350NYC March Newsletter – Events Today

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  March 2016 Newsletter  


Screening of “Chasing Ice”
with Dr. Debra Tillinger  
Saturday, March 19th 
@ 1:30pm 
PATAGONIA, 72 Greene Street The 350NYC Climate Education Group presents “Chasing Ice” followed by a discussion with Dr. Debra Tillinger. WATCH THE TRAILER 
Discussion After the Movie 
Join us after the movie for a discussion with  Dr. Debra Tillinger who will bring us up to date on the latest information regarding ice-melt and sea level rise. Dr. Tillinger teaches a course on climate change at the American Museum of Natural History.Read a description of the movie here.

Open Mic Fundraiser For Democracy Spring

Saturday, March 19 @ 4 – 6pm
New York Society for Ethical Culture
2 W 64th St

Come join us this Saturday for this fun Open Mic fundraiser for Democracy Spring
to ensure that everyone is able to participate in the march and/or sit in this April.
One hundred percent of the proceeds will be going to Democracy Spring.
Tickets are $10.00 online or $10.00 cash at the door.
Light refreshments will be available.

On April 2nd, people will march from the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia to the Capitol in Washington D.C. to join over two thousand people for a mass sit-in to get money out if politics by getting Congress to take urgent action.(April 11th to April 16th) If you’re interested in signing up for this mass civil disobedience, you can do so here:

You can get your tickets here:
Eventbrite link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/democracy-spring-open-mike-tickets-22638161350

Come Stand With Us 
Promote Offshore Wind @ LIPA Meeting
Monday, March 21st @11am
333 Earle Ovington Bld. 4th Floor, Uniondale, NY

There will be a bus from NYC at 9:30. To get your tickets

(From Sierra Club) Right off the coast of Long Island lies one of the biggest untapped renewable energy resources in the country: offshore wind. The wind off our shores could power millions of homes and create thousands of jobs, making New York into an undisputed leader in the transition to clean energy. But it’s only gonna happen if the Governor hears from us!

LIPA wants to bring more power to the South Fork, and they’re trying to decide whether to supply it with dirty new gas peaker plants, or with affordable, job-creating offshore wind energy. It’s up to us to make sure the Governor and LIPA choose renewables over fossil fuels, for the sake of the climate and the economy. The March 21st LIPA board meeting will be the last chance to weigh in before a decision is made, and they’re inviting the public to testify.

Facebook Event https://www.facebook.com/events/1660884510798917/

Our Common Home
Thursday, March 24th
The Great Hall @Cooper Union 

Artists, educators, scientists, poets and architects convene to share perspectives on a multifaceted and holistic path forward in protecting our planet. This free, public gathering will be an important moment in recognizing the role of values, ethics, science and spirit in addressing the complex tasks facing Our Common Home.Presented by Urban Green CouncilNatural Resources Defense CouncilInternational Center of PhotographyThe Poetry Society of America, Continuing Education and Public Programs of The Cooper Union, and The Cooper Union Institute for Sustainable Design.

More information is available here.

The Fight for Energy Democracy
Tuesday, March 29
@7 – 9pm
Brooklyn Commons
388 Atlantic Ave, Brooklyn, New York 11217

Hosted by Brooklyn for Peace – WITH Sean Sweeney, Murphy Institute Professor and Trade Unions for Energy Democracy, and Kim Fraczek, Montrose 9 Resister and Sane Energy Project.

Fracking has been banned in New York State. There is a glut of oil and gas on the market. The price of fossil fuels has collapsed. Yet Big Energy is building more pipelines, compressor stations, storage facilities, and waste sites than ever before.

With the active connivance of government, the oil and gas corporations are leveling forests, seizing farmland, and threatening our water supply, binding us to an energy system that will ultimately kill us.

