Frack Free NY


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Hydraulic fracturing, known as fracking, is a process used to get methane gas out of the ground. Fracking threatens our groundwater, the health of our communities, and the global climate.

Thanks to grassroots activism by people like you, Governor Andrew Cuomo banned fracking in New York State in 2015. However, the gas industry continues to build new high pressure gas infrastructure all over New York so that  they can pump tremendous amounts of gas through New York City to other parts of the country and for export.

350NYC is not the lead organizer on most of the anti-fracking actions but we are an active member in the network of groups that continues to put pressure on the Governor and regulatory agencies that are responsible.  Our members mobilize for rallies on a regular basis and we always need people who can step up and help organize these efforts.

Upcoming Action

Stop All Fracking Infrastructure!   Rally Outside Cuomo Fundraiser

Thursday, April 13th 2017  @  11:30 am – 12:30 pm

583 Park Avenue, Manhattan

Stop Fracked Gas IntrastructureOn April 13, Governor Cuomo is holding a fundraiser in Manhattan — and we’ll be rallying outside calling on him to reject all fracking infrastructure!

 Together, we’ll send a message to Cuomo and his donors that New Yorkers oppose fracking pipelines, compressor stations, storage facilities, and power plants.
 We’ll be urging Cuomo to stop the Pilgrim pipelines, CPV power plant, Spectra pipeline, Seneca Lake storage facility, and other fossil fuel infrastructure. With Donald Trump intent on granting every wish of the fossil fuel industry, it’s more important than ever for Governor Cuomo to be a true leader on climate!

Ongoing Campaigns

Stop the Spectra Pipeline

The Spectra pipeline is a many-headed monster that is winding its way up through communities in New York State.  There are several sites of resistance to Spectra at any given time.  Sane Energy Project is the NYC based organization most tightly connected with these actions and they have an interactive map project – You Are Here – to keep track of what’s happening.

Stop the Pilgrim Pipeline

Past Fracking Campaigns – Victories and Defeats

The LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas) Port

On Friday, June 14th, 2013 the federal government announced that Liberty Natural Gas is again trying to place hazardous LNG Terminals off the coast of New York and New Jersey.  Essentially the same project vetoed by New Jersey Governor Chris Christie in 2011 in a different location and with a different name, Liberty’s latest attempt to invade the NY/NJ Bight is met with vehement opposition in the coastal community.  The “Port Ambrose” project would be 13 miles off the coast of Sandy Hook, NJ and 17 miles southeast of Jones Beach, NY.   Click here to learn more about the project that was proposed.

For two years a broad coalition of environmentalists and local communities mobilized to stop this monstrosity. On November 12, 2015 our efforts were rewarded when Gov. Cuomo vetoed the construction of the Port Ambrose LNG terminal.

2013 – Spectra Pipeline

Here in New York City, we fought a battle to block  the gas industry from building the Spectra Pipeline through Staten Island and the West Village and the Rockaway Lateral Pipeline.

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