STOP THE BOMB TRAINS NOW! Bakken crude oil, an extremely flammable, unstable, and highly volatile form of oil. extracted in North Dakota by fracking and shipped to refineries on the East coast. In Bergen County, NJ, at least 30 times a week, loud, fast-moving freight trains trains carry Bakken crude through their towns, passing schools, hospitals and ball fields, and across the Oradell Reservoir which provides drinking water to 800,000 people)!
The Coalition to Ban Unsafe Oil Trains–a group of concerned citizens, civic groups, environmental organizations, educators, labor, faith groups, elected officials–invites you to walk 1.5 miles and rally in Teaneck to call for an immediate stop to the unsafe, accident-prone trains carrying Bakken crude oil through our communities.
Cosponsors: 350NJ, 350NYC, Bergen County Green Party, Bergen SWAN. Bronx Climate Justice North, Bus for Progress, Center for Biological Diversity, Chuck Augenbaugh, Deputy Fire Chief (Ret.), Clean Water Action, Climate Mama, Ethical Cultural Society of Bergen County, Food and Water Watch, ForestEthics, Hackensack Riverkeeper, NJ League of Conservation Voters , Pascal Sustainability Group, Renewable Energy Task Force, WNY Peace Center, Sane Energy Project, Teaneck Community Charter School, The Mothers Project.
Meet at the Australian Consulate General – 150 E 42nd St. Then we walk to the Commonwealth Bank of Australia – 599 Lexington Ave # 1701 (@53rd St)
The global climate movement is at a critical stage in the fight to stop the Galilee Basin mega coal mines that, if built, would cook the climate and trash the Great Barrier Reef. Join the solidarity action in Manhattan to speak out against this alliance of big money and big coal which threatens our planet.
Right now, Indian mining giant Adani is calling upon The Commonwealth Bank to help them finance the Abbot Point coal port in the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area, the first step in unlocking nine mega coal mines in Australia’s Galilee Basin.It’s time to step things up and put CommBank’s reputation on the line — either they heed our call and publicly rule out their involvement OR they face a creative & unrelenting campaign. Other banks have already rejected this project – CommBank must do the same.
Join with thousands, taking part in hundreds of actions at dozens of branches around the country and the world as we Raise the Heat on CommBank from 19-23 May!
Watch the video The New Coal Frontier – Keep it in the Ground – the Guardian’s climate campaignCome help make art for the event! Art-build for “Raise the Heat on CommBank”
Please RSVP on the facebook page or to
For more info. www.gelfny.orgThe bill for 100% clean energy by NYS by 2030 is now introduced; A7497 (Colton) and S 5527 (Hoylman). If you have state legislators you know who are supportive of this issue, please call as soon as possible to ask them to sign on as co-sponsors. Assembly switchboard is 518 455-4100; Senate is 518 455-2800.
The lobby day will also include support for: shared renewables; carbon tax; divestment of state pension funds from fossil fuels; and movement on a Climate Action Plan. (And will say no to the various nukes, coal and fossil fuel efforts)
We are setting up meetings with the Governor’s office; members of the Assembly Climate Change working group; NYSERDA; and chairs of the legislative committees of energy and the environment. People should schedule meetings with their own individual legislators if they want and if they are not part of the above list.
The day begins with a quick orientation at 10 AM sharp at Emmanuel Baptist Church, 275 State St (one-half block west of the Capitol). No parking at the church. Registration at 9:30 AM. (We will send out info re parking)
Please check out ( for the latest news on climate change and renewable energy. Many of our background documents are at
It is time to say no to fossil fuels and nukes and yes to clean energy, energy conservation and action on climate change!
‘Stop The #FERCus’ May 21-29, 2015
Washington, DCThe Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) says its mission is to provide safe, efficient, sustainableenergy for the country. It’s failing on all counts. Instead, it serves as a rubber stamp for the fracked gas industry, approving all permit applications that come across their desk. BeyondExtremeEnergy (BXE) and allied organizations and individuals want FERC to fulfill its mission and to make decisions based on what’s best for all of us instead of the fracked-gas industry.
This time, we’re coming to DC with a nine-point plan to change FERC from a rubber stamp for the fossil fuel industry into a leader in the urgent, civilizational task of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and shifting to energy efficiency and renewable energy as rapidly as possible.
Most immediately, BeyondExtremeEnergy demands:
A moratorium on permits for new gas pipelines, compressor stations and export terminals.
A halt to gas infrastructure and export terminals under construction but not yet operating until the new FERC has emerged, new priorities are in place, and a new reassessment has been made about whether the project should go forward.
