Take Your Money Out of Climate-Destroying Banks

If you bank with Chase, or any other major Wall Street bank, your money is being used to fund climate chaos. But you don’t have to let this continue! There are better banking options out there. Here are some resources for moving your money. 

Do you have a checking, savings, and/or credit card account with a climate-destroying bank?

  1. Use Bank for Good to find a bank that aligns with your values while also giving you the features you need. Consider Aspiration, an online bank dedicated to sustainability with “access to more free ATMs than Bank of America, Wells Fargo, and Chase combined.”
  2. Use Green America’s checklist as a guide to step you through the breakup with your current bank.
  3. Use Green America’s list of credit card options to switch to a card supporting community banks and a cause—like protecting rainforests.

Do you have investments in Chase?

If you own stock, you have a voice in how your investment is used! Use your power as a shareholder to be an activist for the social and environmental issues you care about. Green America reviews the steps you can take.  

You’ve moved your money, now what?

Be sure to tell your old climate-destroying banks why you’ve left them.

Here’s a sample breakup letter for telling them.

Take a video of yourself cutting up your cards and share it on social media.

Don’t forget to report back: TELL US HOW IT WENT!

Fill out this form to tell us how it went and how much money you moved! We’re aggregating this information to show how many customers and how much money the big banks are losing. That goes a long way towards leveraging the power of our individual actions.

Move Your Money Resources

Stop the Money Pipeline – Move Your Money

THIS! Is What We Did

Green America’s Guide to Socially Responsible Investing & Better Banking

The Good Trade – 7 B Corp Certified Green Banks

As You Sow

The Forum for Sustainable and Responsible Investment.

Green America – Finance

Green American – Get a Better Bank

Green America – Break Up with Your Mega Bank

Third Act – Banking on Our Future