll take action together, learn from frontline organizers, and hear from campaign organizers about what the Deadline Glasgow Campaign will look like in the months ahead. We’re still working on speakers, but we’re excited to confirm that we’ll be joined by Tara Houska of Giniw Collective, Kayah George of Indigenous Climate Action, Representative Rashida Tlaib, and Bill McKibben.  Reserve your spot. 

Friday, August 6 • 1:30PM • In-person in Albany

 NY Youth Climate Leaders: Fossil Free Education, Fossil Free Future

Join the New York Youth Climate Leaders and the Divest NY coalition to demand that the NYS legislature take action on climate change and the New York State Teachers’ Retirement System (NYSTRS) divest from fossil fuels. This year, the legislature passed ZERO ambitious climate bills. Please join us as we demand that they take swift action next year. And with an estimated $4.5 billion invested in the fossil fuel industry, NYSTRS is doing their pensioners and the planet a disservice by continuing to invest in fossil fuels. We are showing up in West Capitol Park (across from 89 Washington Ave) to demand that NYSTRS invest in our future!

Buses are available from NYC and Western NY. Will you join us? Register here. 

Wednesday, August 4

7PM: Local Issues  

Alexis Goldsmith, Beyond Plastics’ National Organizing Director, will be the guest speaker at this week’s local issues meeting. She’ll talk about two “false solutions” to the proliferation of plastic waste: chemical recycling and “waste-to-energy” incineration. We’ll also talk about how people can participate in community input into the current Streets Master Plan and give updates on the National Bottle Bill, Local Law 97 and moreI

Register in advance for the meeting.

Wednesday, July 28

7PM: General Meeting 

Pete Sikora, the Climate and Inequality Director for NY Communities for Change, will speak at our meeting this month.  Together with Patrick Houston and other members of NYCC, Pete has been a leader in organizing activists to support the passage of landmark climate legislation in our city. He will talk about the major upcoming climate legislation that the coalition will be involved in during the 2021 and 2022 sessions for both the NY State legislature and the NYC Council and how 350NYC members can have an impact. Read Pete’s recent comments at nysfocus.com.

Register in advance for the meeting. First time attendees join at 6:30 and we’ll orient you to our work. 

Wednesday, July 21

7PM: Media Task Force 

Join our Media Task Force to learn how we are working to hold journalists accountable for covering the climate crisis for the crisis it is and also about our new campaign to target advertising and public relations firms that provide greenwash to companies destroying the environment.

Newcomers who wish to attend, please fill in the Action Intake Form.


Wednesday, July 14

7:15 PM: Transportation Working Group

Join this months’ Transportation meeting to discuss Revel’s plans for Electrifying NYC and its effect on taxi/rideshare drivers. Also get updates on our campaign for Electric School Buses for NYC, and more. First time attendees please fill out our Action In-take form. Note that this meeting is starting at 7:15 this month.

Wednesday, July 7

7PM:  Local Issues Working Group

The 350NYC Local Issues working group is pleased to have Jackie Baum, an Energy Services Intern at the Urban Homesteading Assistance Board (UHAB), join us this Wednesday at 7PM to talk about the launch of their new campaign — The Climate Action Pledge UHAB Climate Action Guidebook. This is a detailed roadmap to assist affordable housing residents in identifying and keeping track of energy efficiency and sustainability measures in their building. As a part of taking the Climate Pledge, residents are encouraged to join a local climate-environmental justice group and 350NYC has signed on to be included in this outreach.

Register for this meeting.


Wednesday, July 7

7PM:  Local Issues Working Group

350NYC has been very active in the issue of refrigerant management, the number one solution to global warming as ranked by Project Drawdown. The refrigerant hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) is the primary culprit in climate change resulting from the improper use, leaks and disposal of air conditioners and chillers. 350NYC and our coalition partners were part of the effort to raise awareness of this at the federal and state level. To ensure that our legislative and regulatory successes are quickly implemented, our next push needs to be directed at building code revisions.  Join the next Local Issues meeting to learn about this and other campaigns.

Register for this meeting.


Wednesday, June 23

7PM:  Monthly General Meeting

Guest speakers from Clean Creatives, an activist group and partner of 350NYC’s Media Task Force, will talk about the campaign targeting advertising and public relations companies that provide greenwash for the fossil fuel industry. First time attendees join at 6:30 and we’ll orient you to our work.

Register for this meeting.


Wednesday, June 16

7PM:  Media Task Force 

Launch the summer by joining our Media Task Force meeting this Wednesday at 6:30PM. Learn about how we are working to hold journalists accountable for covering the climate crisis for the crisis it is and also about our new campaign to target advertising and public relations firms that provide greenwash to companies destroying the environment. First time attendees please fill out our Action Intake Form.

Newcomers who wish to attend, please fill in the Action Intake Form.


Wednesday, June 8

7PM:  Transportation Working Group

The group will discuss the Transportation Alternatives NYC25x25 Plan to take back our streets and look at Electric Vehicles bills in the state Assembly and Senate.  We will also update everyone on the work of the Clean Bus Coalition and talk about the Biden Infrastructure Plan ,which is recommending $$ for Electric School Buses.

Newcomers who wish to attend Transportation Meetings, please fill in the Action Intake Form.


Thursday, June 3 • All Day • In-person

 New York Renews: We’re Taking Back Albany

New Yorkers need, deserve, and demand an economy and climate that works for all. And this year Albany hasn’t delivered. The Climate and Community Investment Act (CCIA) is going to take the power and money from the big polluters, and put it right back in our communities’ hands. We’re telling legislators and Governor Cuomo in person that they need to pass the CCIA.

This coalition of hundreds and thousands of New Yorkers isn’t letting politicians off the hook this session— we’re going right to their offices and demanding they Pass The CCIA. Join us to take some direct action in the capital. Transportation can be provided for vaccinated people from most parts of the state. Or, you can sign-up to help others! Those who aren’t vaccinated will coordinate their travel. Can you join us for our final fight this session?


Wednesday, June 2

7PM:  Local Issues Working Group

Jessica Azulay and Amber Ruther from the Alliance for a Green Economy will talk about “Why the High Cost of Electricity in NYC and What We Can do About it.” The relevance is just not the present cost but the fact that NYC will see a huge effort to electrify heat and A/C as the city drastically reduces the use of fossil fuels.  We’ll also discuss the recent victories in the board rooms of Exxon, Chevron and BP, and provide updates on the Ban the Gas bill, composting, the Climate Action Council and the Climate and Community Investment Act. 

Register in advance.

Wednesday, May 26

7PM:  Monthly General Meeting

Our guest speaker will be Danny Harris, Executive Director of Transportation Alternatives, who will discuss the NYC25x25 Plan to take back our streets. Please come with questions and ideas for how we can support it. We’re also looking forward to hearing from Zongkai Wang, who will give us a short presentation about “Clean School Buses for NYC Kids”  a report by Jobs to Move America. Zongkai has been an active participant on our Transportation Working Group. He is a Gallatin NYU student and has been an Intern with 350NYC this semester.

First time attendees join at 6:30 for an introduction to our group. 

Register in advance.

Wednesday, May 26 • All Day • Virtual

Beyond Plastics: Congressional Call-in Day to tackle the plastic pollution crisis

Join us in asking representatives to co-sponsor the newly reintroduced Break Free From Plastic Pollution Act (BFFPPA). Currently, the bill has 92 co-sponsors in the House  and 12 co-sponsors in the Senate. This is a great start but we need to get many more members of Congress on board! Getting a call from YOU can help convince your members of Congress to co-sponsor the Break Free From Plastic Pollution Act and help it gain the momentum it needs to become law. RSVP to participate and you’ll receive a reminder email on Wednesday, May 26th with all the information you’ll need to make your three quick calls and let us know how they went.


Tuesday, May 25 • 10:30AM • Virtual

 Press Conference on Divest NY’s Coal Report + New York State Teachers’ Fossil Fuel Divestment Act 

Join Divest NY Coalition’s press conference, where we will be announcing the results of our new report on the coal investments of the New York State Teachers’ Retirement System and calling for the passage of the New York State Teachers’ Fossil Fuel Divestment Act. Divest NY, Senator Jabari Brisport, Assemblymember Dr. Anna Kelles, and youth climate leaders will all participate. RSVP to attend by Zoom. The event will also be live streamed here. If you are interested in being a part of our speaker line up please contact Ruth Foster at rmfosterny@gmail.com.


Wednesday, May 19

12:30Tell Chubb to Insure Our Future, Not Fossil Fuels!

Fossil fuel projects can’t operate without insurance and NYC-based insurance giant Chubb is one of the biggest fossil fuel insurers on the planet. For years, Chubb’s CEO Evan Greenberg has sounded the alarm bell on climate change while doing little to reduce his company’s role in making it worse. For example, Chubb is still insuring the massive Trans Mountain tar sands pipeline which threatens Indigenous rights and the global climate. May 19th is one day before Chubb’s shareholders will have their annual meeting. Join us in front of Chubb’s headquarters– 1133 6th Ave, NYC– to send a message to CEO Greenberg and to Chubb’s shareholders that business as usual is no longer an option.

Tuesday, May 18

All Day:  Beyond Plastics – Make A Call – Tell DEC to Enforce the Plastic Bag Ban

– Gristedes/D’Agostino’s Ongoing Plastic Bag Ban Violations

Join usto tell DEC Commissioner Basil Seggos to enforce the bag ban and hold retailers accountableRSVP for the call-in day on May 18thAlsoSave the date for Saturday, June 5th at noon to protest outside of Gristedes at 2704 Broadway in Manhattan.

5:30PM:  PCM & NYRenews – Rally and take action on-site to #PassTheCCIA

Join us in front of Governor Cuomo’s office (633 3rd Ave., Manhattan) to demand that he and the NYS Legislature get this bill done this year!

RSVP here.

7PM: New York Communities for Change – Online Rally for a #GasBan for NYC. Green New Deal Now!

We’re turning up the heat for the NYC Council to pass a gas ban on new construction and gut renovations!  Together, we’re pushing for good jobs to slash air pollution. A gas ban is a vital component of a Green New Deal for New York. Last week, hundreds of people called Speaker Johnson’s office to urge him to pass a gas ban.

NYC Mayor de Blasio already supports passage of a gas ban, but this requires legislation to pass the Council. At this rally, we will call on the City Council, led by Speaker Johnson, to act. Councilmember Alicka Ampry-Samuel and other Councilmembers as well as experts will join this vital event.

Joining together at this rally will send a strong message to pass a gas ban NOW. Please RSVP and we will send you further details, including the event’s zoom link.

Please RSVP here.

Wednesday, May 12

11AM: Rise and Resist – Tell AIG To Stop Insuring The Climate Crisis!

Join RISE and RESIST along with other climate and social justice coalition partners to tell insurance giant AIG, one of the biggest fossil fuel insurance providers in the world to:

Stop insuring any new fossil fuel projects immediately.

Cancel all existing fossil fuel insurance contracts.

Respect human rights, including the rights of Indigenous Peoples.



1PM:  New York State Climate Action Council – Land Use and Local Government Advisory Panel

For additional information on the Climate Action Council, please visit the Climate Act website

Event Number: 185 674 4071

Event Password: LULG0504

Call In: 1-518-549-0500

Access Code: 185 674 4071

View the Meeting


7:00PM Transportation Working Group 

Please join 350NYC’s Transportation Working Group on Wednesday at 7pm.  We’ll discuss the Mayor’s recent announcement about electric school buses, as well as Transportation Alternatives’ challenge to “give the streets back to people”as proposed in their 25×25 Report

To join, use zoom link 827 0056 9749.


Friday, May 7

4PM:  Stop The Money Pipeline – National Day of Action #Defund Line 3 – NYC Action

Line 3 is being built through Indigenous territory without consent.  Prominent native activists have described the pipeline as “cultural genocide” and Indigenous activists in northern Minnesota are leading the direct actions on the ground.  If built, Line 3 would release as much greenhouse gas into the atmosphere as fifty new coal-fired power plants. It would release as much greenhouse gas as the entire rest of the state of Minnesota.

In solidarity with those who are leading the fight on the frontlines ― and to send a direct, powerful message to Wall Street that funding climate chaos and the violation of Indigenous rights will not be tolerated.



Wednesday, May 5

7:00PM Local Issues Working Group  

Please join our Local Issues working group this Wednesday at 7pm. We’ll have a presentation by Neevetha Nadarajah about the En-ROADS Climate Solution Simulator, an online model that lets anyone experiment with solutions to limit global warming and see what impact they might have. We’ll also give updates on our efforts to ban gas hook-ups in new and renovated buildings, on composting, plastic pollution, and more. Newcomers welcome!

Register in advance for this meeting.

Wednesday, April 28

7:00PM General Meeting 

Please join our Monthly General Meeting when we’ll talk about the President Biden’s Climate Summit and also welcome Anna Sacks (@thetrashwalker on Instagram) who will discuss corporate waste and her efforts to create a #donatedontdump law. Anna recently went viral on Tik Tok for her #retailmademe campaign that exposes corporate practices mandating that employees throw out or destroy unused and unexpired goods. We invite newcomers to join us at 6:30.

Earthweek: April 19-23 


Earthday.org and Earth Day Initiative have put together on-line platforms for events all week, including events featuring world leaders on Earth Day, Thursday April 22nd. 


Monday, April 19

11AM:  Environmental and Energy Study Institute – Climate Adaptation and Resilience: The Road to COP26

The EESI invites you to join us for a briefing on raising global ambition to fund and implement climate adaptation and resilience.  This briefing will highlight the complementary global efforts to advance climate adaptation and resilience in the lead-up to COP26. These efforts are intended to share best practices, develop metrics, and mobilize countries and subnational actors dedicated to protecting people and nature. Speakers will also discuss the key roles of financing, implementation, disaster preparedness, and the need for systemic action in building resilience.

Register here.

Tuesday, April 20 

All-Day, Environmental Advocates NY

Join us to show your support for healthy people and a healthy planet in a virtual Earth Day Advocacy Day with NYS policy leaders on April 20th! Hundreds of New Yorkers from across the state representing every corner of the environmental movement will be joining together in advocating for a broad platform of legislation to make our state safer, cleaner, and greener. We need your support to make it happen.

During the morning session (9:45 am to noon) we’ll have a Q&A with elected leaders, present and discuss our priority bills, and explain how the lobbying process will work. In the afternoon session (12:30 to 3:00), we’ll gather in breakout rooms with team leaders, delegate roles among team members, and meet with legislators. Then, in the debrief (3:00 to 3:30) we’ll talk about how meetings with legislators went and discuss next steps.

Register here.

