Welcome to 350NYC! We are a volunteer led organization that relies on YOU to make things happen on the frontier of climate change activism. We recognize that finding your place in the face of this complicated issue can be overwhelming, and have organized this material to clarify how we work, as well as steps you can take to engage with the causes that matter most to you.



350NYC represents the Manhattan arm of 350.org, a global organization supporting climate change activism throughout 188 countries. We are a group of New Yorkers from all walks of life who share in our passion to protect our planet. We have been at the forefront of numerous actions to improve upon climate change policies throughout the New York Metro area, and are connected to a global web of organizations that share in our mission.



We are a group of volunteers subdivided in teams, each with its own focus. If there is a particular climate change cause that is important to you, it is likely you will be able to find a team that supports it. Teams typically meet on a monthly basis, though opportunities to support efforts remotely are also available.



DIVESTMENT: Supporting efforts to eradicate private and public investments in fossil fuels and to redirect them toward renewable energy resources.

SUSTAINABLE SOLUTIONS + CLIMATE EDUCATION: Emphasizing political campaigns and school outreach projects that promote climate awareness and information about sustainable energy solutions.
COMMUNICATIONS + MEDIA: Generating content and media plans to support all 350NYC activities, including press releases, newsletters, print publications, and our website.

ART + ACTIVISM: Bringing flare to all of our social media efforts as well as on the ground activism in the form of posters, banners, props, and more.

COALITIONS + PARTNERSHIPS: Expanding our connections with climate action groups, strengthening our coalitions, and co-sponsoring actions and events.

FUNDRAISING: Developing strategies, organizing fundraising events, and applying for grants in order to support all of our efforts.



Attend one of our general a monthly meetings! Everyone is welcome. In our general meetings team leaders share progress updates and guest speakers present on a range of issues relevant to our mission. It’s a great opportunity to get a sense of our community and to learn more about what each of our teams does. General meetings are held on the third Wednesday of each month from 7-9PM at the New York Society for Ethical Culture at 2 West 64th St. in Manhattan (just north of Columbus Circle). Please consult our calendar of events at 350NYC.org

for further information.


Volunteer! Even if you can’t make it to one of our meetings there are plenty of things you can do to help. Please contact us to see how you can contribute at info@350NYC.org


Congratulations on taking this step and thank you for visiting our site! If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact us.



Switch to renewables

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350nyc (@350nyc) • Instagram photos and videos

Meeting Calendar