Sign the Mayor’s  petition calling on cities everywhere to follow NYC’s lead and Say NO to Investing in  Big Oil! #DIVESTNY 

  1. Sign the petition to Thank NYC Comptroller Stringer, Mayor de Blasio, and Governor Cuomo for their commitment to divest NYC and NYS pension funds from the top two hundred worse oil and gas companies. #DIVESTNY 
  2. Sign the Pathway to Paris petition Join 1000 Cities: Reject Fossil Fuels and Move to 100% Renewable Energy
  3. Support the NY State Campaign for 100% renewable energy by 2030. 100% RENEWABLE NOW NY CAMPAIGN – NY STATE LEGISLATION:  Call your NY State legislators to ask them to sign on as co-sponsors to the NYS 100% by 2030 bill A05105 (Colton) / S05908  (Hoylman)  Requires the establishment of a one hundred percent clean energy system by 2030. Assembly switchboard is 518 455-4100;   Senate switchboard is 518 455-2800
  4. FEDERAL LEGISLATION for 100% by 2035: Call 877-292-7305 and urge your member of Congress to Support H.R.3671 Off Fossil Fuels for a Better Future Act 115th Congress (2017-2018) Rep. Gabbard, Tulsi [D-HI-2]
  5.   Sign the petition HERE:  More information on their Facebook page here 
  6.  Spectra Energy should not be permitted to begin construction on the 2nd part of its Algonquin Pipeline expansion called Atlantic Bridge because it does not have all of its necessary permits in place. #RESISTSPECTRA   Sign the petition to Protest Approval for Spectra Pipeline, Docket #CP16-9-000
  7. Call Cuomo Every Monday!   Urge Governor Andrew Cuomo to be a climate leader by opposing all fossil fuel Pipelines and Infrastructure!  CALL GOV CUOMO AT 866-846-4075


350NYC is mainly focused on political action aimed at getting New York OFF Fossil Fuels and ON to 100% renewable energy.  However, we recognize that people have a need to align their personal practices and values with their political actions so these resources are provided to suggest some practical ways you can take personal action on climate.  All these little changes taken together can have a profound effect by shifting our culture towards a more sustainable lifestyle.

We hate to waste60 Tips to Getting to Zero Waste in NYC

Thank you to We Hate to Waste for an incredibly useful and highly recommended daily reminder of what it takes. Go to the We Hate to Waste web site for 60 useful actions you can take today.