3PM: Friends of the Ocean and Climate – How Ocean-Based Solutions Contribute to Net Zero

From ocean acidification to sea level rise, the impacts of greenhouse gas pollution are damaging ocean communities, ecosystems, and economies worldwide. A dramatic increase in climate ambition is essential to protect the health of our ocean. And, as a source of sustainable climate solutions, the ocean can support the effort to keep the goals of the Paris Agreement within reach.  In support of President Biden’s Leaders Summit on Climate and to deepen understanding of the role that the ocean can play in achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions, the Friends of the Ocean and Climate countries are hosting a virtual side event with U.S. Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John F. Kerry and leaders from across the globe.

Register here.

Wednesday, April 21

3PM:  Peak Coalition:  Replacing Peaker Power Plants with Clean Energy: A Frontline Vision for New York City Webinar

All fossil-fuel peaker power plants in New York City could reliably be retired and replaced by clean renewable energy and battery storage by 2030, according to a new report released today by the PEAK Coalition: New York City Environmental Justice Alliance (NYC-EJA), UPROSE, THE POINT CDC, New York Lawyers for the Public Interest (NYLPI), and Clean Energy Group (CEG).  This is the next phase of the PEAK Coalition’s campaign to transition New York City away from the outdated, inequitable, and polluting energy system that relies on peaker plants, and toward a clean, renewable energy and battery storage system that invests in environmental justice communities and enhances community resiliency, as detailed in PEAK’s previous report Dirty Energy, Big Money.

Register here.

7PM:  350NYC Media Working Group

Get journalists schooled on including climate in their stories.  If you are interested in attending the Zoom Media Working Group meeting, please fill out the Action In-Take Form.

Earth Day – Thursday, April 22

2PM:  American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy – Biden’s First 100 Days: Efficiency and Equity in Climate Action

This webinar will explore the role of energy efficiency and equity in federal climate policy. We will look at the Biden administration’s progress to date in grappling with these issues and what’s ahead. As President Biden nears 100 days in office, panelists will discuss how his infrastructure proposal and emerging ideas on Capitol Hill can best reduce energy waste and emissions while also helping low-income households and communities of color. They will share ideas for using efficiency to address the climate crisis.

Register Here.

6PM:  New York League of Conservation Voters::  A Greener City Hall: Conversations with NYC Mayoral Candidates

Featuring Eric Adams, Shaun Donovan, Kathryn Garcia, Ray McGuire, and Scott Stringer.  Get to know where the mayoral candidates stand on environmental and sustainability matters.

Register Here.

8PM:  Conversations For A Preferred Future

Jan Spencer Suburban Permaculture Eugene, Oregon

More detail at suburbanpermaculture.org, Zoom in 5 – 10 minutes before start time.


Meeting ID: 895 5367 3085

Passcode: 990252


Saturday, April 17

12:30PM:  Stop the Money Pipeline NY Coalition – Bankrupt Line3 Stop the Money Pipeline

This is a multi-partner coalition action!

JP Morgan Chase and BlackRock are the biggest funders of climate destruction. This is exemplified by their financial ties to Enbridge and the Line 3 pipeline, which would carry nearly one million barrels of dirty tar sand oil daily.  We will rally at BlackRock HQ in Manhattan at 12:30pm then march to JP Morgan Chase HQ (47th Street between Madison and Park)

At BlackRock, the $9 Trillion Wall Street behemoth, we will say “All Eyes On BlackRock”. Blackrock, the world’s top investor in fossil fuels, must divest, starting with Line 3 and dirty tar sands.  Corporate shareholder meeting season begins soon, so we will be demanding BlackRock vote its massive shareholdings to force climate action by the corporations it owns.

JP Morgan is the world’s top bank financier of fossil fuels. It also finances forest destruction. It has pumped $317 billion into oil and gas since the Paris climate agreement! JPM is a key financier of the Line 3 pipeline, which like Dakota Access and KeystoneXL, is a massive polluting project that violates indigenous peoples’ rights.

We will shut JP Morgan Chase down for the day as we protest in front of the bank’s HQ at 47th Street between Madison and Park.

Sign up here:  action network


If you are part of the TIAA Divest from Climate Destruction campaign, join the socially distanced outdoor rally in front of TIAA’s offices at 108th and Broadway.

TIAA has over $8 billion in pension funds financing climate chaos through companies like Enbridge, the company trying to build Line 3 through unceded Anishinaabe land in Minnesota. The Anishinaabe and allied Water Protectors are putting up a fierce resistance and need our help.

The TIAA group will meet the Stop the Money Pipeline group at 12:30pm at BlackRock at (55 East 51St.) for a coalition rally

Register here.

Friday, April 16, 2021

2PM:  Environmental and Energy Study Institute – Protecting Vulnerable Communities from Climate Impacts

Join the EESI, National Housing Trust and the Natural Resources Defense Council (national partners with the Energy Efficiency for All project) for about the challenges and opportunities involved in protecting physically and socially vulnerable communities from the worst impacts of climate change.

Register here.

3PM:  Sierra Club Marine Team:  Panel Discussion – Sea Level Rise Affecting Our Coasts

This event is a result of a rescheduled zoom call

Register here.

Thursday, April 15

1PM:  American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy – Surviving Cold-Weather Events: Demand-Side Solutions to Winter Reliability Challenges

The devastating Texas blackouts provided a fresh reminder of the challenge of meeting electric demand in unusually cold weather. These threats are expected to increase as extreme weather events become more frequent and as more home heating is electrified. A new ACEEE report will assess the future of “winter peaks” in electricity use and show how implementing energy efficiency and other demand-side measures could mitigate the threat, even in cold regions of the country. ACEEE researchers will present the findings and an expert panel will discuss recommendations for policymakers, grid planners, regulators, utilities, and efficiency program administrators.

Register here. 

6:30PM:  Riders Alliance Membership meeting

Together riders stopped Governor Cuomo’s backdoor bus and subway rider tax in the state budget that threatened to leave essential workers and riders stranded with service cuts and possibly higher fares.  We’ll reflect on recent victories, like winning $15 billion in new federal aid to keep subways and buses running this past year. Together we’ll discuss plans to hold #CuomosMTA accountable for responsibly using the federal dollars to protect essential riders with fast, frequent, and reliable 24/7 subways and buses!  With the year anniversary without #24hoursubways soon approaching, we’ll use our all-member meeting to plan a grassroots action, to provide riders with 24 hour service they can rely on!

Register here.

Wednesday, April 14

1PM: Climate Action Council Meeting: Land Use and Local Government Advisory Panel

Event Number: 185 435 9407
Event Password: LULG0414
Call In: 1-518-549-0500
Access Code: 185 435 9407

View the Meeting

7PM:  350NYC Transportation Working Group

Electric school buses and more.  If you are interested in attending the Zoom Transportation meeting, please fill out the Action In-Take Form.

Monday, April 12

9AM:  Climate Action Council Meeting

Meeting Agenda

The Climate Action Council meeting will include live captioning in multiple languages. To view live captions during the meeting, attendees can join the presentation through PowerPoint Live using a computer or smartphone. For details on how to use PowerPoint Live for live captioning, please view the Live Captioning Guide.

View the Meeting

6PM:  Environment America – Wind Innovation Webinar

We’re co-hosting a free webinar about innovation and renewable energy with MIT!

If you’re interested in learning more about renewable energy and how American ingenuity is making it better, this event is for you.

Register here.

Saturday, April 10

 1PM:  Public Power NY – Rally

On Friday, 4/2 Pubic Power had an orientation on why we need Public Power to address the climate crisis and bring energy democracy.  Access to clean energy is a basic human right. As long as our utilities are driven by shareholder profits we’ll see more dirty fracked gas infrastructure being built like the North Brooklyn Pipeline and Greenpoint LNG expansion. Now that you know why we must demand this, join us for a Public Power rally @ 1pm at Prospect Park in Brooklyn.

Friday, April 9

6:30PM:  NY Renews and One NY Indivisible – Town Hall with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer

NY Renews and One NY Indivisible are hosting a town hall with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, as well as other legislators, to answer questions about the Climate and Community Investment Act, the THRIVE Agenda, and the fight for a just, green recovery. RSVP now, and join us on April 9th from 6:30 – 8pm!

Thursday, April 8

Noon: As You Sow: Plastics: The Last Straw for Big Oil?

Join As You Sow for a webinar discussing, a report addressing the risks of overinvestment in plastics infrastructure. We will provide a brief overview of the report and hear from subject matter experts on the issues of stranded assets, climate risks, environmental justice, community health, plastic waste, and corporate commitments.

 REGISTER HERE for Webinar.

Noon: Environmental Law Institute – Food Scrap Recycling: Opportunities and Realities of Anaerobic Digestion

An estimated 35% of food that is produced is uneaten, with losses occurring along the supply chain from farms to consumers. When food waste decomposes in landfills, it releases methane, a greenhouse gas (GHG) approximately 28 times more potent than carbon dioxide. Many municipalities and organizations are beginning to prioritize diverting food waste from landfills by either preventing waste, rerouting edible food to the nearly 14 million food insecure households, or recycling waste through composting, animal feeding operations, or anaerobic digestion.

Register here.

1PM:  Land Use and Local Government Advisory Panel

Adaptation and Resilience Group – Public Stakeholder Consultation

The Climate Action Council has assigned development of adaptation and resilience recommendations to the Land Use and Local Government Advisory Panel. The panel’s Adaptation and Resilience Group has developed 11 initiatives for recommendation to the Council for potential inclusion in the Council’s draft scoping plan. Visit the Climate Act website for detailed information on the proposed initiatives and a summary of the initiatives.

During this meeting, staff will provide an overview of the proposed initiatives. Members of the public will then be provided the opportunity to ask questions and make brief comments regarding the proposed initiatives. Comments may also be submitted via e-mail to LULG@dos.ny.gov or via the United States Postal Service at the address below:

Adaptation and Resilience Recommendations, C/O Mark Lowery, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, 625 Broadway, Albany NY 12233-1030

View the Meeting

Wednesday, April 7

9:30 AM Climate Action Council Advisory Panels & Just Transition Working Group Meetings: Power Generation Advisory Panel Update

To observe this meeting, please register below. For additional information on the Climate Action Council, visit the Climate Act website.  The public comment period will begin at 12:00 p.m.

View the Meeting

3PM:  Stop the Money Pipeline – The Wow (and How) of Shareholder Season: A Guide for Activists to Get Ready for More Actions Coming in April and May (see April 17).

Join us to learn how you can engage in shareholder season! Every spring, huge corporations open their doors to their investors, especially their largest investors—huge asset managers like BlackRock and Vanguard. Their investors tell them what to do — and they must respond. No need to “get finance” to participate! It’s easy and we make it fun.

Please Register here.


5pm:  NYRenews and One Indivisible – Pass the CCIA, Make Polluters Pay Rally

There will be small, outdoor rallies across the state, in support and demand of the New York Climate Community Investment Act (CCIA) and the National THRIVE Agenda.

If you are in Manhattan, here’s the link for the rally at Union Square:  Pass the CCIA, Make Polluters Pay

7PM 350NYC Local Issues Working Group

New York Communities for Change members will join us to talk about the campaign to enact a gas ban in NYC.  

Register in advance. 

Tuesday, April 6

11AM:  Transportation Advisory Panel

Upcoming meetings of the New York State Climate Action Council Advisory Panels for the week of April 5, 2021 are below.  For additional information on the Climate Action Council, please visit the Climate Act website.

View the Meeting

Monday, April 5

Noon:  NYRenews – Kick Off Lobby Week

NY budget season will be over and the state legislature will go home, take a deep breath, and think about what they need to accomplish for the rest of the legislative session, which ends June 10th. Similarly, on the federal level, Congress will be coming home for recess from March 29th until April 9th.

To seize this moment and set the CCIA up as the must pass piece of legislation for NY and set up THRIVE as the top priority on the federal level, NY Renews— together with One NY Indivisible— is organizing the Climate, Jobs, and Justice Action Week. RSVP now for our kick off event!

We will be engaging in over 40 lobby visits, dozens of distributed rallies, a huge kick off call, daily social media actions, a town hall with Senator Schumer himself, and much more. And we’re doing all of this in a single week.

RSVP now for a lobby visit near you!

Friday, April 2

3:30PM XR NYC:  Defund Line 3 March

Join us in a nonviolent direct action where as people united we will make our voices heard to fossil fuel financiers. Stopping Line 3 is a matter of justice. #DefundLine3 march and nonviolent direct action where — as people united — we will make our voices heard to fossil fuel financiers.  Let’s show our solidarity with the frontline Water Protectors by pressuring banks like Chase, Citi, Bank of America, and TD Bank to respect Indigenous rights, protect our climate, and walk away from Enbridge, or else. Register.

5PM Public Power NY – Statewide Orientation

Join us for an orientation on why we need Public Power to address the climate crisis and bring energy democracy.  Access to clean energy is a basic human right, but we have to fight for it. Learn more here.

Once you learn more about Public Power at the orientation, join us for a Public Power rally on April 10 @ 1pm at Prospect Park in Brooklyn.

Thursday April 1

3PM: Environmental Defense Fund: The New Climate War:  A conversation with Dr. Michael E. Mann

Join for a discussion with acclaimed scientist, researcher and author Dr. Michael E. Mann on his important new book, The New Climate War.  We’ll be talking about the most important ways to make rapid progress in the fight against climate change, and what has and hasn’t changed in the ten years since Eric Pooley’s The Climate War, was published.  Writing that book led Eric Pooley to leave journalism and work on climate full-time. What impact has writing The New Climate War had on Dr. Mann? We’ll find out. REGISTER NOW

7PM Oceana – Break Free From Plastics Pollution Virtual Rally with Beyond Plastics

Join this virtual rally to learn more about the relationship between plastics and climate change. We will also learn about the Break Free From Plastic Pollution Act and why this comprehensive legislation is the chance we’ve been hoping for to #BreakFreeFromPlastic. Register.

Wednesday, March 31

12:30PM Urban Agriculture in New York City: Assessing Options for Expansion

The COVID-19 pandemic has amplified the value of urban agriculture, especially that produced in community gardens, as many New Yorkers face food insecurity and nearly all seek refuge in outdoor spaces. Yet, despite the great value of urban agriculture, New York City lacks a comprehensive plan to promote it and many community gardens are under threat. At this upcoming event, speakers will assess the state of urban agriculture in New York City and policies that should be developed to help it thrive.  Zoom Link to be provided after registration.

Please register here.

