350NYC February Newsletter

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  February 2016 Newsletter  


#WinWind for NYC
Thursday February 18th
@11:00am – City Hall steps
Join us to tell Mayor Bill de Blasio to get offshore wind off the ground for NYC.
Last year he set the goal of powering 100% of NYC government operations with renewable energy. In response, over 50 organizations signed onto a letter celebrating the goal, and advocating for offshore wind as the best means of achieving it. This rally and press conference will provide a tremendous opportunity to formally deliver the letter, and kick off a 2016 campaign to secure a large-scale, long-term commitment to offshore wind development at the state level.
Facebook EventCosponsors: Sierra Club, Sane Energy Project, National Wildlife Federation, NYPIRG, Rockaway Wildfire, United for Action, Food & Water Watch, 350NYC,

Directions: R, Chambers St. J/Z)] (Closest subway stops: City Hall R train, Brooklyn Bridge-City Hall/Chambers St 4, 5, 6, J and Z trains.

Sane Energy Project Presents SANE SOLUTIONS 
Friday, Feb 19 @ 6pm-9pm
St Pete’s Lutheran Church 
Offshore Wind for NYC from 4 Perspectives
• Climate & Resilience
• Wildlife
• Labor
• Environmental Justice
• Business

We know that in order for New York State to go 100% renewable, we need 40% of our energy mix to come from offshore wind (tinyurl.com/NYJacobsonStudy). But how will building the “Rockaway” wind farm impact the local communities, workers, and wildlife? Join us for a lively panel discussion and audience Q&A about how we can unite various factions behind this much-needed green energy project.

Cosponsored by 350NYC, 350BK, United For Action, All Our Energy, Sierra ClubNYC
Facebook Event

350NYC Climate Education Group presents:
   Screening and Discussion    “Merchants of Doubt”  and the Exxon connection 
February 20th and 26th

Free and open to the public. .
 –  Sat. 2/20/2016 @ 1:30-3:30PM
Patagonia, 72 Greene St (@ Spring) Soho,
Sponsored by 350NYC, climate education group

  BROOKLYN  – Thur. 2/26/2016  @  7-9PM
68 Jay Street #405, Brooklyn, 11201
Sponsored by 350Brooklyn and N+1After the screening, we will examine how these corporate tactics have played out in the case of Exxon Mobil and discuss actions we can take in NYC to challenge Exxon and “Big Oil” climate deniers. #ExxonKnew

Watch the Trailer

Legislative Forum on State Divestment Bill plus Rally and Lobby Visits

Monday, February 29th @11:00am
Rally @ 10:30

Legislative Office Building
Rm. 944A
Albany, NY

Join us in Albany to show support for the “Fossil Fuel Divestment Act”.
Rally, Attend the hearing, Lobby!

Senator Liz Krueger and Assembly Assistant Speaker Felix W. Ortiz have introduced S.5873/A.8011-A, the “Fossil Fuel Divestment Act.” This legislation would require the State Comptroller to divest the New York State Common Retirement Fund from all holdings in the 200 largest publicly traded fossil fuel companies, as defined by carbon content in the companies’ proven oil, gas, and coal reserves (the CU 200). Divestment from coal companies would be completed within one year; divestment from all other fossil fuel companies would be completed by January 1, 2020. The forum will be an opportunity to discuss the need for this legislation from a variety of perspectives, financial, environmental, moral, etc., as well as how New York State can play a part in the global fossil fuel divestment movement.

We will have a short rally before the hearing beginning at 10:30 followed by legislative office visits. which we will set up for you in advance.

RSVP here: http://goo.gl/forms/KnK0YTc5RG
Transportation from NYC

For more info email Nathan Schumer – nss2108@gmail.com


Studies and Reports

New Report Issues Dire Carbon Warning: Keep It in the Ground—or Else, Nadia Prupis, Common Dreams, Jan 25, 2016

Rapid, Affordable Energy Revolution is Possible, Says New Report, Lauren McCauley, Common Dreams, Jan 25, 2016

Doubling Today’s Share of Renewable Energy Can Bring Economy up to $1.3 Trillion: Irena Report Ilario D’Amato, The Climate Group, Jan 16,

Study: Man-made heat put in oceans has doubled since 1997 Seth Borenstein, AP, Jan 18, 2016

Why the U.S. East Coast could be a major ‘hotspot’ for rising seas, Chris Mooney, Washington Post, Feb 1, 2016

What scientists just discovered in Greenland could be making sea-level rise even worse  Chelsea Harvey, Washington Post, Jan 4, 2016

Find us on MeetupFacebook, and Twitter.
Or e-mail us at 350NYC@gmail.com
Visit 350nyc.org

