350NYC September Newsletter
Special “Road Through Paris” Edition
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  September 2015 Newsletter  
The “Road Through Paris”
September 10th – April 2016

SEPT 24th The Pope’s Visit in NYC
Dag Hammarskjold Park, E. 47 St
(btwn 1st Ave & 2nd Ave) 

— mark the historic visit of Pope Francis to the US
and show support for his call for strong action against climate change

Join 350NYC and thousands of others concerned about climate justice at two important, back-to-back events on September 24, the eve of Pope Francis’s address to the UN General Assembly. Both events will be at Dag Hammarskjold Park, E. 47 St. between 1 Ave. and 2 Ave., and are open to all. Plans are still being finalized, and the times below are approximate. We’ll post details as they become available.

• “Light the Way” – an interfaith religious/spiritual rally and vigil; 4:00-6:00pm

• “Under One Sky” – a secular rally in support of ambitious global goals to tackle poverty, inequality, and climate change; starting at 6:30 or 7:00pm.

First, people of faith will gather to “Light the Way” to Paris in December, and to show support for the Pope’s call for a re-visioning of how we treat not only the earth but also one another. The planning for this event is being led by GreenFaith, and it will feature song, prayer, and participants from many spiritual traditions. Right now this event is planned to start at about 4:00. It will continue with an all-night vigil at a nearby house of worship, and end with a symbolic procession, taking a Light to the UN on the morning of September 25, when Pope Francis addresses the General Assembly.

The second event on September 24 is called “Under One Sky.” Avaaz, Save the Children, The Global Poverty Project, and other broad-based social justice organizations are planning this event to increase public awareness, garner media attention, and mobilize here and around the world to push for ambitious plans to fight poverty, inequality, and climate change. This will start after the “Light the Way” event – probably around 6:30 or 7:00.

350NYC will have a strong presence at both events – join us! Mark your calendars, and check here often for updates!  Join the 350NYC Meetup group to stay informed.

Week of Moral Action for Climate Justice
September 21 – 25, Washington, DC
calling for responsible action on the defining moral issue of our time www.moralactiononclimate.org

On September 24th, Pope Francis will adress the U.S. Congress. Tens of thousands of us will be footsteps away from the Capitol, flooding the National Mall with a show of support as Pope Francis calls for urgent action on economic and climate justice. This is an historic occasion. No pope has ever addressed Congress before. The time is now!

Pope Francis will address Congress at 9:45 AM and then is expected to emerge through the west side of the Capitol doors and speak to the crowd. Please join Earth Day Network and Moral Action for Climate on the National Mall!

Other NYC climate events in September
Sept 24th – Join Sierra Club to bird-dog Gov. Cuomo @ 8am outside the New York Hilton Midtown. There is going to be a big REV conference that morning, and all of Cuomo’s top energy people are going to be there.  This will be a great bird-dog opportunity to call out Cuomo’s policy on coal bailouts and point to the hypocrisy amd contradiction in his actions.  How can the Gov. promote REV while simultaneously locking us into decades more of coal-fired energy with his coal bailouts?  Plans for this event are not finalized at this time so please save the date and contact dan.sherrell@sierraclub.org for final details.
Sept 26th  Environmental Advocacy + Carbon Tax;
Saturday, September 26; 9am – 4 pm
Lecture Center 102; SUNY, New PaltzJoin us as long-time New York based environmental advocates discuss their experience with speaking up for a better planet.  Special attention will be given to a proposed carbon tax for New York State, which would charge polluters for carbon dioxide spewed into the atmosphere (see below). A light breakfast and lunch will be served.  All are welcome to join this free event.  To register, please email Sara Hsu at:  Hsus@newpaltz.edu.
NYS Carbon Tax Bill introduced:   A state carbon tax bill (A8372 Cahill / S6037 Parker) has been introduced this September. If you want to be listed as an endorser, please send us your name, organization you represent, and contact information (especially email). Or fill out this FORM.Sept 29th   Global Women’s Climate Justice Day of Action – The Women’s Earth and Climate Action Network, International is coordinating this day of action.  The actions are designed to be accessible to women in small groups all over the world to raise up our voices for climate justice and to share these actions digitally with the global women’s community.  Please go to the web site and participate in what ever way you can – no action is too small!  There will also be an event in NYC from 1pm-5pm on 9/29  ‘Women Speak: Climate Justice On The Road To Paris and Beyond’. This will be an extraordinary afternoon of women leaders joined in solidarity to speak out against environmentally and socially destructive activities and policies, and to present the diverse array of visions and strategies with which they are working to shape a healthy and equitable world.For information on the amazing roster of speakers and program please go to the web site.  This event is free but requires advance registration and will be held at the United Nations Church Center, 777 1st Avenue, E 44th Street, New York City.