1PM Environment America:  Offshore Wind Day Webinar

Learn from offshore wind experts and policy leaders during an educational webinar, providing you with the know-how and tools to take action for this abundant renewable energy. Throughout the day, we’ll be signing petitions and taking to social media to create awareness about offshore wind, making our policy makers hear the call.

RSVP today to save your spot.

5PM Plastic Pollution Coalition – Break Down: Explaining the U.S. Break Free From Plastic Pollution Act of 2021

Join us for a conversation with Senator Jeff Merkley of Oregon and Representative Alan Lowenthal of California, Co-Sponsors of the historic Break Free From Plastic Pollution Act (BFFPPA) of 2021. Moderated by Judith Enck, former Obama Administration EPA Regional Administrator and Founder of Beyond Plastics, this conversation will explain how this proposed legislation builds on statewide laws across the United States, and outlines plastic reduction strategies to improve the health of people and our planet.

Monday, March 29

3PM NYSERDA (New York State Energy Research and Development Authority)

Public Hearing 3 – Outreach Webinar: Net Emissions

The Department will hold the last of three virtual public hearings. Additional information, including instructions for joining each event as well as supplemental documents, will be made available prior to each event on DEC’s website.

Friday, March 26

 4PM:  Conversations For A Preferred Future Sunil Patel Patchwork Farms Asheville, North Carolina

More detail at suburbanpermaculture.org, Zoom in 5 – 10 minutes before start time.


Meeting ID: 895 5367 3085

Passcode: 990252

Wednesday, March 31, 2020

12:30PM:  Urban Agriculture in New York City: Assessing Options for Expansion

The COVID-19 pandemic has amplified the value of urban agriculture, especially that produced in community gardens, as many New Yorkers face food insecurity and nearly all seek refuge in outdoor spaces. Yet, despite the great value of urban agriculture, New York City lacks a comprehensive plan to promote it and many community gardens are under threat. At this upcoming event, speakers will assess the state of urban agriculture in New York City and policies that should be developed to help it thrive.  Zoom Link to be provided after registration.  Please register here.

Wednesday, March 24

7PM: 350NYC General Meeting

Our speaker will be Deborah Moelis, a founding member of Handel Architects and a Certified Passive House Designer. Deborah served as Project Manager for Cornell Tech’s new residential tower, The House, in New York City, the largest building in the world built to Passive House standards. She is also Project Manager for Sendero Verde, a new 660-unit residential building in New York City, which will be the largest fully affordable Passive House building in the world.   Register in advance

Tuesday, March 23

Climate Action Council Advisory Panels & Just Transition Working Group Meetings

Upcoming meetings of the New York State Climate Action Council Advisory Panels and Just Transition Working Group for the week of March 22, 2021 are below. In keeping with measures designed to limit the spread of COVID-19, the meetings will be held via teleconference. To observe a meeting, please use the specific WebEx information below for the respective meeting.

For additional information on the Climate Action Council, please visit the Climate Act website.

Upcoming Meetings:

Just Transition Working Group

Tuesday, March 23, 2021, 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. ET

Event Number: 145 705 5507

Event Password: AGFOR10

Call In: 1-518-549-0500

Access Code: 185 354 5460

View the Meeting

Power Generation Advisory Panel

Public Engagement Session

The regularly scheduled advisory panel meeting will take place from 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. The public comment period will begin at 12:00 p.m.

Wednesday, March 24, 2021, 9:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. ET

Event Number: 145 010 4597

Event Password: climate

Call In: 1-415-655-0003

Access Code: 145 010 4597

View the Meeting

Climate Justice Working Group

Wednesday, March 24, 2021 at 2:00 p.m. ET.

Join the Webinar

Audio Conference: 1-518-549-0500

Audio Access Code: 185 685 9384#


6PM:  Environmental America:  Electric Vehicle 101 Webinar

If you’re interested in learning more about electric vehicles, curious what it would be like to own an electric vehicle, or simply passionate about EVs, this is the event for you.  The webinar will feature a panel of EV owners and experts who will explain the benefits of electric vehicles, talk about what it’s like to own them, and answer any questions you have about EV use or ownership.  Register here.


7PM:  The Stop Danskammer Coalition:  One Year to Stop Danskammer: The Countdown Begins – Danskammer Update & Training

The state has one year to review Danskammer’s application and determine whether to approve or deny the project– but they’ve only guaranteed us a couple of public hearings during this year-long process.  That means this upcoming hearing is critical for our campaign!  In order to stop this power plant we must demonstrate to Governor Cuomo and the Siting Board that New Yorkers are strongly opposed to Danskammer. We must show up in force to the virtual public hearing!  Join us on-line to get up to speed on the issues and help us for the upcoming public hearing, scheduled for March 31. Register here for the update and training.

Then. register to speak at the public hearing! Verbal comments can be short and sweet. What’s most important is that we all lend our voice in this moment.

Register to speak at the March 31 hearing at 1 p.m.

Register to speak at the March 31 hearing at 6 p.m.

Monday, March 22


The Department will also be holding three virtual public hearings. Additional information, including instructions for joining each event as well as supplemental documents, will be made available prior to each event on DEC’s website.

Public Hearing 1 – Outreach Webinar: Annual NYS GHG Emissions Report Overview

Date: March 22, 2021 3:00 p.m.

Public Hearing 2 – Technical Conference: Oil and Gas Emissions Accounting

Date: March 26, 2021 10:00 a.m. -1:00 p.m.

Public Hearing 3 – Outreach Webinar: Net Emissions Accounting

Date: March 29, 2021 3:00 p.m.  

Thursday, March 18

5PM:  Sane Energy:  Final Public Hearing to Stop National Grid North Brooklyn Pipeline

The DEC is holding its final public hearing on whether or not to issue National Grid a permit for liquefied and compressed fracked gas infrastructure by Newtown Creek. We know this project is totally unjust, illegal, a total climate catastrophe, and is charging all of us, undemocratically, to PAY for it! It’s important we all to show up! Join us.

5PM:  Align NY:  Climate Works for All:  Climate, Jobs and Justice Mayoral Candidate Forum

In less than four months, New Yorkers will be going to the polls for the primaries, casting their first votes to the future leaders that will be responding to multiple crises that NYC faces. The Climate Works for All coalition will be hosting the Climate, Jobs, and Justice Mayoral Candidate Forum which will give incoming 2021 Mayoral candidates an opportunity to share their plan for racial, economic, and climate justice.  Come listen to the mayoral candidates answer our tough questions on how they plan to navigate these crises, and move towards a more just and livable New York City.  Join us for the Climate, Jobs, and Justice Mayoral Candidate Forum on Thursday, March 18th at 5:00 p.m.

6PM:  Conversations For A Preferred Future Jim Schenk Enright Ridge Urban Eco Village Cincinnati, Ohio

More detail at suburbanpermaculture.org, Zoom in 5 – 10 minutes before start time.


Meeting ID: 895 5367 3085

Passcode: 990252


7PM:  Drawdown NYC:  Harriet Shugarman

Drawdown NYC will be hosting an event with Harriet Shugarman, the climate professor and the Chair of the Climate Reality Project.  She’s written a new book about how to talk to kids about climate change. She is an amazing speaker and we’re excited to host her.

Here is the registration page:



Wednesday, March 17

7PM:  Sierra Club NYC Group Webinar: Organic Waste Recycling in NYC

Did you know NYC spends $430 Million yearly on landfilling? It has been proven that residential organic waste recycling is essential for both a sustainable NYC budget, but also is a step we can all take to reduce our own personal carbon footprint at the same time. Join us virtually to learn more and organize!  Register in advance for this webinar.

Week of March 15, 2021

Climate Action Council Advisory Panels Meetings

Upcoming meetings of the New York State Climate Action Council Advisory Panels are below.In keeping with measures designed to limit the spread of COVID-19, the meetings will be held via teleconference. To observe a meeting, please use the specific WebEx information below for the respective meeting.  For additional information on the Climate Action Council, please visit the Climate Act website.

Agriculture & Forestry Advisory Panel

Tuesday, March 16, 2021, 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. ET

Event Number: 185 354 5460

Event Password: AGFOR10

Call In: 1-518-549-0500

Access Code: 185 354 5460

View the Meeting

Energy Efficiency & Housing Advisory Panel

Tuesday, March 16, 2021, 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. ET

Event Number: 145 656 4263

Event Password: climate

Call In: 1-415-655-0003

Access Code: 145 656 4263

View the Meeting

Transportation Advisory Panel

Thursday, March 18, 2021, 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. ET

Event Number: 145 810 9307

Event Password: climate

Call In: 1-415-655-0003

Access Code: 145 810 9307

View the Meeting


Friday, March 12

1PM:  Grow-NY Food and Ag Business CompetitionUnwrapping Food Waste: Innovative Packaging Solutions

Register Now

According to the USDA’s Economic Research Service, up to 40% of the food supply in the United States becomes waste — that’s over 200 pounds per person, per year. But what’s the best way to address this waste? Through eliminating food loss at the source by designing packaging that keeps food safe and preserves quality longer. This extends the shelf life of produce, baked goods, liquids, and other consumables, thus ensuring that more of the food that is produced ends up on tables rather than in landfills.  In this webinar hosted by the , our panelists will discuss innovative packaging solutions and how they are working to meet the USDA and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s goals for cutting our nation’s food waste by 50% by the year 2030.

2PM:  BloombergNEF (BNEF)  2021 Sustainable Energy in America Factbook

The ninth edition of the Sustainable Energy in America Factbook, published by BloombergNEF (BNEF) and the Business Council for Sustainable Energy (BCSE), was released on February 18, 2021, and is available to download at www.bcse.org/factbook. The Factbook provides updates on industry information and trends for the U.S. energy economy, with an in-depth look at the energy efficiency, natural gas, and renewable energy sectors, as well as emerging areas such as digitalization, micro-grids, offshore wind, hydrogen, and renewable natural gas.  Please RSVP to expedite check-in

Thursday, March 11

All Day:  Divest NY Coalition:  Lobbying for the NYS Teachers’ Fossil Fuel Divestment Act (S4783/Brisport/Assembly sponsor pending). Click here to view the bill.

This coalition won divestment for NYC’s three pension systems and the NYS retirement fund.  Come lobby virtually with a winning team!  You’ll get the training you need and we have flexible schedules  (All day from 9 to 5 with three half hour breaks; AM shift from 9 to 12:30 with one half hour break; PM shift from 1:30 to 5 with one half hour break.)

Sign up here.

12PM: Climate Works for All:  Fund Climate Justice Priorities

New York City is in the midst of a health, economic and climate crisis. Our City budget must address the disparate impacts of the economic downturn and climate crisis on NYC communities of color. Join us as we demand that Mayor de Blasio and the City Council invest in climate, environmental justice and green job creation in this year’s budget.

Climate Works for All’s 2021 budget priorities include funding to retrofit and install solar on public schools, funding to expand composting and launching the commercial waste zone program, and funding to expand clean transportation via electric school buses. Help us win funding for these critical proposals. 

Register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEtdu2trDkuH9AS8Gudw2TCLPNHHshGDFM4

1PM: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Trash Free Waters:  Reuse Models as Part of the Solution to the Plastic Pollution Problem.

Reuse and refill models are creating new opportunities for consumers to reduce the amount of waste they generate by making it easier to purchase goods in reusable containers.

This webinar will explore different types of reuse and refill models, explaining how they work and the stories behind them. About 40% of all plastic produced globally is used for packaging and single-use plastic packaging is a major source of the plastic waste that’s polluting our oceans and waterways at alarming rates. The speakers will discuss why reuse models can be an important part of the solution to the plastic pollution problem both globally and locally. They will also discuss the major challenges and opportunities for launching, maintaining, and scaling up reuse systems.

Register now for this free webinar.

Wednesday, March 10

6PM:  Sane Energy

The DEC has finally announced that March 10th is the date for the public hearing on whether or not to issue National Grid a permit for liquefied and compressed fracked gas infrastructure by Newtown Creek. We know this project is totally unjust, illegal, a total climate catastrophe, and is charging all of us, undemocratically, to PAY for it!

It’s important we all to show up!



7PM:  350NYC Transportation Working Group

Electric school buses and more.  If you are interested in attending the Zoom Transportation meeting, please fill out the Action In-Take Form.

Week of March 8, 2021

Climate Action Council Advisory Panels and Just Transition Working Group Meetings

Upcoming meetings of the New York State Climate Action Council Advisory Panels and the Just Transition Working Group for the week of March 8, 2021 are below. To observe a meeting, please use the specific WebEx information below for the respective meeting.  For additional information on the Climate Action Council, please visit the Climate Act website.

Land Use and Local Government Advisory Panel: Public Engagement Session

Monday, March 8, 2021, 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. ET

*Members of the public can view the presentation prior to the meeting and will have the opportunity to provide comments during the meeting.

Public Engagement Slides

Event Number: 179 588 7350

Event Password: 0308LULG

Call In: 1-518-549-0500

Access Code: 179 588 7350

View the Meeting

Transportation Advisory Panel

Tuesday, March 9, 2021, 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. ET

Event Number: 145 001 9168

Event Password: Climate

Call In: 1-415-655-0003

Access Code: 145 001 9168

View the Meeting

Power Generation Advisory Panel

Meeting and Public Engagement Session

Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. ET

*The regularly scheduled Advisory Panel meeting will take place from 1:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. ET. The public comment period will begin at 3:30 p.m. ET.

Event Number: 1458859683

Event Password: climate

Call In: 1-415-655-0003

Access Code: 145 885 9683

View the Meeting

Energy-Intensive and Trade-Exposed Industries Advisory Panel

Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. ET

Event Number: 145 300 9647

Event Password: EITE0310

Call In: 1-415-655-0003

Access Code: 145 300 9647

View the Meeting

Wednesday, March 3

2PM:  Stop the Money Pipeline:  Chase & BlackRock: Stop Fueling Climate Chaos Rally

Rally with activists and organizations on to urge JP Morgan Chase bank and BlackRock to stop fueling the climate crisis. Chase and Blackrock are the world’s largest funders of climate chaos; they invest hundreds of billions of dollars into the fossil fuels that pollute the air, cook the planet, and displace Indigenous communities. We will urge them to #StopTheMoneyPipeline.  We’ll meet at 2pm at Blackrock headquarters at 45 East 51st Street in Manhattan for a brief rally before marching 4 blocks south to JP Morgan Chase headquarters at 47th and Vanderbilt to rally again there.  Join us! MASKS required. Physical distancing encouraged!

Sign up here so that we know you are coming.


7PM:  350NYC Local Issues Working Group

Come learn about how you can get involved in helping NYC fight climate change.