Transformation of the FERC approval process and mission. FERC must be guided by the health of communities and the ecosystem rather than the profits of energy companies.
A time for public comments at the opening of each FERC meeting. In addition, FERC must make its website easier to navigate.
A thorough review of the climate effects of proposed projects and the clean energy alternatives. FERC’s priority must be the advancement of wind, solar and energy efficiency.
Join BXE in Washington for the May 21 – 29 “Stop the FERCus” actions. Come for a morning, a day, two days, or longer. Help us not only to bring these demands to the FERC, but also the grassroots, nonviolent political pressure to make them happen.
Come to Washington, DC to protest the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, which gives rubber-stamp approval to fracked-gas infrastructure projects while the planet burns. Now is the time for people of faith to raise the moral dimensions of both the climate crisis and the necessary response to it.
Faith-led non-violent direct action and a vigil are planned for Wednesday, May 27, as part of a Week of Action against FERC. All are welcome – and all are needed!
Join us for an interfaith gathering on Tuesday evening, May 26, where mandatory training will also be provided for those who want to participate in Wednesday’s direct action (overnight housing is available). Or, just come for the vigil on Wednesday.
La Troupe Makandal, a drum and dance group active in New York since it immigrated from Haiti in 1981 is producing a theater piece called The Drum and the Seed, a Haitian Odyssey. The story, told in drumming, song, narrative, dance, and projections, follows a little girl on a quest for magic seeds that will help her garden grow—her village is in a drought. She meets three nature spirits who tell her the story of deforestation, soil erosion, and poisoning of the seas in Haiti. (Haiti, according to some scientific studies, is the country most at risk for climate change.)
Green power purchasing is an essential part of reaching NYC’s goal of 80% reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. Have YOU switched your electrical supply to renewable energy? Please go to our Switch to Wind website for full details about how to do it. Important TIP! Ask about the different rates for a one-year contract vs. a variable rate. Make the switch now and please help us spread the word by telling your neighbors. If you belong to a group please consider inviting us to speak with your members: email
No Port Ambrose LNG Terminal
Breaking News! Resolution 549, sponsored by Chair of the Committee on Environmental Protection, Donovan Richards, calling on Governor Cuomo to veto Port Ambrose passed UNANIMOUSLY in the New York City Council on May 14th! Text of the City Council Res 549 More about Port Ambrose.
1. Sign the petition: 2. Call the Govs. and ask them to veto – Cuomo (518) 474-8390 and Christie (609) 292-6000
3. Go to Sane Energy Projects web site for sample letter to Cuomo and your NY State elected Rep
Teachers invest their working lives in their students’ futures. Their pension funds should not be invested in companies that profit from climate disruption.
Fossil Free NYC Teachers is a new fossil fuel divestment initiative reaching out to New York City public school employees who are part of the Teachers Retirement System (TRS) pension fund. This includes teachers and also paraprofessionals, guidance counselors, social workers and others.
We’ve launched a Facebook page and we are distributing flyers about our work at various places where teachers gather, including United Federation of Teachers (UFT) meetings.
Our goal is to build a critical mass of UFT members who want to see our pensions divested of fossil fuel holdings.
We hope you will join us on our Facebook page and publicize our work to anyone you know in the NYC school system – parents, teachers, administrators. Once you’re on the page, one immediate action you can take is to petition City Comptroller Scott Stringer and State Controller Thomas DiNapoli to use their power as pension trustees to divest fossil fuel assets from all public employee pensions.
Please”Like” the new Fossil Free Teachers NYC Facebook Page
For more information contact Mimi Bluestone at
SUSTAINABLE SOLUTIONS Support the New York State 100% renewables by 2030 initiative. Find how your organization can sign on in support of this goal.
On April 28th, the NYC City Council voted unanimously in favor of the resolution introduced by Council member Helen Rosenthal to declare NYC a TPP Free Zone.
Road to Paris , project ofInternational Council for Science (ICSU), a non-governmental organization representing a global membership that includes both national scientific bodies (121 National Members representing 141 countries) and International Scientific Unions (30 Members).
350NYC is proud to be included in the “Meet the Activists” exhibit at the Museum of the City of New York.
Please stop by to check it out! You can also upload your NY activist images onto their cool blog
350NYC Meetings
Next Monthly Meeting
May 27th @7pm
NY Society for Ethical Culture
We are a totally volunteer and unfunded group and we rely on the support of our members to help us cover all the expenses of running our campaigns. We appreciate any contribution you can make at
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