Come learn how workers, farmers, and ordinary people are fighting back to protect their families and the planet — and how you can help build the growing resistance.
Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1047598768640473/

Don’t Fuel the Refugee Crisis 
Thursday, March 31
All Saints’ Church
 at 7th Avenue & 7th Street in Park Slope, two blocks from the F and G trains.
sponsored by 350 Brooklyn

What are the connections between climate and conflict? How is climate change exacerbating existing tensions in the Middle East, Latin America, South Asia and elsewhere? What are the connections between our domestic energy policy at home and the refugee crisis that is currently unfolding on the nightly news? Please join us to hear presentations from three incredible speakers followed by action-oriented discussion.

Neil Bhatiya is a Fellow at The Century Foundation and the Climate and Diplomacy Fellow at the Center for Climate and Security. He is the author of A Post-Paris Agenda for Climate Security at the UN.

Nina Macapinlac is the Coordinator of Alumni Organizing for the Responsible Endowments Coalition.

Sophie Robinson is a producer of The Age of Consequences, a documentary that’s been described as “The Hurt Locker” meets “An Inconvenient Truth,” http://theageofconsequences.com/

Facebook Event https://www.facebook.com/events/815328291905579/

April 1st @ Noon

On April Fuels Day, Exxon will announce that as a result of the investigation by the NYS Attorney General, it has agreed to make a number of changes to reduce climate change impact. The event will be at noon in midtown Manhattan. Check for details to follow on 350nyc.org.

Shared Security: Re-imagining US Foreign Policy 
Tuesday, April 5th @6:30pm
New York Society for Ethical Culture
2 W 64th St – Ceremonial Hall

The Monks of the New England Peace Pagoda initiated their 15th annual “Walk for a New Spring”, a 56-day journey from Leverett, MA to Washington, DC. This year they are carrying the document “Shared Security, Re-Imagining US Foreign Policy”to the Capital and sharing it with communities along the way.

350NYC and the New York Society for Ethical Culture invite you to join us for a potluck dinner to welcome them to NYC when they arrive on April 5th on their way to DC.. Sister Clare Carter and Timothy Bullock will give a presentation on “Shared Security” followed by a discussion wtiht the walkers.

“Shared Security, Re-Imagining the US Foreign Policy” (Global Security, Economics, and the Environment on pages 16,17 and 18).

For more info: https://www.facebook.com/events/226676777682777/
Or contact us at 350nyc@gmail.com

Join us on July 24 in Philadelphia for a
March for a Clean Energy Revolution!

To learn more http://www.cleanenergymarch.org/


Studies and Reports

Climate Change Poised To Hurt Food Supplies: Study, NDTV, Agence France Presse, 3/3/16
Sea Levels Rising at Fastest Rate in 3,000 Years, Tim Radford, Climate News Network, 2/23/16
Fossil fuel use must fall twice as fast as thought to contain global warming – study, Tim Radford, Climate News Network, 2/25/16
As sea levels rise, economic damage piles up even faster: study, Alister Doyle, Reuters, Sunday, 2/28/16


  Call to Action!
  Albany, New York – May 14
In Albany, on May 14, 2016, thousands of people will stand in the way of the fossil fuel industry in North America as part of the global 350.org initiative Break Free 2016. The New York State Capital has been a key center for fossil fuel distribution and bad decisions for our economy and our futures, against the wishes of the people of the City of Albany.

Representing a coalition from across the northeast, we will gather with frontline communities, including EzraPrentice Homes, and others living in the oil train blastzone for an act of mass civil disobedience against oil trains. We will also stand against fracked gas pipelines (including NED, AIM and Constitution), and other fossil fuel projects, like the Pilgrim Pipeline. Many of us will participate in direct action, and many more will come to rally and stand in solidarity. How you participate is up
to you, but please be there.

Break Free Action Schedule:

  • Wednesday May 11th through Friday May 13th: Training Camp –
    Build action and organizing skills to take back to your community.
  • Saturday May 14th: Mass Action to Stop “the Bomb Train”

Contact BreakFree@Albany2016.org for more information about how to plug in,
and visit  Albany2016.org to sign up for updates.