Register here


Tuesday, March 2

6:30PM:  Sane Energy

The DEC has finally announced that March 10th is the date for the public hearing on whether or not to issue National Grid a permit for liquefied and compressed fracked gas infrastructure by Newtown Creek. We know this project is totally unjust, illegal, a total climate catastrophe, and is charging all of us, undemocratically, to PAY for it!

It’s important we all to show up!

Then, let’s get organized. We are hosting a prep session to get us prepared to defend our community using carefully researched legal arguments that will give the DEC reasons to DENY National Grid’s permit. 

RSVP to join us for our prep session – Tuesday Mar 2nd at 6:30PM

Save the Date: March 10th, 2021 at 6:00PM


Monday, March 1

 1PM:  Sierra Club NYC:  Enabling New York’s Economic Transition: The Role of Local Climate Policymaking

The Climate and Finance Committee of the Sierra Club’s NYC Group invites you to attend a webinar to discuss New York’s economic transition in local climate policymaking. The panel will consist of industry practitioners sharing their experiences and insights, with a particular focus on the ways in which state and local policymakers are helping New York’s economy transition to a more sustainable future. Q&A will follow.

RSVP: Reserve your spot on the webinar today!

If you have any questions, please contact:


Friday, February 26

2PM: Environmental and Energy Study Institute (EESI): Congressional Climate Camp #2: Federal Policies for High Emitting Sectors, Briefing Series: Congressional Climate Camp

EESI invites you to join us for the new, start-of-the-new-Congress Climate Camp online briefing series. We will go over the basics of the legislative process, highlighting key areas and opportunities for achieving near-term and long-term carbon reductions through policy.

Our second session will discuss the sectors with the highest carbon emissions, and highlight policy mechanisms to reduce emissions in each sector—power generation, industry, buildings, transportation, and agriculture. Each of these sectors has unique challenges in reducing carbon emissions. Federal policymakers have an array of options to address these challenges through coordinated action, thereby maximizing impact across sectors.  Please RSVP

3PM: Climate Action Council

In keeping with measures designed to limit the spread of COVID-19, the meeting will be held via teleconference. To observe the meeting, please use the WebEx information below. A recording of the meeting will be posted on the Climate Act website within three days of the meeting, or as soon as practicable. View Meeting

Meeting password: climate

Audio conference: 415-655-0003

Access code: 145 134 3284


Thursday, February 25

Noon:  PCM NY:  Climate Briefing for NYC Candidates: A Just Transition and Recovery

This briefing will provide an overview of the climate crisis in New York City, both problems and solutions, to the hundreds of candidates running for local office in 2021, including city council, mayor, comptroller, public advocate, and borough president.

Members of the public are welcome to attend!

Speakers at the briefing will include: Eddie Bautista (New York City Environmental Justice Alliance), Leslie Cagan (Peoples Climate Movement – NY), Judy Gonzalez (New York State Nurses Association), Gabriel Jamison (Brownsville Residents Green Committee), Danny Peralta (The Point CDC), Peggy Shepard (WE ACT for Environmental Justice), Maritza Silva-Farrell (ALIGN), and Jamie Tyberg (New York Communities for Change). (List in formation).

Please note that this non-partisan event is intended to inform candidates about the ways in which they can advance a climate justice agenda as elected officials, and is not part of an endorsement process.

Register here: https://forms.gle/Gj7SV1YgxYVFoYip7

Noon: 350.org: Virtual Rally: Tell Biden People Power Not Pipelines

Hear from on-the-ground activists and Indigenous leaders about what’s currently happening with Line 3 and DAPL and the ways you can show your support.

From climate activists to Indigenous leaders, the rally will feature:

– Winona LaDuke, Founder of Honor the Earth

– Tara Houska, Founder of Giniw Collective

– Dallas Goldtooth, Keep It in the Ground Campaign Organizer for the Indigenous Environmental Network

– Michael Guerrero, Labor Network for Sustainability

Register Here.

6PM: NYC Environmental Justice Advisory Board, the Mayor’s Office of Climate Policy and Programs: Remote Town Hall

The NYC Environmental Justice Advisory Board, the Mayor’s Office of Climate Policy and Programs, and an interagency working group of 19 city agencies have launched the City’s first comprehensive study of environmental justice, and want to hear from New Yorkers. Climate change hurts everyone, but our communities of color and low-income communities have borne the brunt. Our climate solutions MUST fight this unfairness, and the Environmental Justice for All Report is a crucial first step in that process.

The Environmental Justice for All Report will study the city’s Environmental Justice Areas, analyze environmental and climate issues, and identify which communities are being disproportionately impacted by environmental burdens and which are not seeing the benefits of green investments made by the City. Add your voice here to ensure the report addresses the real-life issues your community is facing, join a remote town hall on 2/25 to learn more, and explore the map of NYC’s Environmental Justice Areas.

7PM:  Conversations For A Preferred Future – Bob Randall Year Round Gardening Houston, Texas

More detail at suburbanpermaculture.org, Zoom in 5 – 10 minutes before start time.


Meeting ID: 895 5367 3085

Passcode: 990252


Wednesday, February 24

Noon:  Columbia University’s Center on Global Energy Policy:  Zero-Carbon Hydrogen Use in Today’s Energy System

Hydrogen is being portrayed as a rapidly emerging key fuel and ingredient to lower greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to climate change in critical sectors of the global economy. Register here to listen to Columbia University’s Center on Global Energy Policy’s discussion on how hydrogen can be made and used today in service of economic growth and rapid decarbonization.

Noon:  Environmental Law Institute:  Climate Migrants: Protecting Immigrants from Adverse Impacts of Climate Change

As climate change intensifies and extreme weather events wreak havoc on communities, human populations are becoming increasingly mobile despite minimal legal protections for climate migrants. By 2050, events linked to climate change – including extreme drought and agricultural losses, wildfires, sea-level rise, flooding, and impacted economies – are expected to forcibly displace 50-200 million people worldwide.  REGISTER HERE

2PM: NYS Climate Action Council Advisory Panel: Transportation Panel –  Public Engagement Session

In keeping with measures designed to limit the spread of COVID-19, the meeting will be held via teleconference. To observe the meeting, please use the WebEx information below.

View the Meeting

7PM:  A Just Transition to 100% Renewables in New York

Join us for an online forum on “A Just Transition to 100% Renewables in New York” featuring New York Senator Pete Harckham, Peekskill Councilmember Vanessa Agudelo, Courtney Williams of SEnRG, Carlos Garcia of NYC-EJA, and Aneta Voronkova of Pratt NYPIRG. Learn about how we will transition to 100% renewables in a way that supports our communities, workers, and the neighborhoods that are most at risk to dirty and dangerous energy. Hear about exciting new renewable energy projects, initiatives and legislation coming up.

Co-sponsored by Beyond Indian Point, Alliance for a Green Economy, Frack Action, Riverkeeper, Nuclear Information Resource Service, Food & Water Watch, NYPIRG, Safe Energy Rights Group (SEnRG), Resist Spectra, and NYC Environmental Justice Alliance.

Register Here – https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_G_MysBYeTbWKmUj6P1ffxQ


7:00 PM:  350 NYC General Meeting

Speakers Becca Elzinga and Adam Schiabor, from the Urban Green Council, will talk about bringing large buildings in NYC in compliance with the new Local Law 97 that mandates that buildings over 25,000 sq. ft.  must reduce their greenhouse gas emissions by 40% by 2030.

Becca Elzinga, LEED GA, develops curriculum to teach architects, engineers, construction workers and building operators the latest in green building practices 

Adam Schiabor, Research Coordinator, Urban Green Council is responsible for conducting data analysis and research into sustainability topics. 

Register here


Tuesday, February 23

9AM: NYS Climate Action Council Advisory Panels: Just Transition Panel –  Public Engagement Session

In keeping with measures designed to limit the spread of COVID-19, the meeting will be held via teleconference. To observe the meeting, please use the WebEx information below.

View the Meeting

8PM:  Food and Water Watch:  False Climate Solutions

Not all climate change “solutions” will truly tackle our climate crisis. The oil and gas industry tries to protect its profits at any cost, and that often involves elaborate pay-to-pollute schemes like cap-and-trade and carbon pricing, as well as unproven technology like carbon capture. “Renewable” biogas would prop up the unsustainable factory farm system without reducing methane emissions.  Fossil fuel corporations are pushing false solutions to the climate crisis to confuse policy makers and the public.

Click here to RSVP and join us on February 23: http://fwwat.ch/2Ngn93z


Monday, February 22

All Day! Beyond Plastics: Tweetathon to City Council Speaker Corey Johnson

New York City is generating a truly staggering amount of non-recyclable single-use plastic trash and we need your help to get NYC’s long-awaited and widely supported Straws & Stirrers By Request Only Bill 936 over the finish line. RSVP now for the 2/22 Tweet-A-Thon and we’ll and we’ll follow up to make sure you have everything you need to make Speaker Johnson sit up and take notice!

NYS Climate Action Council Advisory Panels – Public Engagement Sessions

9:30AM Power Generation Advisory Panel

In keeping with measures designed to limit the spread of COVID-19, the meeting will be held via teleconference. To observe the meeting, please use the WebEx information below.. View the Meeting

1PM:  Waste Advisory Panel

In keeping with measures designed to limit the spread of COVID-19, the meeting will be held via teleconference. To observe the meeting, please use the WebEx information below. View the Meeting

1PM:  Land Use & Local Government Advisory Panel

In keeping with measures designed to limit the spread of COVID-19, the meeting will be held via teleconference. To observe the meeting, please use the WebEx information below. View the Meeting

Sunday, February 21

5PM:  Sane Energy

The DEC has finally announced that March 10th is the date for the public hearing on whether or not to issue National Grid a permit for liquefied and compressed fracked gas infrastructure by Newtown Creek. We know this project is totally unjust, illegal, a total climate catastrophe, and is charging all of us, undemocratically, to PAY for it!

It’s important we all to show up!

Then, let’s get organized. We are hosting a prep session to get us prepared to defend our community using carefully researched legal arguments that will give the DEC reasons to DENY National Grid’s permit. 

RSVP to join us for one of our prep sessions!

Sunday Feb 21st at 5PM

Tuesday Mar 2nd at 6:30PM

Save the Date: March 10th, 2021 at 6:00PM


Friday, February 19

1PM:  Climate Central WORKSHOP: Managing Climate Misinformation

The climate field is riddled with misinformation, from science denialism and greenwashing to flawed perceptions of the costs of climate action. Join Climate Central in a conversation with academic experts and journalists for advice on recognizing, decoding, avoiding and covering climate misinformation. Includes live Q&A. Registration required.


Thursday, February 18

 10:00AM:  Clean200 – 2021 Live Webinar

The first Carbon Clean 200™ was launched in 2016. Every year, we update the 200 global companies that define the clean energy future. The NEW list will be available and we will present our findings with a live webinar and discussion. Panelists will highlight companies that were added/removed from the list, debate how these companies performed, and explain global trends.  Join us as we continue to provide the most current data on the companies that are leading the way to a clean energy future.  REGISTER NOW

11AM:  Climate Action Council Transportation Advisory Panel

In keeping with measures designed to limit the spread of COVID-19, the meetings will be held via teleconference. To observe a meeting, please use the specific WebEx information below for the respective meeting.  For additional information on the Climate Action Council, please visit the Climate Act website.

View the Meeting

7PM:  Conversations For A Preferred Future Yvonne Chou Onandaga Earth Corps Syracuse, New York

More detail at suburbanpermaculture.org, Zoom in 5 – 10 minutes before start time.


Meeting ID: 895 5367 3085

Passcode: 990252

Wednesday, February 17

7PM:  350NYC Media Meeting

More to come on this.

Tuesday, February 16

3PM:  Climate X Change:  The Road to 100% Renewable Energy

The concept of 100% renewable energy is rising as a policy choice for reducing carbon pollution.  In recent years, several cities and states have committed to 100% renewable energy or net-zero goals, and President Joe Biden has committed to carbon neutrality nationwide before 2050 in his most recent climate plan.   February’s Deep Dive webinar looks at these policies under a microscope. What is the difference between 100% renewable, net-zero, and carbon neutrality? How can we ensure the protection of jobs in a massive energy transition? How can we ensure that vulnerable populations are protected? What technology is needed to achieve 100% renewable energy? How can we pass these policies in legislatures across the country? REGISTER HERE

8PM:  Stop the Money Pipeline National Coalition: Defund Line 3 Campaign

In solidarity with Water Protectors on the frontlines on Anishinaabe lands in Minnesota, we are joining forces against Enbridge’s next big financial deadline, March 31, when a credit facility renewal worth $2.16 billion will expire.  The 18 major banks involved in that loan have to make a decision whether to continue to support Line 3 or walk away from Enbridge and its toxic, colonial pipeline.  Over the next few weeks, we’ll be asking activists across the country to send direct emails to CEOs, call board members, take part in Covid-safe street protests, participate in projection actions, join online rallies, and much more.

Tara Houska and Taysha Martineau will share stories from the frontlines, including how they recently shut down construction with a piano blockade. And organizers will walk through the campaign plan step-by-step, let you know how you can participate at every stage and give you all the tools you need to get involved.  RSVP to the Campaign Launch on Tuesday, Feb 16th. 

Friday, February 12

 1PM: The Climate Museum’s Second Fridays series:  Talking Climate: Grief

The Climate Museum announces Second Fridays with the launch of our discussion series Talking Climate! Join us on the second Friday of every month for conversations about climate and inequality, with additional special events featured throughout the year.

See what’s going on here: https://climatemuseum.org/second-fridays

1PM:  NYS Climate Action Council – Power Generation Advisory Panel – Meeting and Public Engagement Session.

A regularly-scheduled advisory panel meeting will take place from 1:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. The public comment period will begin at 3:30 p.m.

View the Meeting

3:00 PM: The Sierra Club Presents: An Expert Panel on Sea Level Rise & Our Coasts

Our first panel will discuss how sea level rise is affecting our various coastlines, from marshes to beaches to coastal cities.  The Zoom link will be provided to registered guests prior to this event. Event is Free! Please register.

As part of the event, we will also provide a link to screen the film “Last Call of the Bayou”, Five Stories from Louisiana’s Disappearing Coastline https://www.lastcallforthebayou.com

Thursday, February 11

6PM:  Beyond Plastics:  Plastic Pollution Organizing Meeting

It’s a new year and we’re excited to tackle plastic pollution in NYC and beyond.

Click here to register and we’ll email you the Zoom log in details for the meeting.

