Governor Cuomo is holding a fundraiser
on Broadway — and we’re going to rally
outside the event, urging him to veto the
proposed Port Ambrose Liquid Natural
Gas facility! The project threatens our
health, safety, and environment while
blocking a wind energy project proposed
for the same location.Fortunately, Cuomo has the authority to stop this dangerous proposal — and on October 14, we’re going to call on him to protect New Yorkers by doing so! #overthrowPortAmbroseSponsoring organizations: Anti-LNG Coalition, Food & Water Watch, NYPIRG, Catskill Mountainkeeper, Sane Energy Project, United for Action, Green Education & Legal Fund, Clean Ocean Action, Surfrider Foundation (NYC Chapter), Citizen Action of New York, 350NYC, 350Brooklyn, Sierra Club Atlantic Chapter, Environmental Action
National Day of Climate Action NY
Wednesday, October 14
Join 350NYC and the People’s Climate Movement as we continue on the Road Through Paris at the National Day of Climate Action NYC to call out those who finance the extreme fossil fuel extraction economy!
12 Noon
Chase Bank
325 Park Ave & 47th Street
Call out Chase Bank for their funding of fossil fuel extraction (and private prisons, and their role in the foreclosure crisis….the list goes on)
Harlem State Office Building
163 W 125th St.
Celebrate the solutions coming out of communities at the frontlines of the climate crisis.
Wednesday, October 14th
7am – 7pm
The People’s Climate Movement Pop-Up will be at the Flatiron Plaza and serve as a central location where people can show their support for climate action in 60 seconds or less.It’s free and open to the public at the Flatiron Plaza 7 am to 7
The pop-up will include:
• Information booths you can sign petitions of support, access social media tools, and find resources on getting more involved.
• Photo booths where you can take photos with People’s Climate Movement-themed displays and then share on social media.
• Opportunities to volunteer on site.
Ready for fun Sane Energy Style?
Support our friends @ SANE ENERGY PROJECT!
FUN&Fund-raising Party Tuesday, October 13th from 7-9pm
Patagonia SoHo Environmental Community Space at 72 Greene St. 2nd floor NYC (between Spring and Broome)
The focus of the party will be honoring Lorna Mason, who biked the 390-mile Climate Ride to benefit the work of Sane Energy Project.
There’ll be an epic SLIDESHOW plus great MUSIC, FOOD and BOOZE––GAMES and PRIZES too! Special prizes include a tour and tasting for four at Tuthilltown Spirits (makers of Hudson Whiskey), a wine tasting at Red Hook Winery, and more delicious local goodies! SPECIAL performance by the SPECTACULAR Women of New York Bike Dance! PLUS A FABULOUS RAFFLE for HAMILTON TICKETS ON BROADWAY!
RSVP HERE– and please share and invite your friends! Recommended $20 donation, or give what you can; no one will be turned away.
SAVE THE DATE: “ZERO WASTE AND RECYCLING FORUM” Tuesday, November 10th 2015 @7 – 9 pm West Park Presbyterian Church (86th St and Amsterdam Ave)
Suggested Donation: $5 at door
Helen Rosenthal, City Council Member (District 6)
Eadaoin Quinn, Sims Municipal Recycling
Emily Maxwell, The Nature Conservancy
Brett Mons, NYC Department of Sanitation – Commercial and Residential Recycling
Ermin Siljkovic, GrowNYC – Residential Curbside Organics Recycling
Thadddeus Copeland, GrowNYC – Schools Recycling and Organics Recycling
Caroline Bragdon, NYC Department of Health (Pest Control)
Albe Zakes, TerracycleCoSponsors to date: Community Board 7, West 80s Neighborhood Association, Friends of West Park, West Park Presbyterian Church. Coalition of Block and Community Leaders, West 75th St. Block Association, UFA, Sierra Club NYC Group, 350NYC
SAVE THE DATE: “Made in the Bronx: Green Buildings, Green Jobs”
Saturday, November 14, 2015, @2:00-5:00 pm Smith Auditorium, Manhattan College, 4513 Manhattan College Parkway, Bronx
Climate change – caused largely by heat-trapping greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from fossil fuels (coal, oil, natural gas) – threatens our economy, infrastructure, public health, food & water, and NYC’s future. The year 2015 is on track to be the warmest on record.Buildings account for close to 72% of U.S. electricity use, a significant percentage of GHGs, and contribute to high asthma rates in the Bronx. We need a rapid and just shift OFF fossil fuels and ON to a 100% renewable energy economy by 2030. Join us to learn how we can “green” our residential buildings. Our speakers will focus on the transition to renewables (solar, wind, geothermal), energy conservation, boiler conversions, and exciting initiatives in the Bronx to build a green, local workforce, and green housing for all.
