350NYC is an all-volunteer led organization that relies on YOU to make things happen.  We drive our campaigns and actions forward by the work we do in our working groups.  Everyone is encouraged to join one of the working groups to get more involved with our campaigns and actions.

Volunteer! There are lot of opportunities to contribute to the work of these groups even if you can’t make it to meetings. So please get in touch with us and explore ways that you can contribute:  info@350NYC.org

General Meetings

Contact: Morgan Long  

The general meetings are where we organize major mobilizations, such as the No DAPL events this year.  We need help to organize speakers and the agenda for each monthly meeting. Promote meetings, update calendar etc. Greet and sign-in attendees. Manage membership lists and data.


Contacts:  Lyna Hinkel – NY City campaign.  Mark Dunlea – NY State campaign

This is our longest, ongoing campaign to divest all city and state pension funds from fossil fuels. This group works closely with the DivestNY coalition.  Work of the group includes educational forums, working with legislators and trustees, public hearings, organizing rallies and actions, petition gathering, flyering, and lots more!

Sustainable Solutions & Climate Education

Contact: Monica Weiss

We conduct political campaigns and hands on projects to promote climate awareness, conservation, energy efficiency etc. as part of our campaign for 100% renewable energy.  We also do educational outreach to schools and other organizations to promote awareness and show climate related movies.

Volunteer! Organizing events, movies, hands on projects etc.  Doing outreach to groups and making presentations. Coordinating ‘tabling’ at appropriate events to educate the public.

Communications & Media

Contacts: Dee Aherne

Newsletter – Lyna Hinkel. Web-masterRebecca Allibone

This is the groups that coordinates all the communications work for the group and develops and implements a media plan to support all 350nyc activities. This work includes:

  • Writing, editing and collecting information for all communications.
  • Newsletter, print publications, web site, social media, Meetup, Listserv management etc
  • Managing social media & developing communications actions.
  • Maintaining and updating the web site and calendar.
  • Media group – develop media contacts, write stories, respond to inquiries.

 Art & Activism

Contact:  Ro SantiEsteban

To make sure that we show up with a ‘bang’ on social media we need to stay on top of the visual aspect of rallies and other street actions.  Join this group to plan art work for actions. Make the props, banners, posters, etc. for rallies and events, as needed.   Coordinate getting props to the right place and returning after the event.

Coalitions and Partnerships

Contact: John Ingram

This group aims to expand our connections with climate groups, strengthen coalitions and ensure a good flow of information between groups and 350nyc members. We currently are involved in four main New York coalitions: NYC Grassroots Alliance; NY Renews; People’s Climate Movement; #Win WindNY.  We need people to attend these meetings, report back and help us to expand and update our contacts.


Contact:  Monica Weiss

This is a new team to develop strategies and organize activities for fund-raising. This group will propose necessary policies, coordinate fundraising events, help with identifying and applying for grants.