In addition to updates on the NYC Skip the Straw Bill, the NY state bag ban, the Break Free From Plastic Pollution Act (hello, Senate Majority Leader Schumer!!!), we’ll fill you in on a new effort to convince Amazon to stop using so much plastic packaging, the new push to convince President Biden to be a plastic-free president, the upcoming Fossil Fools Day, and more. We’ll also hear from Caroline Vanderlip, founder of Re:Dish, a new company that is reimagining restaurant takeout and meal services for a more sustainable future.

Wednesday, February 10

2PM:  NYS Climate Action Council – Energy-Intensive and Trade-Exposed Industries Advisory Panel Meeting

View the Meeting

3PM:  NYS Climate Action Council – Transportation Advisory Panel

View the Meeting

3PM:  NYS Climate Action Council – Energy Efficiency and Housing Advisory Panel Meeting

View the Meeting

4:30PM:  Guarini Center on Environmental, Energy and Land Use Law:  Back to the Future: Energy Policy in the Biden Administration

President Joe Biden has pledged to pursue a starkly different energy policy than the prior administration. Among other things, Biden has promised to dramatically curb methane emissions from the oil and gas sector, cut fossil fuel subsidies, and put the US on a path to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050. Achieving these goals will require sweeping changes to federal energy and environmental laws. At this upcoming panel discussion, experts from industry, law and the environmental community will assess what steps the Biden Administration can or should to take to implement these reforms and the obstacles that it may encounter along the way. 

Register here.

7PM:  350NYC Transportation Working Group

Electric school buses and more.  If you are interested in attending the Zoom Transportation meeting, please email Leslie Stevens, lste.climate@gmail.com to register.

Tuesday, February 9

2PM:  NYS Climate Action Council – Waste Advisory Panel – Meeting and Public Engagement Session

Members of the public will have the opportunity to provide comments in the latter half of the meeting. Comments will be limited to two minutes per commenter. For those interested in providing comments, please pre-register here.

Note: You do not need to register to attend the meeting; registration is for those interested in providing verbal comments during the meeting.

7:30PM:  Sierra Club: Climate (in) Jeopardy

Help stop Astoria fracked gas in its tracks — join us for Climate (in) Jeopardy, a virtual game-show and educational session.  We will be joined by New York Assemblyman Zohran Kwame Mamdani, who will host the trivia portion of the program, and other special celebrity guests.  Come meet your fellow NYC neighbors, join a virtual game with celebrities, and learn how you can stop new gas infrastructure from coming to the greatest city on Earth!

Wednesday, February 3

 11:00AM:  American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy: 2021 State Transportation Electrification Scorecard

Which states are taking the biggest steps to advance electric vehicles and which are falling behind? In a first-of-its-kind report, ACEEE comprehensively examines all 50 states’ efforts, scoring them across 40 policies, and identifying where legislatures, executive agencies, and utility regulators can make progress.  With transportation now the largest source of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions, electric vehicles (EVs) stand to play a critical role in decarbonization. But EVs still account for only approximately 2% of the American vehicle market, and initial purchase costs and access to vehicle charging remain barriers.

The scorecard will reveal what states are doing to reduce these barriers. Join us to hear from the report authors and leaders from California, New York, and Colorado.

Register Here

Noon:  NYRenews:  People’s Climate Action Council

The CAC Advisory Panels are seeking public input in February. At the P-CAC we will talk about how we can do this most effectively. Since the panels will report back to the CAC in March, this is really our only chance to provide bottom up input. You can register on Zoom here.

6:30PM:  Food & Water Watch:  Teach In – Stop the Gowanus Fracked Gas Plant

Despite our current climate and public health crises, big Wall St. firms are trying to push forward dirty, dangerous fossil fuel plants here in New York City. One major proposal for a new fossil fuel facility is the Gowanus fracked gas plant being proposed right on the Gowanus Bay. That area of Brooklyn has already experienced great environmental injustice and our government is committed to clean up the Gowanus canal, a toxic superfund site.

What is the Gowanus fracked gas plant and why are Wall St private interests financing this a foolhardy proposal to burn more fossil fuels in Brooklyn? More importantly, how can we stop this Gowanus fracked gas plant from being approved and move New York to 100% renewable energy? Join us and activists throughout the city for a virtual teach-in to Stop the Gowanus Fracked Gas Plant on Wednesday, February 3!

Tuesday, February 2

10AM:  POLITICO and EDF:  Communities in Transition – The Future of America Energy

Join for a virtual deep-dive conversation to explore policy proposals and practices that could be most effective in helping communities with economies that rely on fossil fuels navigate the energy transition.  Register to watch here.

Noon:  Sane Energy:  Tell Cuomo and the PSC – Get Off Gas Press Conference & Rally

Renewable Heat Now campaign and community members and elected officials from across New York State impacted by fracked gas infrastructure and harmful utility moratoria.  Watch livestream here: bit.ly/getoffgas

Friday, January 29

Noon:  NYU Institute for Policy Integrity and Environmental Defense Fund:  When Old Laws Threaten New Climate Ambitions: A New York Case Study

Several states have recently passed legislation mandating ambitious levels of economy-wide greenhouse gas emissions reductions. While the laws establishing these state mandates authorize agencies to adopt new regulations, they do not spell out what to do about existing laws that enable—and, in some cases, encourage—the consumption of fossil fuels. Our webinar, co-hosted by the Environmental Defense Fund, will explore this challenge by considering New York’s clean energy transition, and tensions between old laws and the landmark Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act. After a presentation of research by Justin Gundlach and Elizabeth Stein, speakers Dale Bryk, Rory Christian, and Michael Gerrard will consider some of the issues and proposals raised by the authors. Moderated Q&A will follow.  Register for the webinar here


Thursday, January 28

3:00PM:  America Sustainable Business Council:  Climate Change & Biden’s First 100 Days with Gina McCarthy Webinar

We are pleased to invite you to join ASBC for a conversation with Gina McCarthy, the newly appointed leader of the incoming Office of Domestic Climate Policy.  President-elect Joe Biden has committed his administration to necessary, aggressive action on climate change, with a bold climate strategy highlighted by the appointment of Ms. McCarthy as the first-ever head of the Domestic Climate Policy Office. Ms. McCarthy will highlight what we can expect from the incoming administration in the first 100 days as well as President-elect Biden’s longer-term plans for domestic climate policy as it relates to our economy.  The former Administrator of the EPA under President Obama from 2013-17, McCarthy will work with former Secretary of State John Kerry, who will handle climate policy from an international perspective.  Ms. McCarthy will be joined on January 28th by ASBC business leaders to offer thoughts on the roles and responsibilities of businesses in addressing climate change and the opportunity for public-private partnerships.

Register here.

7PM: Cary Institute of Ecosystem StudiesRestoring Resilient Tropical Forests

Sustainable forests can protect biodiversity and combat climate change.  Take a virtual trip to Panama and discover why healthy tropical forests are our climate allies, how tree species diversity regulates forest regrowth following disturbance, and science-based recipes for reforestation success.  Register here.

7PM:  Power Shift Network: Climate Justice + Organizing Labor

This webinar will be an introduction on labor organizing and how it interacts with many aspects of the environmental justice movement, such as how right-to-work legislation and other union busting efforts or hampering work affect the climate justice movement. Panelists will also be discussing the connections between the current labor organizers and mutual aid organizers in the youth environmental movement.  Power Shift Network is continuing to center conversations around the movements that closely intersect to climate justice work with our next conversation focused on organized labor.

9PM: Conversations For A Preferred Future:  LA Eco Village Los Angeles, California

Join Zoom Meeting – Conversations For A Preferred Future


Meeting ID: 895 5367 3085

Passcode: 990252


Wednesday, January 27
7PM:  General Meeting
It’s been hard to get out lately, but have you had an opportunity to check out the Climate Clock at Union Square?  Come meet the activists Andrew Boyd and Gan Golan to learn about their efforts to get the clock in cities around the world.

The Climate Clock shows everyone that we have a deadline to reduce CO2 and a lifeline to increase renewable energy.  With the new administration getting settled, 350NYC has a role to play.  So do you.  Join us.  Folks new to 350NYC can join at 6:30PM. 

7:30PM:  Reusable Solutions and the Brooklyn Borough President’s office:  The Clean Power Hour

The Clean Power Hour is a virtual renewable energy showcase that will help us learn how NYC can transition to 100% clean power.  Following opening remarks from the Brooklyn Borough President’s Office, we will hear from four companies that are working to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels. Participants will have a chance to ask questions and discover what our fossil fuel free future looks like.

Sign up here and we’ll send you a link to the zoom event. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/134602424475


9PM:  Union of Concerned Scientists and Science! Learning to Earn Your Trust: A Virtual Discussion about Public Trust in Science

Join for a discussion on what stops people from “trusting the science,” and what we can do to change that. Register for your YouTube link here.


Tuesday, January 26

9AM – 1PM:  Labor Network For Sustainability, Jersey Renews, and others:  Time for Turbines – 2 day event

Time for Turbines is an annual conference that brings together policymakers, labor and environmental advocates and wind energy professionals to discuss current issues and opportunities in New Jersey’s rapidly expanding offshore wind industry.  Check out their event website to view program updates and register to join.

6PM:  Climate Reality NYC Metro Chapter: The Sea Around Us

Join this panel event discussing sea level rise, erosion, resilience and the health of the waterways and shores that surround NYC and learn about the exciting people and organizations that are working tirelessly to shore up the health of our waterways, and our city. REGISTER HERE

7PM: Food Justice Month at Fourth Universalist! Panel: Food Waste and Composting

The Food Justice movement is working to make sure all people have access to healthy food, while studying the impacts of food production and waste on our environment.

Please join the Environmental Justice Team at Fourth Universalist as we explore issues related to food, the environment, and how we can create more equitable food systems in our communities.

Please register for the events using this form. All events will occur on Zoom at this link.

8PM:  #BuildBackFossilFree coalition

Please join Build Back Fossil Free digital rally calling on President Biden to take bold executive action to end the era of fossil fuel production, protect communities reeling from the climate and COVID-19 crises, and #BuildBackFossilFree. The rally will feature frontline leaders fighting toxic fossil fuel projects and lay the groundwork for a coordinated organizing push to build on this week’s momentum.

RSVP link

Thursday, January 21

7 PM: Conversations For A Preferred Future:  Permaculture Rising Portland, Oregon Join Zoom Meeting – Conversations For A Preferred Future


Meeting ID: 895 5367 3085

Passcode: 990252


Wednesday, January 20

 6:30 PM:  350NYC Media Meeting

To join meetings fill out our Climate Action Intake Form here.


January 19

1:30PM: NY Times Climate Hub:  Making 2021 the Year We Break Fossil Fuel Addiction

The Covid-19 crisis collapsed demand for energy, with oil prices falling to an astonishing -$37.63 per barrel in late April. But as the world looks toward recovery, can this shock be seized to break the global addiction to fossil fuels, or will the “new normal” end up looking much like the old one? How can we accelerate the rise in renewables to meet urgent global demand throughout the recovery? How will businesses with global operations adapt to support this transformation? And could a green recovery provide the necessary boost to strengthen commitment to the climate goals, which the world so badly needs?

Register Here

6PM:  Food and Water Watch: Stop Danskammer film

Environmental and racial justice are two sides of the same coin…
Stop Danskammer is a short documentary set in Newburgh, NY, which shows how environmental and racial justice are two sides of the same coin. On one side, we meet local activists working hard to keep a fracked gas power plant from opening in their city–and who would think they would have to in a state where fracking is banned? On the other, we learn that dangerous projects like this are often built in communities of color, where developers believe the residents are least likely to defend themselves from the air and water pollution the projects cause. But the community of Newburgh refuses to conform to these expectations, and are standing up to say “Stop Danskammer!”


RSVP to the film here.

6:30PM:  Facing the Plastic Pollution Crisis: A Talk with Judith Enck

Join the Brooklyn and Manhattan Solid Waste Advisory Boards and the Bronx and Queens SWAB Organizing Committees (via Zoom) for a talk with Judith Enck of Beyond Plastics to hear about how single-use plastic is harming our environment from production to disposal and what we can do about it.  Moderated by Dior St. Hillaire from the Bronx SWAB Organizing Committee.  The event is FREE, but requires advance registration.


7PM: Food Justice Month at Fourth Universalist! Panel: Food Insecurity and Hunger in NYC

The Food Justice movement is working to make sure all people have access to healthy food, while studying the impacts of food production and waste on our environment.

Please join the Environmental Justice Team at Fourth Universalist as we explore issues related to food, the environment, and how we can create more equitable food systems in our communities.

Please register for the events using this form. All events will occur on Zoom at this link.



Thursday, January 14

 10AM:  CLCPA Roundtable on Natural Resources

Join New York League of Conservation Voters and Columbia’s Sabin Center for Climate Change Law for the next forum in the series on implementing the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA). This forum will focus on how New York’s natural resources can help reach the goal of an 85% reduction in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions statewide by 2050.


Noon:  EARTHDAY.ORG, Earth Day Live series: We Throw It All Away, Food Waste and Loss, Responsible Practices

Global food waste is a far-reaching problem. Approximately 1.3 billion tons of food each year are wasted globally — that’s one-third of all food produced. In the United States alone, about 40% of food goes to waste annually. With close to 900 million people starving worldwide, we cannot afford to lose that much of production. We need to start thinking about new and innovative approaches to address food waste and loss. Join us for the live event.

Wednesday, January 13

7PM:  350NYC Transportation Working Group

Electric school buses and more.  If you are interested in attending the Zoom Transportation meeting, please email Leslie Stevens, lste.climate@gmail.com to register.


Tuesday, January 12

 3:00PM:  Climate Xchange:  The Power of Labor in a Green Economy

A just transition to a clean energy economy requires ensuring that labor groups are at the table, and that quality green jobs are created across the country. But how can climate advocates and policymakers ensure that the move away from fossil fuels and toward renewables doesn’t leave anyone behind?  In this webinar, we’ll be hearing from a broad range of experts who will overview the importance of ensuring labor groups are at the table during this transition.  


 7PM: Food Justice Month at Fourth Universalist! Panel: Food Justice and Climate Change

The Food Justice movement is working to make sure all people have access to healthy food, while studying the impacts of food production and waste on our environment.

Please join the Environmental Justice Team at Fourth Universalist as we explore issues related to food, the environment, and how we can create more equitable food systems in our communities.

Please register for the events using this form. All events will occur on Zoom at this link.

Monday, January 11

10AM:  New York Youth Climate Leaders – Lobby Day

NY2CL is hosting a lobby day to promote several bills for the new legislative session. Specifically, we will lobby for fossil fuel divestment, eliminating fossil fuel subsidies, and taxing the ultra-wealthy to fund climate justice. This legislation is critical to both ending New York’s reliance on fossil fuels and closing the state’s $14.5 billion budget shortfall.