Moderator: Dr. Yelda Hangun-Balkir, Director, Manhattan College Center for Urban Resilience and Environmental Sustainability (CURES)
Keynote Speaker: Ray Figueroa, President, NYC Community Garden Coalition
Lisa DiCaprio: Professor of Social Sciences, NYU
Chris Neidl: Director, Here Comes Solar, Solar One
John Reilly, Executive Director, Fordham Bedford Housing Corporation
Migdalia Taveras: Director, BEST Academy, Sustainable South Bronx
The forum is open to the general public. No RSVP required.
Co-hosts: Bronx Climate Justice North and Manhattan College CURES
Cosponsors [in progress]: Bronx Climate Justice, South Bronx Unite, Riverdale-Yonkers Society for Ethical Culture, NW Bronx for Change, 350NYC
We are a totally volunteer and unfunded group and we rely on the support of our members to help us cover all the expenses of running our campaigns. We appreciate any contribution you can make at:
Support climate activism.
FOSSIL FREE NYC! 350NYC commends Mayor de Blasio for his recent proposal to divest coal from the NYC pension funds and to develop a “long-term investment strategy that evaluates the funds’ fossil fuel investments.” Announcement “We appreciate Mayor de Blasio calling for a critical first step to divest the city’s pension funds from fossil fuels, starting with coal and a study on the rest. We hope that our other elected officials will stand with him to help protect our city and our future from the risks of climate change. We look forward to a fossil free future,” Mark Dunlea, 350NYC
FOSSIL FREE NY STATE! Assistant Assembly Speaker Felix W. Ortiz (D-Kings) and Senator Liz Krueger (D-New York) have announced the introduction of the Fossil Fuel Divestment Act (A.8011A/S.5873) that would require the State Comptroller to divest the Common Retirement Fund (CRF) from fossil fuel holdings by 2020. Please contact your representatives and ask them to co-sponsor A8011 & S5873: Demand an end to fossil fuel investments! Assembly Switchboard (518 455-4100) and State Senate (518 455-2800).
GLOBAL CLIMATE MARCH The talks in Paris start on November 30th, and run for 2 weeks. But before the talks start, the world will stand together in a weekend of global action, paired with an enormous march in the streets of Paris. During the talks, 350’s team on the ground will do their best to help keep you in the loop on the most important developments. NOVEMBER 30th – DECEMBER 11th COP21: PARISDECEMBER 12th
MASS MOBILIZATION When the talks wrap up,there will be a big action in Paris and solidarity actions around the world to make sure the people — not the politicians — have the last word. Stay tuned for more info on solidarity actions in our region.
April 2016
Continent-wide mobilizations targeting the fossil fuel projects that must be kept in the ground, and backing the energy solutions that will take their place.
Green power purchasing is an essential part of reaching NYC’s goal of 80% reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. Please go to our Switch to Wind website for full details. Important TIP! Ask about the different rates for a one-year contract vs. a variable rate.
NY NY 10025
(NEAR COLUMBUS CIRCLE)Next Monthly Meeting Oct 28th @ 7pm NYSEC, Elliott Library Room #507
(4th Wednesday of each month)Sustainable Solutions Working Group 7 – 9 PM Wednesday, Oct14th
Meeting Room #508
(2nd Wednesday of each month)City Divest Working Group 7 – 9 PM Wednesday, Oct 21st
Meeting Room #508
(3rd Wednesday of each month)
Climate Ed Working Group
Next Meeting TBA
Email to get on our listserv.
Affiliated Meetings NYC Grassroots Alliance Monthly Meeting 7 – 9 PM Monday, November 2nd
2 West 64th Street, NY, N Y.
Meeting in the Social Hall
(1st Monday of each month)
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