SAVE THE DATE: OCTOBER 14th  –  National Day of Action on Climate!  What will you be doing?350NYC invites you to join us once again in a major, decentralized day of action with the People’s Climate Movement.

ACTIONS AND ACTIVITIES:  In NYC we will be gathering twice during this day to draw attention to the climate crisis in advance of the Paris COP 21 negotiations.
Early morning: 9a.m or before, we will rally at Chase Bank on Park Avenue @ 47th St.  Chase, along with the other “Big 4” banks is heavily invested in fossil fuels: coal, oil & gas.
Evening action: At 5pm we take our action uptown to Harlem.  Details to be confirmed so stand by for more information.
Join the Meetup group for PCMNY to stay informed.Can’t make it to NYC on 14th?  You can organize wherever you are!
The People’s Climate Movement encourages you to develop your own event to call attention to the urgent need for immediate action on the climate crisis. Where possible, we encourage local events that highlight and challenge those people/institutions/agencies that are either still denying climate change or are simply lying about the seriousness of the problems.  A local action that challenges the position of a particular policy maker in your community provides a valuable opportunity to bring people into this new movement for climate justice.

Everyone is asked to tie their local efforts to the nationwide movement we are all part of, as well as the global movement. This means posting your activities on the PCM website  http://peoplesclimate.org/


350NYC Meetings
NY NY 10025
Next Monthly Meeting
Sept 23rd @ 7pm
NYSEC, Elliott Library Room #507
(4th Wednesday of each month)Sustainable Solutions Working Group
7 – 9 PM
Wednesday, Sept 9th 
Meeting Room #508
(2nd Wednesday of each month)City Divest Working Group
7 – 9 PM
Wednesday, Sept 16th
Meeting Room #508
(3rd Wednesday of each month)

NEW!  350NYC Climate Education
Working Group
Next Meeting TBA

Email 350nyc@gmail.org to get on our listserv.

Affiliated Meetings
NYC Grassroots Alliance Monthly Meeting
7 – 9 PM
Monday, September 14th 
2 West 64th Street, NY, N Y.
Meeting in the Social Hall
(Note: Usually 1st Monday of each month but rescheduled in Sept due to Labor Day)

Find us on MeetupFacebook, and Twitter.
Or e-mail us at 350NYC@gmail.com
Visit 350nyc.org

We are a totally volunteer and unfunded group and we rely on the support of our members to help us cover all the expenses of running our campaigns. We appreciate any contribution you can make at:  http://350nyc.org/donate/


OFF & ON: The Climate Movement & the Road Through Paris 
Brooklyn Academy of Music (BAM)
@ 7- 9:30 pm
Turn Off Fossil Fuels! Turn On Renewables! 

This coming Thursday, 350.org will launch a global framework to grow the movement before and after the Paris talks. Come be a part of this key strategy event: Off & On!

Join Bill McKibben (350.org), Naomi Klein (This Changes Everything) Reverend Lennox Yearwood (Hip Hop Caucus), Cynthia Ong (LEAP – Borneo), Eddie Bautista (NY Environmental Justice Alliance), and other social movement leaders from across the Globe, including:

  • Tomás Insua, co-founder of the Global Catholic Climate Movement
  • Thilmeeza Hussain, founder of Voice of Women, which jointly addresses women and climate change in the Maldives.
  • Juan Flores, community organizer in Delano, California with the Center for Race, Poverty and the Environment
  • Antonique Smith, an American Broadway, film and television actress, and a Grammy nominated singer and songwriter

After many years of talking about climate change, we’re finally at a point where the world is making our task simple. Not easy, but simple. The scientists are telling us we must, in this hottest year on record, turn off the flow of carbon. The engineers are telling us that we are ready to turn on the abundant flow of sun and wind. And any sense of justice is telling us we must flip the switch now. Join us for an evening that will help set the stage for this dramatic season of climate action that will lead straight through the big United Nations climate conference this December in Paris and beyond. It’s not that complicated. It’s off and on.

Through a riveting multimedia presentation, they’ll outline the depths of our current peril — and unveil a plan for how we can pull humanity back from the brink of catastrophe. 2015 was the hottest year on record, coming on the heels of the historic People’s Climate March. With the United Nation Climate talks in December looming; moral leaders from around the work stepping up to call for urgent climate action; and people taking to the streets in record numbers to demand climate justice – the year ahead will be pivotal for our movement. It must be.

Doors open at 6:30, and the show starts at 7:00. All seating is General Admission, and tickets are sliding-scale – pay what you can to support the campaigns and movement-building of 350.org.