As 2020 draws to an end, New York State is presented with enormous and unprecedented challenges. The COVID-19 pandemic has taken tens of thousands of lives, the state government faces a $14.5 billion budget shortfall, and New York has still done little to combat the climate crisis. In order to recover from the pandemic and address the climate crisis, we must stop funding the fossil fuel industry, tax the wealthy, and create a Green New Deal for New York State.  You can register at bit.ly/fight4ourfuture


January 5 – 9

National Council of Science and the Environment & Project Drawdown

We are bringing together our research partners and friends from across the globe to share and expand on the latest solutions to our most pressing global challenges.  This joint conference will explore (a) the physical effects of climate change and how these are linked to social institutions; and (b) how implementing climate solutions produces positive co-benefits to society, the economy, and the planet.  There are a limited number of free registrations available for just the Drawdown segment of this conference.  Please register soon to try to take advantage of the free sessions. 


Tuesday, December 29

11:00AM:  New York Youth Climate Leaders

In response to an unprecedented budget shortfall and the looming threat of the climate crisis, over 125 organizations from across New York State will send a letter on December 29th to legislative leadership and Governor Andrew Cuomo calling for the removal of nonessential fossil fuel subsidies from the 2021-2022 state budget. The organizations will also release a petition with over 2000 signatures urging legislative action to end fossil fuel subsidies. To celebrate this, the New York Youth Climate Leaders along with NRDC and NYPIRG will be holding a press conference.  Register here!

Monday, December 21

6:00PM:  Food & Water Watch Celebrating Our Victories:

Join FWW as we celebrate our victories in 2020, and, with special guest State Senator-elect Jabari Brisport, look ahead to more wins in 2021. Click here to register.


Sunday, December 20

5:00PM:  Sane Energy:  The Head of the Black Snake: No LNG on the North Brooklyn Pipeline

National Grid, the corporate utility covering part of NYC and Long Island wants to raise our rates, the highest in the nation, to expand more fossil fuels, including the North Brooklyn (MRI) Pipeline and LNG expansion on Newtown Creek in Greenpoint, Brooklyn in an opaque process in a boardroom. We know that more fossil fuels anywhere puts the climate at risk for everyone. Their request to invest our rate-payer dollars into more fossil fuels goes against what our community wants, and goes against our climate law. We must flood the system with public comments like they have never seen before. Come learn about it, and learn how to TAKE ACTION!  Register on Zoom in advance for this meeting here.


Saturday, December 19

10AM: 350Brooklyn  Stop the Money Pipeline Rally

JP Morgan Chase is the world’s largest funder of the fossil fuel industry. Since the 2015 adoption of the Paris Agreement, Chase has provided nearly $269 billion to fossil fuel companies to build coal mines, pipelines and fracked gas terminals — 36% more than any other bank.  Let Chase know what you think! Join the Stop the Money Pipeline Campaign rally, Chase Bank branch at Fifth Avenue and Ninth Street in Park Slope.  We’ll be meeting on Zoom on Wednesday, December 16, at 7:30 pm to plan further action. Please email us at stmp@350Brooklyn.org for the link.


Friday, December 18


Testify at City Council – NY City Council supports community composting and wants our site and LES Ecology Center’s licenses renewed. City Council has called an oversight hearing on Community Composting with the Committee on Parks and Recreation and the Committee on Sanitation to question Parks about their short sighted decision.

  • We encourage all supporters of composting to register to testify at the hearing here. Registration to testify closes 24 hours before the hearing (12/17 at 10:59am).
  • Written testimony may be submitted without registration by emailing it to hearings@council.nyc.gov up to 72 hours after the close of the hearing.
  • The hearing can be viewed here.
  • Send copy of testimony to Mayor and Parks.  Paste your testimony into response forms for Mayor de Blasio and Parks Commissioner Mitchell Silver to let them know why Parks should host composting sites instead of landfilling their yard waste.


1:30PM:  Sustainable Shorelines Webinar: Implementation of Nature-based Shoreline Projects and Initiatives since 2015

Hear about efforts over the past five years to advance nature-based shoreline protection in New York. Presentation topics include: implementation of the Community Risk and Resiliency Act, Great Lakes nature-based shoreline and coastal resilience updates, monitoring natural and nature-based shoreline features, and projects and progress along the Hudson River, Niagara River and Long Island.

For more information and to register, go to the Hudson River National Estuarine Research Reserve’s website.

Wednesday, December 16

12:00 PM:  American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE) 2020 State Energy Efficiency Scorecard

Which states are doing the most to save energy and which are falling behind? And how has COVID-19 and the resulting recession affected their efforts? In a comprehensive ranking of 32 metrics in five policy areas, the nonprofit ACEEE will highlight national winners and, for the first time, regional winners and states to watch. It will look at the top states for utility-sector efficiency, building energy codes, appliance standards, electric vehicles, and other policies and programs.  Register here

 5:30PM:  Scenic Hudson:  Danskammer – Isn’t it Worth Getting Right?

Join us to hear about a concept for the site that would create jobs, lower taxes and support New York’s clean energy future. The experts in energy project finance and landscape architecture who developed it will explain its positive, long-term impacts to your community. Register:


Tuesday, December 15th


We need your help to renew the license agreements for Big Reuse’s Queensbridge Community Composting Site and LES Ecology Center’s Composting in East River Park. Parks Dept is planning to evict our composting site to replace it with equipment storage and parking. Parks Commissioner Mitchell Silver and Mayor Bill de Blasio have the power to renew the license agreements for community composting sites. Here are actions you can take to demand that they act now.

Attend our Press – Join the Save Our Compost coalition and elected officials for a virtual press conference where we will make the case for protecting existing compost sites on Parks. The event will be live-streamed on our Facebook page.  Watch on Zoom here.

See Friday, December 18th and register to testify!

Monday, December 14th

 12PM:  Columbia University – Center on Global Energy Policy:  Building a New Grid Without New Legislation

Expanding and strengthening the transmission grid is a key enabler of an affordable and rapid transition to a zero-carbon power sector in the United States. However, it has become conventional wisdom that sufficient development of new long-distance high-voltage transmission projects is not practically achievable due to onerous state requirements for permitting and acquiring land for such projects. Congressional action could certainly address the regulatory and barriers that currently prevent long-distance high-voltage transmission from being developed at the necessary speed and scale. However, according to new research from the Center on Global Energy Policy and NYU School of Law’s Institute for Policy Integrity*, the U.S. Department of Energy and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) could use existing authorities to overcome state regulatory obstacles and advance transmission development, even without new Congressional action.

Register Here

Saturday, December 12

12 – 2 PM:  NYC Democratic Socialists of America: Fight for Our Lives! Rally at Chuck Schumer’s Office

Join the DSA EcoSocialist Working Group, Green New Deal Campaign Committee, and the Medicare for All Campaign Committee for an action to Fight for Our Lives in front of Sen. Chuck Schumer’s office! It’s at 780 3rd Ave in Manhattan, between 48th and 49th St.

https://www.facebook.com/events/703789376927007 RSVP:https://bit.ly/d12nycsignup

Monday December 7th

10AM:  Climate Action will host From Risk to Opportunity: Climate Transitions and Tropical Commodities

This event will bring together environment ministers and senior officials from Germany and the UK alongside private sector leaders to discuss how we can work together to eliminate deforestation from tropical commodity supply chains and support sustainable production.

The event is brought to us by Orbitas.  Orbitas is company that examines climate transition risks for capital providers financing tropical commodities. Orbitas will share the world’s first research on what risks and opportunities will stem from transitioning policies, consumer preferences, and corporate goals affecting tropical agriculture.

Featured Speakers:

·        Lord Martin Callanan, UK Minister for Climate Change and Corporate Responsibility

·        Karsten Sach, Director General, Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety

·        Mark Kenber, Orbitas

·        More Ministerial and private-sector leaders to be announced

Register today to join the content live or watch on demand in your own time.

Sunday, December 6

4-6PM: The Sunrise Movement:  Sunrise School

The Sunrise Movement is starting its training sessions again.  Know a young person who wants to get involved?  2021 is our time to start making the Green New Deal a reality. Biden won this election because our generation threw down, and now his time is ours. From the moment he steps into office, we need to be ready to demand that Biden take swift, bold action on climate. And if we do that, we could have some seriously big wins — from transformative executive actions, to an Office of Climate Mobilization that can ensure we begin the decade of the Green New Deal in Biden’s first 100 days. But he’ll only do that if Sunrise and our allied movements make him


Thursday, December 3

4:30PM:  New York Communities for Change:  Gov. Cuomo Birthday Bash – Tax the Rich

It’s a birthday celebration… sort of.  The Governor’s birthday is on December 6; what better gift than billions of dollars to fight inequality and climate change in NY.  New York faces budget gaps, dramatically worsened by the coronavirus pandemic. A Biden presidency won’t eliminate these gaps. Besides, federal aid was never going to satisfy the need to tax the rich to fight growing inequality and fund transformative climate action in NY. Rally outside of 212 5th Avenue (where billionaire Jeff Bezos bought a penthouse and condo for a total of $96 million).  https://www.facebook.com/events/405809260561309

Wednesday, December 2

2PM: The Nature Conservancy: 30% by 2030 Series: OCEAN CONSERVATION featuring Melissa Garvey, Global Director of Ocean Protection

Protect 30% of the planet by 2030: It’s an ambitious goal, and one The Nature Conservancy believes we can collectively achieve for people and nature to thrive. Join Legacy Club members and fellow loyal supporters for our exclusive virtual events with TNC’s experts to discuss transformational conservation for nature’s future.

Learn how your support is propelling groundbreaking science and innovative strategies to protect biodiversity while achieving large-scale, transformative conservation of our most important lands and waters.  REGISTER »



Join us to celebrate our work together in this challenging year!

We will miss our in-person holiday festivities this year, but we still look forward to this virtual celebration of our wonderful community. Help us reflect on how much we were able to accomplish in this difficult time and how we’ve been able to stay engaged and supportive of one another. 

We’ll also remember our beloved Dee Aherne, who passed away on November 7th. In her honor we’ll share our plans for action in 2021.

If this is the first time you’ve attended one of our meetings join the zoom at 6:30 and we’ll tell you about our working groups and how to get involved.

Bring a glass for a (digital) toast to our work together!



After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. 

Note that our normal General Meetings held on the fourth Wednesday of the month are cancelled for November and December due to the holidays.  Join us on December 2nd instead. 

Tuesday, December 1

1PM:  Climate Central and the National Housing Trust:  The Sea Level Rise Threat to Affordable Housing

New research on affordable housing exposed to coastal flood risk warns that rising seas can be expected to triple the number of units vulnerable to flooding by 2050. This workshop will feature experts discussing the science behind the study and the options available to maintain safe, affordable housing in coastal communities as our climate changes.



1:30PM: NY Times Climate Hub: Transforming the Financial System for a Zero-Carbon Future

Traditionally, investors have had one duty – to make the greatest possible return on capital for their shareholders. It’s an outdated model that’s brought us to the brink of climate disaster, and we need a new way of understanding value and returns that looks beyond the short-term and drives resources towards scalable solutions. There are trillions of dollars in so-called ‘green’ funds, but how do we fundamentally redesign financial markets to make responsible, climate-focused investing the rule rather than the exception

Register here.

November 30th

11:00AM: AlignNY: Cyber Monday Rally: STAND UP to Amazon and Pandemic Profiteer Jeff Bezos

Cyber Monday Rally targeting Amazon’s pandemic profiteering and calling on the state to hold the company and CEO Jeff Bezos accountable by taxing the rich, funding excluded workers, and passing the NY HERO act.  212 5th Avenue, Manhattan (Jeff Bezos’ multi-million dollar apartment)


Tuesday, November 24

2PM:  Climate Action Council

New York State’s 22-member Climate Action Council, established under the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act, will hold a meeting to continue its work on a statewide scoping plan to guide New York State toward its nation-leading climate goals.

To observe the meeting, please use the WebEx information below. A recording of the meeting will be posted on the Climate Act website within three days of the meeting, or as soon as practicable.

View the meeting

Audio conference: 415-655-0003

Access code: 145 385 0719

For additional information on the Climate Action Council, please visit the Climate Act website

4 PM:  New York Youth Climate Leaders

As of this November, the New York Youth Climate Leaders have been fighting for climate justice for one year! We have already accomplished so much, but we have a long way to come.  To commemorate our birthday, we are hosting an anniversary webinar and social hour. During this event, we will reflect on our successes thus far and discuss our ambitious plans for the coming year. You are invited to register for the event here.

Expect to hear about our plans and goals for 2021 and listen to an exciting line-up of speakers that includes Senator-Elect Jabari Brisport, activist Ruth Foster, and Senator Liz Kruger. Don’t forget to register at http://bit.ly/ny2cl-anniversary!

5:30-7PM: The Natural History Museum:  Indigenous Climate Justice: Ecological and Relational Tipping Points

The Natural History Museum is teaming up with the Humboldt State University Native American Studies Program to explore the challenges and possibilities for coalition-building in a time of accelerating climate change.  This webinar explores the profound effects colonialism, capitalism, and industrialization on the contemporary conditions for climate activism, underscoring one of the central questions for activists and policy-makers today: what does it truly mean to center environmental justice in our collective response to climate change?Register here to access the Zoom link


6PM:  Food and Water Watch

The election is over (finally) and we’re ready to win real victories to protect our climate, food, and water.  Join us online to discuss our plans to take control of the U.S. Senate, win a national ban on fracking, and achieve policies at the state and national levels to safeguard our communities and planet.  Click here to RSVP: https://secure.foodandwateraction.org/…/ny-whats-next…

6PM:  The Climate Reality Metro Chapter:  Super Storms, Erosion and Sea Level Rise

The Hurricane season of 2020 has been one for the record.  Hurricane Iota is currently barreling towards Central America at Category 5 strength.  This storm season has been so active that there weren’t even enough assigned names.  Thus, Hurricane Iota, and Alpha, Gamma, Delta, and more.  Is this year an anomaly, or a sign of what’s to come?  We know that hurricanes cause serious disruption to peoples’ lives, economies, and of course, the environment.  Also in play are increased Eco-migration and geopolitical instability.

To address these questions and more, we have put together an all-star team of scientists for the next Climate Reality Meeting. On panel are Kerry Emanuel:  prominent meteorologist and climate scientist from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dr. Prof Bharti Chhibber: author, socio-political analyst and environmentalist, Suzana J. Camargo:  Research Professor at the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University and Chia-Ying Lee: Assistant Research Professor at the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory.

