Saturday, April 26th 2014
Reject and Protect: Stop the Keystone XL Pipeline
Tell all your friends and family! This is a national call to action for all who are concerned about climate change and the environmental devastation we are witnessing. The march title is Reject and Protect: reject the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline, and protect our land, our water, and our climate. Buy bus tickets and get full details at our Eventbrite page
Within the next few months, the State Department may recommend that President Obama approve construction of the Keystone XL pipeline. On April 22nd, the Cowboy and Indian Alliance — a coalition of ranchers, farmers, tribal communities, and their friends — will ride into Washington DC to begin a five-day encampment intended to ensure that the President does not approve this disastrous, dirty, tar sands pipeline. The Alliance will set up camp near the White House, and for five days will bear witness to the threat that KXL poses to tribal rights and to the climate, land, and water that we all share. Events will range from an opening ceremony on horseback in front of the White House, to prayers outside Secretary Kerry’s home.
The members of the Cowboy and Indian Alliance are apt leaders for this final phase of the fight. Farmers and ranchers know first-hand the risks posed by KXL – the land they work and the water they rely on are in jeopardy, both from the spills that will inevitably accompany this pipeline and from the climate effects that will certainly come from the further development of the tar sands. The tribes know the risk first-hand as well – they protect the water and land, and defend sacred sites of their ancestors, every day. Because they all see themselves as stewards of these precious resources, opposition to KXL and tar sands development has united these communities like few causes ever before.
NYC Bus to Reject & Protect Rally Washington DC
On Saturday, April 26th, people from all across the country will travel to DC to march once more to the White House to send a final, unmistakable message to President Obama. Please plan to join us. Ride the bus with fellow activists from 350NYC and our many allies in the NY Grassroots Alliance. We marched together in the the cold in Feb. 2013… so cherry blossom season in DC should be a breeze! Buy tickets and get full details at our Eventbrite page (ticket sales start 4/5/14)
This may be our last chance to tell President Obama to reject the Keystone Pipeline and keep the dirtiest oil from cutting through the heart of the US all the way to the Gulf of Mexico where it will be imported…and exacerbate climate change. Get on the bus!
Here’s what’s happening on Saturday, April 26th in Washington
- We’ll gather at 11a.m. on Saturday the 26th at the tipi encampment on the mall to make our closing argument against the pipeline. As we gather, everyone there will be asked to make their thumbprint mark on a tipi. Then we’ll hear from the farmers, ranchers, tribal leaders and refinery community members who will be directly impacted by Keystone XL and the tar sands — and who have pledged to lead the resistance should it be approved.
- Then, those leaders will carry our painted tipi to present to President Obama, with thousands of people standing behind them. This tipi will represent our hope that he will reject the pipeline, and our promise that we will protect our land, water and climate if he chooses to let the pipeline move forward.
- Once the tipi is delivered, we’ll return to the encampment in song and make our pledge to continue resistance to the pipeline should it be approved. The next day, there will be an interfaith ceremony to close the camp. The moral argument for action could not be clearer, with our future on the line.
If you have questions about the event itself check out the Reject and Protect event FAQ page here, but also feel free to reach out to the march organizers at
Now that President Obama’s decision is close at hand, we want to make sure that he truly understands all that is at stake, and that he clearly sees the strength of our opposition to KXL. Bryan Brewer, President of the Oglala Sioux, says, “We are ready to fight the pipeline, and our horses are ready.” We stand together with the Cowboy and Indian Alliance to tell President Obama: reject the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline, and protect our land, our water, and our climate.
March with us on April 26th
Reject the KXL and protect our planet
Demand environmental justice and investment in a sustainable, green energy future

As the temperature rises, so do we. This summer, we will take on the fossil fuel industry. From where fossil fuels leave the ground, to the halls of power, to the communities feeling the impacts of climate change, join in and stand up for our future. Visit the Summer Heat website to get involved.
The Keystone XL Pipeline would bring tar sands oil from Canada to Texas for export. The pipeline requires a presidential permit to cross the border. So far, we’ve delayed this approval by two years, but the pipeline isn’t dead yet. If President Obama is serious about tackling climate change, he needs to reject KXL once and for all. And we’re not going away until that happens. Visit to sign the petitions, and subscribe to our newsletter for local action updates.