Order tickets here: offandon.eventbrite.com­
Spread the Word!! Join the Facebook Event and invite your friends


Sunday, September 27th  date change
1:30 – 6:30pm

Goddard Riverside Community Center
593 Columbus Avenue
(between West 88th and West 89th Streets)

Join 350NYC and allies for a day of global action against climate change!

On September 26th and 27th, people around the world will carry out direct actions, conduct workshops, and share information and inspiration as part of an international mobilization to keep fossil fuels in the ground and work toward a just and sustainable future.

On Sunday September 27th, 350NYC is inviting everyone to participate in a day of events to cap off this important week when world leaders will be attending the Sustainable Development Goals meeting in New York, and Pope Francis will be speaking to the U.S. Congress and the United Nations.

Be part of growing the Climate Movement and demonstrating our resolve to restore environmental sanity to the world.

Stay tuned for further information, @350nyc.org
or  contact: 350NYC@gmail.com


Coverage of all 5 days of the Bonn conference is available at www.contextnews.org.

NOVEMBER 28th -29th

The talks in Paris start on November 30th, and run for 2 weeks. But before the talks start, the world will stand together in a weekend of global action, paired with an enormous march in the streets of Paris. During the talks, 350’s team on the ground will do their best to help keep you in the loop on the most important developments.NOVEMBER 30th – DECEMBER 11th

And when the talks wrap up, we’re planning a big action in Paris on December 12th to make sure the people — not the politicians — have the last word.
April 2016

That’s when we will mobilize in a global wave of action unlike any we’ve seen before. Not one big march in one city, not a scattering of local actions — but rather a wave of historic national and continent-wide mobilizations targeting the fossil fuel projects that must be kept in the ground, and backing the energy solutions that will take their place.

Corporate Accountability International’s petition to Keep Big Energy Out of the Climate Talks.

We’re thrilled that the senate bill for 100% renewable energy by 2030 has now been introduced! 
A7497 (Colton) and S 5527 (Hoylman)
If you have state legislators you know who are supportive of this issue, please call as soon as possible to ask them to sign on as co-sponsors. Assembly switchboard is 518 455-4100; Senate is 518 455-2800.

Support the New York State Campaign for 100%  renewable energy by 2030. Sign the 100% by 2030 petition 
Find out how your organization can sign on in support of this goal. 
Follow the campaign on Facebook.


Assistant Assembly Speaker Felix W. Ortiz (D-Kings) and Senator Liz Krueger (D-New York) have announced the introduction of the Fossil Fuel Divestment Act (A.8011A/S.5873) that would require the State Comptroller to divest the Common Retirement Fund (CRF) from fossil fuel holdings by 2020.
Please contact your representatives and ask them to co-sponsor A8011 & S5873: Demand an end to fossil fuel investments! Assembly Switchboard (518 455-4100) and State Senate (518 455-2800).

Sign the Petition to NYS Comptroller DiNapoli
If you’re interested in joining the NY State Divestment campaign email us @350nyc@gmail.com

FOSSIL FREE NYC!  Take Action!
Your online activism makes a difference and helps to build the momentum of this movement. Please sign the following petitions and share with your friends.

 Petition to NYC Comptroller Stringer
“Like” Fossil Free NYC 
“Like” Fossil Free Teachers NYC

Petition to Divest the Vatican
Guardian petition to Bill and Melinda Gates

Here is the link to the video by Owen Crowley.  Thank you Owen!! See the playlist to the right for the option of viewing our event in nine individual segments.

“350NYC is calling upon governmental, educational, faith and other institutions to declare that the fossil fuel companies’ business model is not only unsustainable, it is morally unacceptable, and we should take away their “moral license” by divesting ourselves of their stock”
Steve Knight – Moderator

350NYC Switch to Wind Campaign

Green power purchasing is an essential part of reaching NYC’s goal of 80% reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.  Please go to our Switch to Wind  website for full details.  Important TIP!  Ask about the different rates for a one-year contract vs. a variable rate.

Close Indian Point!

“Tell NYC Council Members: Sponsor Resolution 694 on Indian Point “
The resolution calls upon the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission NOT to re-license Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant.  Your help is needed! More info here.

Members of the 350NYC Divestment Campaign will be tabling in Union Square and other spots around the city in September. We’ll distribute materials and collect signatures for the divestment petition. Volunteers are needed to help and to coordinate. No experience necessary. Contact Jeremy Sierra at  jeremiah.sierra@gmail.com if you’d like to help or add a date, time, and location to this spreadsheet.

Support climate activism.




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New YorkNY  10024

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Switch to renewables

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