Click here to join us and learn how, and if, we can mitigate against the worst case scenarios.


Monday, November 23

4PM: The Natural History Museum:  Fire and Food Sovereignty

The Natural History Museum is teaming up with the Humboldt State University Native American Studies Program to explore the challenges and possibilities for coalition-building in a time of accelerating climate change.  For thousands of years tribes across California and the world have used intentional burns to renew local food, basketry, medicinal and cultural resources, create habitat for animals, and reduce the risk of larger, more dangerous wildfires. This panel discussion will provide insights on the relationship between fire and food sovereignty.  Register here to access the Zoom link

Friday, November 20

Noon:  NYRenews:  Climate and Community Investment Act (CCIA) Launch

NYRenews convenes a statewide conversation to go over what this moment means for our fight for climate justice, and share how you can get involved. RSVP here.

It is critically important that New York state lead on climate justice, and specifically to invest real money into the communities hit hardest by pollution, Covid, and the climate crisis.

We’re working to pass the Climate and Community Investment Act (CCIA), a law that would raise $15 billion every year to build a just transition in New York State. Last year, when we passed the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA), New York became a national beacon on climate, influencing everything from policies in other states to the climate plans put forward by the Biden campaign and the US Senate Democrats.


Thursday, November 19

Noon:  SciensWater – Rethinking Water

Clean tap water is no longer a given. Across the United States, in major cities and small towns, drinking water is contaminated by industry, aging infrastructure, and weakening government oversight. According to the National Academy of Sciences in 2015, the same year the Flint crisis began, there are 21 million people in the US served by water systems that violate health standards. In this Webinar, we bring pioneering speakers from various sectors to share with us how they view the Water Crisis and the extent of the long-term economic and social impact.


3 – 4:15PM:  Pachamama Alliance Global Gathering

Special announcement from Drawdown NYC co-founders Elly Lessin and Keith Voos:  Please join Lynne Twist, Jane Goodall, Van Jones and others on to learn about what Pachamama Alliance is doing in the world and about their extraordinary educational programs.  Please reserve your spot by November 6 in Elly Lessin’s private watch party by following these steps:

1.Go to https://landing.pachamama.org/gathering

2.Find and select Elly Lessin in the drop-down box on the right

3.Complete and submit the form.

Wednesday, November 18

7PM:  350NYC Media Meeting



2 PM: The Nature Conservancy: 30% by 2030 Series: LAND CONSERVATION featuring Jeffrey Parrish, Global Managing Director for Nature Protection

Protect 30% of the planet by 2030: It’s an ambitious goal, and one The Nature Conservancy believes we can collectively achieve for people and nature to thrive. Join Legacy Club members and fellow loyal supporters for our exclusive virtual events with TNC’s experts to discuss transformational conservation for nature’s future.

Learn how your support is propelling groundbreaking science and innovative strategies to protect biodiversity while achieving large-scale, transformative conservation of our most important lands and waters.  REGISTER »


Tuesday, November 17

11:00 AM:  The American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy:  How Biden Can Cut Carbon Emissions and Utility Bills With Appliance Standards

Meeting the climate and energy goals spelled out by President-elect Biden will require that the new administration prioritize actions to save energy and cut emissions from day one. U.S. appliance, equipment and lighting standards have done more to save energy in buildings than any other policy but the Department of Energy (DOE) has fallen woefully behind on its obligations to update them. DOE has missed more than two-dozen legal deadlines and a similar number are coming due within the next four years. This briefing will present the findings of a major new report from the Appliance Standards Awareness Project and the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy that examines how much can be accomplished for the climate and for consumers’ pocketbooks with appliance, equipment, and lighting standards adopted by DOE within the next four years.

Register Here

Monday, November 16

9AM – 5PM: Beyond Plastics

Beyond Plastics and a coalition of groups have organized a call in to Senator Gillibrand (202-224-4451) urging her to become a sponsor of the Break Free from Plastic Pollution Act. We hope you can help promote the call-in.  Currently, the bill has 10 co-sponsors in the Senate where it’s known as S. 3263 (and 89 co-sponsors in the House where it’s known as H.R. 5845.)

Phone numbers, script and call reporting form are here: https://bit.ly/CallGillibrand

Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/425858751742652


6:30PM:  Sunrise Wind Farm

Ørsted U.S.and Eversource will be hosting a (free) virtual open house meeting to discuss the Sunrise Wind Farm project located off the South Shore of  Long Island. Join the meeting to learn about this vital wind project, submit comments and speak out.

If you’d like to pre-register for the Virtual Open House, please click here and provide your contact information and we’ll send you an email with a reminder.

Click here at 6:30 pm EST on November 16th for the Virtual Open House.


Now through the Week of Nov 16

Join Sane Energy for 5 online weeks with Fire Mountain School of Martial Arts.

The fight is long. We have experienced phases of burn-out going up against the fossil fuel industry and government that doesn’t want to change. How do we best prepare ourselves for the coming conflicts so we can stay clear and grounded in moments of severe agitation and conflict?  How can we advocate, preserve, and protect what we love without damaging our health or losing our s***? Come with us on a 5-week-journey. Sane Energy is joining forces with the Fire Mountain School of Chinese Martial Arts and Energy Fitness to learn and practice together: Register HERE sliding scale.


Thursday, November 12

7:00PM:  Divest NYSTRS

The NYS Teachers Retirement Fund (NYSTRS) has billions of dollars invested in fossil fuels. Teachers, students and climate activists have joined together to call on NYSTRS to stop funding climate destruction.  Please join us for a Divest NYSTRS Webinar (REGISTER HERE) to learn about how these investments are bad for our planet’s future and are bad for the financial future of the pension that thousands of teachers depend on.

For more information, check out the webpage at divestnyteachers.org. SIGN OUR PETITION HERE.


Wednesday, November 11th

 7:00-9:00 pm Transportation Working Group 

Electric school buses and more.  If you are interested in attending the Zoom Transportation meeting, please email Leslie Stevens, lste.climate@gmail.com to register.


Tuesday, November 10

 7PM:  Sierra Club NYC Plastic Pollution Solutions Committee:  Sustainable Fashion

The fashion industry is one of our most polluting industries and the speakers will present a variety of sustainable alternatives.  SPEAKERS: Andrea Kennedy, Professor of Fashion Sustainability at LIM College and founder of Fashiondex.com (http://fashiondex.com); Amy Hall, VP of Social Consciousness at Eileen Fisher; and Kathleen Kirkwood, founder  B.R.A. Recycling Agency.

Here’s the ZOOM link

Wednesday, November 4th

 7:00-9:00 pm Local Issues Meeting

Wednesday, November 4th

Protect the Results coalition will activate nationwide mobilizations if Trump undermines the election results to demand that all the votes are counted and for the peaceful transition of power.  Sign up here:  https://www.mobilize.us/ptr/event/344153/?source=indivisible&refcode=indivisible_GS

to demand that all the votes are counted and for the peaceful transition of power.  Sign up here:  https://www.mobilize.us/ptr/event/344153/?source=indivisible&refcode=indivisible_GS

Tuesday, November 3

Election Day!  May all of our hard work pay off.


 2PM: Rise and Resist

Join R&R in Times Square, under the Ivanka/Jared billboards, as we remind folks that every vote has to be counted before a state can be “called” for a candidate. We probably won’t know the nationwide results for a few days, or even a week or more.  On election day we will be getting ready to make sure that Trump doesn’t try to claim a victory before the results are in. https://fb.me/e/3qT30Z3I5

Monday, November 2

11:30 – 12:30AM:  American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE)

Replacing gas-burning heating systems in commercial buildings with efficient electrified heat-pumps could reduce these buildings’ total GHG emissions by 44%, according to a new report by the ACEEE. The conversions would help enable the buildings to ultimately become “zero carbon” as the electric grid moves toward renewable energy sources. But policymakers will need to act to spur a widespread shift to heat pumps.

Buildings are responsible for nearly one-third of GHG emissions in the United States, both from fuel burning on site and the emissions from power plants serving the buildings. The new report models the impacts of replacing several types of gas-based heating systems in existing commercial buildings with various electric heat pump systems.

 Register for the report webinar

Early Voting Continues 



Wednesday, October 28th
 7:00-8:30pm Monthly General Meeting

Meet Josh and Rebecca Tickell, directors of Kiss the Ground, a 2020 Tribeca Film Festival Official Selection

To attend register here.  First time attendees join at 6:30 for an introduction to 350NYC.

Watch Kiss the Ground on Netflix or you can rent it for $1 at https://vimeo.com/ondemand/kisstheground
– NY Times

Learn more about Kiss the Ground @https://kissthegroundmovie.com

Watch the Trailer https://vimeo.com/ondemand/kisstheground

Facebook Event for more info: https://www.facebook.com/events/672649136715385/




Wednesday, October 21

6:30 PM:  350NYC Media Task Force 

Tuesday, October 20

Noon:  AlignNY

This spring the Climate Works for All coalition launched the Climate and Community Stimulus Platform, a series of infrastructure projects that will move us towards our climate goals and create 100,000 good union jobs for New York’s Black and Brown and environmental justice communities.  AlignNY will launch the next phase of the campaign, releasing a comprehensive report, putting us on a path towards a just recovery for NYC.


2:00PM and 6:00PM: Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Public Hearings on proposed Statewide Greenhouse Gas Emissions Limits Rule

This is the first deliverable on emission limits pertaining

 to the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA).  Let’s hold the agency accountable to the comprehensive climate legislation that sets aggressive clean energy and climate targets for NYS!

2:00PM link here.

Event Number: 173 919 8809

Password: Oct20-2PM

To join by phone only, dial: 1-518-549-0500

Access Code: 173 919 8809


6:00PM link here. 

Event Number: 173 730 1808

Password: Oct20-6PM

To join by phone only, dial: 1-518-549-0500

Access Code: 173 730 1808


6PM:  Stop the Money Pipeline and BlackRock’s Big Problem

We invite you to join us to make plans and strategize on how to keep the pressure up on BlackRock through what is sure to be a challenging time coming up.  We’ll be sending more info around about that soon, please save your seat now.

ICYMI, here’s the cool video from the global 10/2 actions.

Monday, October 19

6PM: Food and Water Watch

POWER TO THE PEOPLE: PUBLIC POWER FOR NEW YORK:  As the giant energy corporations try to maintain our reliance on fossil fuels, it’s time to take control of our energy systems! Join us online to discuss the campaign to give power to the people – literally. Click here to register.



Tuesday, October 13

6PM:  NYRenews

NYRenews will be hosting the People’s CAC meeting to debrief, share, and hear your opinions and ideas for how to equitably decarbonize our communities. Register for the meeting here.

There will be a summary of the last CAC – and 350NYC’s very own Shayok Mukhopadhyay will be presenting the summary on Electricity.  The People’s CAC will also be starting what we hope will become a series on false solutions – Shayok will be talking about CCS as the first one.

Wednesday, October 7th
7:00-9:00pm    Local Issues Working Group

Phoebe Flaherty from Align Alliance of Greater NY will be speaking with us about the next phase of Climate Works For All – the Climate and Community Stimulus Platform

Register here in advance for this meeting.      

Friday, October 2nd

2- 3:30PM:  Stop the Money Pipeline – Stop Funding Tarsands Digital Rally

Stop the Money Pipeline is organizing a Tar Sands Frontlines – Hold Big Money Accountable – Day of Action.  This is a coordinated national day of action targeting the funders and insurers of the tar sands sector, in particular the tar sands pipelines Trans Mountain, Line 3, and Keystone XL.  There will be two components to the Day of Action: One, an online rally with frontline leaders and organizers, calls to action and livestreams from socially distanced actions happening at corporate HQs.  Two, for those groups that want to organize socially distanced, Covid-safe actions in their communities, we encourage you to do so!  We’ll hear from Indigenous leaders ― and we will livestream from actions at corporate HQs of those bankrolling the pipelines. We’ll be calling and writing to the decision makers of our targets, taking the pledge to never bank with fossil funders and helping to make our message travel far and wide on social media.

Join us for The Tar Sands Frontlines – Day of Solidarity – Online Rally. RSVP: https://tinyurl.com/StopFundingTarSands

Or join us for a covid safe old fashion rally:

2- 3:30PM:  NYCC, Rise & Resist, 350NYC – Chase & Blackrock Stop Fueling Climate Destruction

This is part of the above coordinated national day of action targeting the funders and insurers of the fossil fuel industry.  Click here for the Facebook page.

Wednesday, September 30

7:00PM:  DNC Council on Environment and Climate Crisis

The Council’s fifth Roundtable, “Climate on the Ballot,” will engage a number of speakers for an important conversation, breathtaking poetry from one of the nation’s leading eco-poets, Council updates — and calls to action.  RSVP & SUBMIT QUESTIONS FOR THE SPEAKERS


8PM:  350.org – Stronger than Storms: Climate & Just Recovery Forum

While we grapple with the compound crises of climate change-fueled fires and storms, racial and economic injustice and COVID-19, – it’s time for us to come together. As we fight to protect Black, Indigenous, communities of color, and workers on the frontlines of these crises, we need to be stronger to support one another by organizing for immediate relief.

That’s why on September 30th at 8pm EST, we’re organizing Stronger than Storms: Climate & Just Recovery Forum with some amazing partners and a powerful lineup of frontline leaders. We need you with us. RSVP now.

Tuesday, September 29th

6:00PM:  Beyond Plastics

Join Senator Tom Udall (D-NM), Senator Udall’s senior policy advisor, Jonathan Black, and Representative Alan Lowenthal’s senior legislative assistant, Shane Trimmer, for a free educational webinar about the new Break Free From Plastic Pollution Act (SB 3263/ HR 5845) moderated by Beyond Plastics’ president, Judith Enck.


7:00PM:  Food & Water Watch’s 15 Anniversary Virtual Benefit:

Join Jane Fonda and other featured guests to celebrate 15 years of accomplishments and support many more to come.  For more information and to RSVP, click here.

Featured Event: Kick off Climate Week 

Monday, September 21, 7-9PM   


The annual Drawdown event, now virtual, will be happening on Monday September 21 from 7pm – 9pm for the kick off night to Climate Week NYC! It is jam-packed with extraordinary people engaged in the solutions to the climate crisis. You won’t want to miss the line-up of scientists, business leaders and individuals actually bringing forth the solutions and the ground-breaking work of Project Drawdown!

From a former commercial fisherman turned restorative ocean farmer to a micro grid energy expert now the solar strategy Lead for IKEA’s global research and design lab, to transformative business leaders, youth activists and award-winning filmmakers and their films, you’ll be inspired by what you hear and what you see.