350NYC Switch to Wind Campaign

Switch to 100% renewable energy and support climate activism!
Find out more about  Switch to Wind


Donate to 350NYC’s LED campaign and cut carbon now!
Our latest Sustainability Project seeks to provide LED lightbulbs for an entire building of low income seniors in NYC. There’s no easier path to immediate carbon reduction while also helping our neighbors reduce their electric bills.If every New Yorker switched just one compact fluorescent bulb to an LED bulb, NYC would collectively cut over 125 million pounds of carbon emissions per year!Cut Carbon Now! www.gofundme.com/LightingTheWay


Testimonies from the February, 2016 Legislative Forum in Albany on the Fossil Fuel Divestment Act (A.8011A/S.5873) 
Capital Tonight piece about the legislation with Liz Krueger and Bill McKibben.
Assistant Assembly Speaker Felix W. Ortiz (D-Kings) and Senator Liz Krueger (D-New York) have introduced the Fossil Fuel Divestment Act (A.8011A/S.5873) that would require the State Comptroller to divest the Common Retirement Fund (CRF) from fossil fuel holdings by 2020.
Please contact your representatives and ask them to co-sponsor A8011 & S5873: Demand an end to fossil fuel investments! Assembly Switchboard (518 455-4100) and State Senate (518 455-2800).

Sign the Petition to NYS Comptroller DiNapoli
If you’re interested in joining the NY State Divestment campaign email us @350nyc@gmail.com

NYC’s Biggest Pension Fund Lost $135 Million From Oil and Gas Holdings in 2015.

Sign the Petition to NYC Comptroller 
Like our Facebook page: Fossil Free NYC  Fossil Free Teachers NYC

 100% Renewables Now NY Campaign 
For Latest Updates: gelfny.org

Governor Cuomo Urges Halt to Construction on Algonquin Incremental Market (AIM) Pipeline. March 1, 2016

Call Schumer: 202-224-6542
Call Gillibrand: 202-224-4451
Demand that they stand with Cuomo and the People of NYS to push FERC to halt the AIM Pipeline.
Read Cuomo’s letter that FERC is ignoring: tinyurl.com/CuomoToFERC

For more info: https://sape2016.org

Stop the Pilgrim Pipeline! Watch the webinar to learn the status and threat of the Pilgrim Pipeline with a capacity for 400,000 barrels of oil per day (half of Keystone) through NY/NJ and for possible export through New York Harbor.

Please support our courageous allies who are putting their bodies on the front line to protect our future and keep fossil fuels in the ground. 
Resist AIM Pipeline
Montrose Nine
Verplanck Eleven
We Are Seneca Lake 
Indian Point Eleven


Close Indian Point!


The resolution calls upon the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission NOT to re-license Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant.  Your help is needed! More info here






350NYC Meetings



NY NY 10025
Next monthly meeting is
Wed. March 23rd @ 7- 9pm
NYSEC, Elliott Library Room #507Sustainable Solutions Working Group
7 – 9 PM
Wednesday, April 13th 
Meeting Room #508
(2nd Wednesday of each month)City Divest Working Group
7 – 9 PM
Wednesday, April 20th
Meeting Room #508
(3rd Wednesday of each month)

Climate Ed Working Group
Saturday, March 19th @ 1:30pm
Screening of “Chasing Ice” followed by discussion
with Dr. Debra Tillinger
Patagonia, 72 Greene Street, NYC
Email 350nyc@gmail.org to get on our listserv.

Affiliated Meetings
NYC Grassroots Alliance Monthly Meeting
7 – 9 PM
Monday, April 4th  
2 West 64th Street, NY, N Y.
Meeting in the Social Hall
(1st Monday of each month)

Find us on MeetupFacebook, and Twitter.
Or e-mail us at 350NYC@gmail.com
Visit 350nyc.org

We are a totally volunteer and unfunded group and we rely on the support of our members to help us cover all the expenses of running our campaigns. We appreciate any contribution you can make at:  http://350nyc.org/donate/


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Suite 900
New York, NY 100110N

Switch to renewables

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