We are a totally volunteer and unfunded group and we rely on the support of our members to help us cover all the expenses of running our campaigns. We appreciate any contribution you can make at:  http://350nyc.org/donate/



World governments have agreed to global action — but without a clear commitment on how and when they will transition off of fossil fuels. The way to make that transition a reality is by organizing to keep coal, oil and gas in the ground and accelerate the just transition to 100% renewable energy. It’s time to break free from fossil fuels, and it’s up to the people to make it happen. Break Free will be a series of major coordinated actions around the globe that will take on the world’s biggest fossil fuel projects and companies.BE PART OF IT

More info coming soon on regional actions and trainings and how to get involved @350nyc.org

350NYC Switch to Wind Campaign
Switch to 100% renewable energy and support climate activism!
Find out more about  Switch to Wind


Donate to 350NYC’s LED campaign and cut carbon now!
Our latest Sustainability Project seeks to provide LED lightbulbs for an entire building of low income seniors in NYC. There’s no easier path to immediate carbon reduction while also helping our neighbors reduce their electric bills.If every New Yorker switched just one compact fluorescent bulb to an LED bulb, NYC would collectively cut over 125 million pounds of carbon emissions per year!

Cut Carbon Now! www.gofundme.com/LightingTheWay


ALBANY – January 20, 2015 Legislative Forum on the Fossil Fuel Divestment Act (A.8011A/S.5873) For more info

Assistant Assembly Speaker Felix W. Ortiz (D-Kings) and Senator Liz Krueger (D-New York) have introduced the Fossil Fuel Divestment Act (A.8011A/S.5873) that would require the State Comptroller to divest the Common Retirement Fund (CRF) from fossil fuel holdings by 2020.
Please contact your representatives and ask them to co-sponsor A8011 & S5873: Demand an end to fossil fuel investments! Assembly Switchboard (518 455-4100) and State Senate (518 455-2800).

Sign the Petition to NYS Comptroller DiNapoli
If you’re interested in joining the NY State Divestment campaign email us @350nyc@gmail.com

NYC’s Biggest Pension Fund Lost $135 Million From Oil and Gas Holdings in 2015.

Sign the Petition to NYC Comptroller 
Like our Facebook page: Fossil Free NYC  Fossil Free Teachers NYC

Petition to Divest the Vatican
Guardian petition to the Gates’
Petition to Divest Jewish Theological Seminary 

Call to Action! 
Please call Governor Cuomo and tell him to demand action to STOP the AIM pipeline now! 

Governor Cuomo is actively exerting every possible legal and regulatory measure to close down the troubled Indian Point nuclear power facility, but continues to remain silent about the dangerous high pressure AIM gas pipeline under construction only 105 feet from critical structures at the nuclear plant posing an unacceptable risk to millions of people even if the nuclear plant is closed. Safety experts urgently warn that a pipeline rupture at Indian Point poses a serious threat to more than 20 million residents within a 50 mile radius in the NY tri-state region. For more info: https://sape2016.org

Call Cuomo to Stop the Constitution Pipeline 
Urge him to deny the 401 Quality Certificate! 


The Constitution Pipeline is a joint venture between Williams Companies, Inc. and Cabot Oil and Gas Corporation. As proposed, this pipeline would would transport fracked gas for 121 miles from Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania to Schoharie County, New York.

In order for this dangerous, dirty project to move forward, it still needs an important Water Quality Certificate from Governor Cuomo’s Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC). The DEC could decide at any time whether or not to issue this certificate, which is why it’s so important to take action now.

Stop the Pilgrim Pipeline
Watch the webinar to learn the status and threat of the Pilgrim Pipelines, with a capacity for 400,000 barrels of oil per day (half of Keystone) through NY/NJ and for possible export through New York Harbor.

Close Indian Point!


The resolution calls upon the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission NOT to re-license Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant.  Your help is needed! More info here






350NYC Meetings



NY NY 10025
Next monthly meeting is
Wed. February 24th @ 7- 9pm
Monica Hunken will present and lead a discussion on Non- Violent Civil Disobedience
NYSEC, Elliott Library Room #507

Sustainable Solutions Working Group
7 – 9 PM
Wednesday, March 9th 
Meeting Room #508
(2nd Wednesday of each month)

City Divest Working Group
7 – 9 PM
Wednesday, Feb 17th
Meeting Room #508
(3rd Wednesday of each month)

Climate Ed Working Group
Saturday, February 20th @ 12 noon  (for one hour before movie)
Patagonia, 72 Greene Street, NYC 

Email 350nyc@gmail.org to get on our listserv.

Affiliated Meetings
NYC Grassroots Alliance Monthly Meeting
7 – 9 PM
Monday, March 7th  
2 West 64th Street, NY, N Y.
Meeting in the Social Hall
(1st Monday of each month)


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New York, NY 10011