Join co-Hosts Lynne Twist, co-founder of Pachamama Alliance and author, “Soul of Money” and Amanda Joy Ravenhill, executive director, The Buckminster Fuller Institute.

Participants will include Chad Frischmann, VP of research for Project Drawdown; John Liu, award-winning filmmaker and founder of Eco-Restoration Camps; Damon Gameau, award- winning filmmaker 2040; Alexandria Villasenor, youth climate activist and Louie Psihoyos, Academy Award-winning filmmaker and more.

As some of you know, for each of the last two years, Drawdown NYC, 350NYC, the New York Society for Ethical Culture and Climate Reality NYC, have helped organize a big live event to tell the stories of the incredible people around the world who are building the solutions we need to lower emissions and live more sustainably on this planet. Two years ago, we heard from Bill McKibben, Katharine Wilkinson of Project Drawdown, Dan Zarrilli NYC’s Chief Sustainability Officer, and many others. Last year, there was a very special discussion between former Vice President Al Gore and young climate activists leading protests all over the world.

Your help to get the word out could make this year’s event HUGE!  Thanks for putting this out to all of your networks and on your social media platforms.

Learn more about Project Drawdown @drawdown.org

Watch the past Drawdown Events:

DRAWDOWN 2019 w/ Al Gore & the Youth Climate Strikers

DRAWDOWN 2018  w/ Bill McKibben


September 21st-27th Climate Week Events program is now live!

The Climate Week NYC calendar is now available. Programs range from Youth, Public Mobilization and Climate Justice to Sustainable Travel and Tourism. Check out the full events program for more information.


Tuesday, September 22nd

10AM:  NYCC rally on Intro 1947

This bill will expand New York City’s “Green New Deal” law, Local Law 97 of 2019, to cut pollution from more large buildings and create good jobs fighting the climate crisis.  Our goal is 50-100 activists plus city council members joining this virtual event.

Please click here to RSVP for the virtual press conference at 10am on Tuesday, September 22nd.

Also, Contact your Council member and push them to co-sponsor and pass Intro 1947.  If they are already a co-sponsor, ask them to join the virtual rally!

Wednesday, September 23

PCM-NY is hosting a webinar called The Intricacies and Intersections of Climate, Abolition, and Decolonization.  More info to come.


3:00PM:  BlackRock’s Big Problem: Defund Deforestation

Join this fast-paced, interactive webinar to push BlackRock, Vanguard, and State Street – “The Big 3” investors—to stop deforestation:

·Learn about the global deforestation crisis and its impacts on people and planet

·Hear from frontline activists fighting deforestation and human rights abuses

·Understand how consumer brands and major investors are behind the destruction



Help us promote the event: share on Facebook

Food & Water Watch

Please save this date for the monthly meeting, “Elect Climate Champions: Creating a Green Wave in New York’s Battleground Districts”.

Thursday, September 24

6PM:  Beyond Plastics – Fight plastic pollution in NYC

Join Beyond Plastics and NYPIRG in finding legislative and practical solutions to our growing plastic pollution crisis.

Click here to register.


Sunday, September 20

1PM: PCM-NY — “Climate Justice Through Racial Justice March & Rally”

Building movements for racial, economic, and climate justice in NYC requires using every tool we have available – be that voting, completing the census, holding elected officials accountable, and mobilizing mass actions.  To kick off Climate Week, we gathering at “Columbus Circle” to make clear the intersection between climate justice and racial justice.  With an emphasis on racial justice, we seek to set a tone for the week.  We cannot achieve climate justice without racial justice.

Thursday, September 17

1:00PM:  Blackrock: Defund the Deportation Machine & Invest in Climate Justice

We are rallying with our friends at Mijente, New York Communities for Change, and Friends of the Earth-US to demand BlackRock immediately engage with Palantir and end its contracts with ICE to conduct mass raids, separate families, and terrorize immigrant communities.  Save your seat now.

Wednesday, September 16
6:30-8:00 Media Task Force
        7:00-8:30 Transportation Working Group

Wednesday, September 16

1:00PM:  NO North Brooklyn Pipeline:  Halt the Pipeline Petition Delivery & Press Event:

Help send a message to Governor Cuomo and other elected officials in opposition to National Grid’s North Brooklyn Pipeline and other fracked gas infrastructure projects. https://www.facebook.com/events/1175713399452232/


4:30 – 5:30PM:  Stop Danskammer: Call Out Tiger Infrastructure Partners

Join activists from the Hudson Valley in speaking out against the international hedge fund that’s backing the Danskammer fracked gas power plant expansion in Newburgh. https://www.facebook.com/events/2633741273509316/


Wednesday, September 16

6:30PM: TIAA-Divest Academic Zoominar with Bill McKibben

The TIAA-Divest!Team has been busy over the summer and we’d love to bring you up to date on our activities and TIAA’s continued financing of fossil fuel and deforestation projects.  So, to kick off the 2020 academic year, we’re inviting you to join the 2020 TIAA-Divest! Academic Zoominarwith special guests Bill McKibben (350.org) and Katelyn Kriesel (Divest NY) RSVP here to save your spot for the TIAA Divest! Academic Zoominar


Tuesday, September 15th

7PM on Zoom:  XRNYC

Virtual event on Citizens’ Assemblies. Join an evening on deliberative democracy featuring Dr. Carolyn Lukensmeyer who will speak with Robert Kolodny to learn more about how we can build the future we choose. RSVP here.

Monday, September 14th

Last day to watch TheNeedToGROW.com for free.  Rob Herring Co-Director/Co-Producer (with Ryan Wirick), Earth Conscious Films.  See grow.foodrevolution.org

You can also give this link to people you know, so they can sign up and join in the free

This film is not just about hope. It’s about changing the conversation to focus on the solutions that already exist.

Sunday, September 13

5 PM – 7 PM: Screening of “Rigged, the Voter Suppression Playbook.”

Register here.

Thursday, September 10

10AM: DivestNY:  Virtual press conference

1100+ Academics sign letter demanding state legislators #DivestNY from fossil fuels

Please join a big virtual media


hosted by #DivestNY during which a letter from over a thousand academics and scientists calling on state legislators to

 pass the Fossil Fuel Divestment Act will be released.  Register on zoom here.

Speakers include:

  • Dr. Farhana Sultana, Associate Professor of Geography, Syracuse University; Research Director for the Program on Environmental Collaboration and Conflicts at the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs. 
  • Dr. Rebecca Bratspies, Professor of Environmental Law, CUNY School of Law
  • Dr. Bob Howarth, David R. Atkinson Professor of Ecology & Environmental Biology, Cornell University
  • Bill McKibben, 350.org co-founder and Schumann Distinguished Scholar at Middlebury College
  • Katie Sims, Cornell University Class of 2020 Bachelors of Science in Environmental Science and Sustainability, member of Climate Justice Cornell.
  • Moderator: Hridesh Singh, Executive Director, New York Youth Climate Leaders, freshman Williams College


All day:  Beyond Plastics:  Part 2,  STRAWS BY REQUEST CALL IN 

Let’s use Sept 10th as 

a follow up day to call the legislative office of Corey Johnson at  212-788-7210.  Call at your leisure. Progress in numbers!

Wednesday, September 9

10:15AM: DivestNY — NY State Teachers Retirement Fund (NSYTRS) Virtual Protest 

Come and hold signs saying Climate Action or


NYSTRS has billions 

invested in fossil fuels that are destroying the climate. Divest NY Teachers 

Campaign has been invited to present at the Assets Advisory Committee Meeting of NYSTRS.

 The WebEx meeting starts at 8:30am and

 at about 9:30am the Sustainability Coordinator of Blackrock (the largest

 investor in fossil fuels) will present.  At 10:30 Divest NY Teachers Campaign make the case for divestment.


Noon:  Beyond Plastics:  Part 1 , STRAWS BY REQUEST ZOOM and Tweet Day

Let’s ask New York City Council Speaker Corey

Johnson to bring the Straws by Request Bill to a vote.  We will be holding a  Zoom event with live

 music!  Please share with friends and on social



Tuesday, September 8

6:00 PM : Manhattan Borough President’s Office CoHosts Solar for New Yorkers: A Free Online Workshop

Join Solar One and the Manhattan BP Office of Gale Brewer for an overview of solar technology, business models, and how to save money with solar at your home or business. Did you know that solar isn’t just for homeowners anymore? Community shared solar allows renters to participate in local solar projects too, saving money and protecting the environment.

Register in advance for this webinar:


In addition, we have our full roster of upcoming webinars and means of registration below:



Monday, September 7

1PM: XR NYC September Rebellion Launch

Meet at Bethesda Fountain in Central Park.  Help kick-off the rebellion with a ceremony of love and grief for planet Earth, followed by a vibrant parade through Central Park. The rebellion launch will end with Rebel Fest, where we’ll come together to celebrate our collective power.

Wednesday, September 2nd

7PM  350NYC Local Issues Working Group  

Renewable Rikers, Closing Peaker plants, Public Utilities.  Whole lot to talk about.

Register in advance for this meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMpdu-orTgrH90styEyiqsV1PYPRD5IqsZF

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.


Saturday, August 29

Get ready for another #ShoeStrike.  All photos welcome.  Don’t forget the hashtag.  More on this as we get closer.

Due by August 31

Send comments on the NY State 2020 Clean Energy Standard

The NYS Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) required utilities to purchase around 8% each year increasing amounts of renewable energy each year.  In 2016 the name was changed to Clean Energy Standard so that nuclear energy in western NY would be subsidized with 7.6 billion of ratepayers’ utility bill fees. Now the State is seeking to extend this insanity and add a process to include hydropower from megadams built in First Nation ancestral lands. 

Comments on the June 18 White Paper for the NYS 2020 Clean Energy Standard are due by August 31. Click here to submit comments.  If you have questions or want more background information please contact Annie Wilson at awilsonenergy@gmail.com, or  call her at 718-636-6709

Wednesday, August 26

7PM  350NYC General Meeting 

Our guest speaker will be New York City Council Member Costa Constantinides, chair of the Environmental Protection Committee.

 All are welcome. First time attendees join at 6:30 for an orientation to our work.

Register in advance for this meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwpd–uqD4jH9CfiFTwF5WmZGwePeZu0JVu 

Tuesday, August 25

6:00 – 7:30PM – Food and Water Watch

FWW will be discussing the “Ban Fracking Everywhere” campaign in support of the Fracking Ban Act introduced in Congress by AOC and Bernie Sanders.

Click here to register and you’ll be sent information about how to join the meeting.

Tuesday, August 18

1:00PM – Green America – The Climate Disaster Hiding in Our Refrigerators

Beth Porter will discuss how improving refrigerants is ranked as one of the biggest climate solutions and can prevent half a degree of global warming. She shares ways to take action on this important issue.  Register here:


Wednesday, August 19

Noon – NYRenews launchs a Climate, Jobs, and Justice Recovery campaign to call on the state legislature and governor to act at the scale needed to address the interrelated climate, injustice, and economic crises.


Wednesday, August 19

6:30PM  350NYC Media Task Force Working Group 

The meeting will be held online.

For info on joining this working group, click Get Involved!

Wednesday, August 12

5pm: NYC Dept of City Planning webinar

The Dept of City Planning is convening a webinar to address a controversial proposal to dramatically revise the process for approving new development plans. The particulars that will be discussed have to do with Staten Island, but if the proposal moves forward there it could become a model for how these decisions are made throughout NYC. The core issue with the proposal is that it would allow development projects to move forward with very limited approvals or oversight, thereby opening the door for even more over-development and all of the problems that will bring. To register for this webinar, click here: https://www1.nyc.gov/site/planning/plans/si-distriict-text-amendment/si-distriict-text-amendment-process.page#webinar

Thursday, August 13

Noon:  Renewable Heat Now teach-in on the Next Generation of Thermal Infrastructure!

Speakers will discuss geothermal district heating models, thermal infrastructure ownership options and how we can finance getting to scale. You will have the opportunity to ask questions and take action for clean energy infrastructure!  REGISTER HERE

Wednesday, August 19

Noon:  NYRenews kick off of the Climate, Jobs, and Justice Recovery campaign.

Join our virtual rally and press conference on August 19th at noon to launch the Climate, Jobs, and Justice Recovery campaign.


Sunday, August 9

2PM:  Upper West Side MoveOn/Indivisible Group Meeting – Presentation on Biden’s Policies:  Climate [by Jennifer Herring] followed by discussion and sharing what political actions each of us engaged in over the last 2 weeks [letters/postcard writing, texting, phoning, rallying [which organizations, the targets, the script, how effective, anecdotes] to keep each other accountable, creating community. New activists welcome.

RSVP: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJUrc-CsrzotHtOeOxPasf5ec3lrDZY5RMln

Tuesday, August 11

12PM: Spanish-language seminar for clean power in NYC. Energía Solar en Nueva York/New Yorkers for Clean Power will be hosting a webinar in Spanish about the growth of solar energy in NYC with Here Comes Solar. Here Comes Solar is Solar One’s program that facilitates solar adoption in hard-to-serve markets.

El 11 de Agosto tendremos un seminario web presentado en español sobre la energía solar en la ciudad de Nueva York. Incluso si no viven en Nueva York o Estados Unidos, los invitamos a unirse y aprender cómo esta ciudad está aumentando su capacidad solar y tratando de apoyar a las comunidades marginadas para que participen.

Register Here:  https://forms.gle/vKsJpCrcHvoX6jNH9

8PM:  Future Coalition – Black and Indigenous youth are joining together for Vote For the Earth, a livestream focused on the importance of turning out to the polls this November for the most important election of our lifetime.

Wednesday, August 5

6 – 7:15PM:  NYRenews is having its first public conversation about the plan of action for the Climate, Jobs, and Justice Recovery campaign in an interactive strategy chat at 6pm on August 5th.  Register here: https://actionnetwork.org/events/interactive-strategy-chat-ny-renews-plan-to-win-a-just-transition-for-ny?source=direct_link&

Shoe Strike for Climate Justice!

Saturday, July 25th  – All Day!

Fridays for Future

Strike for Climate!



Shoe strike Purpose:
The climate crisis and the call for climate justice must not be forgotten. We want everyone to realize the extent of what is happening as climate impacts unfold, especially on folks of lower and middle income.  Since some prefer not to gather in person, we will substitute shoes for people.
Please post on Twitter and FB social media on Saturday, July 25th with the hashtag #shoestrike &  #shoestrike25july . Please ask your friends to do the same. Activists will be doing this all over the world and we’d like the hashtags to trend on July 25th.
For More Info – https://actionnetwork.org/events/call-to-action-local-fff-shoe-strike-infosheet/