Earth Day 2015 New York State Call-In Event

Divest From Fossil Fuels & Transition to Renewable Energy


Please call NYS Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli


Divest the Common Retirement Fund from all fossil fuels now.

Also email at

For more information on divesting New York State:…/divest-nys-retirement-…


100 renewable PAUSE  Please Call Governor Cuomo


100% renewable energy is technically feasible by 2030 in NYS.

Issue an Executive Order. Mandate a rapid transition to 100% renewable energy by 2030.

IT’S NOW OR NEVER! Three Days of Action for the Climate

Rising Tide NYC is calling for three days of action against fossil fuels between April 20th-22nd.

April 20th – 8 AM 
Meet at Sara Roosevelt Park at Houston & Chrystie Streets, Manhattan
Commemorate the Deepwater Horizon explosion

The fifth year since the Deepwater Horizon explosion, which killed 11 people and dumped more than one hundred million gallons of crude oil into the Gulf of Mexico. Gulf South Rising is calling for action, and we are amplifying that call – we call on you to join us for an 8:00 AM procession in Manhattan in solidarity with the people of the gulf whose communities and lives have been destroyed to make the wealthy even richer. BP lies and says this is over. It’s not over. We haven’t forgotten.

April 21st — 5:00 PM
Meet at 633 3rd Avenue (at 41st street)

Together with Sane Energy Project, we call for creative direct action against the Port Ambrose liquefied gas project, in solidarity with New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania communities who are fighting the Constitution Pipeline, the AIM Pipeline, oil trains, pipelines and barges along the Hudson River, and too many other destructive projects.

Port Ambrose will endanger those who have already suffered from Superstorm Sandy, enrich the already wealthy, displace a wind farm, and keep us addicted to fossil fuels. Governor Cuomo has the power to stop Port Ambrose, and we call on you to gather at his office – 633 3rd Avenue (at 41st street) at 5:00 PM – and demand that New York stops building new fossil fuel infrastructure.

On April 22nd – We look to the future 
Meeting place TBA

On the release of PlaNYC (New York City’s official climate action plan), join us to demand stronger commitments to climate resilient jobs, a new way forward for our energy system, our economy and our world. We have to have a change, and justice demands that workers, low income communities and communities of color who have disproportionately suffered under the old system be at the forefront of that change.

BRING YOUR SKILLS AND IDEAS to our planning meetings. The next one is:
MONDAY, APRIL 13th at 7:00 PM at Workers United: 33 W. 14th St., New York, NY
Check our Facebook page for updates and please spread our event page ( and encourage your contacts to join in on planning these crucial climate actions!  IT’S NOW OR NEVER. Join us!

BP Oil Spill 5 Year Memorial – NY

Monday, April 20th @6pm 
The Producer’s Club
10$ suggested donation

Monday, April 20th marks the 5 year anniversary of the BP Drilling Disaster. A group of NYC based Gulf Coast activists are joining in solidarity with events in the Gulf of Mexico to raise awareness about the current status of the Gulf & to commemorate the 11 men who were killed in the explosion, along with the countless citizens & marine life who are still suffering from the spill.

The evening will feature musicians from the Gulf, environmental visual art in the gallery, and several environmental theatrical pieces throughout the evening.

International Peace & Planet Conference

April 24-25
Cooper Union
30 Cooper Square
New York City, NY 

On the eve of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference

Organized on the basis of five themes: nuclear weapons abolition, move the money (cutting military spending to prevent wars and fund essential human needs), climate change and environmental justice, the new era of global military tensions and wars, and racial equity and the demilitarization of policing.

Through plenaries and workshops, the Conference will serve to share information and analyses, build and further integrate our movements for the longer term, and increase our impact on the NPT Review Conference.


April 22, 2015 – 11:30 am – 1:30 pm

547 West 27th Street, Suite 200

“What don’t we know and why don’t we know it?As a painter and installation artist, Marcia Annenberg investigates the black holes of American journalism. Has thetwo minute sound bite failed the American people? When noWMDs were found in Iraq, was that evidence of misinformation, disinformation, or sub-information? When did WilliamBinney, former head of Signals Intelligence, NSA, become Public Enemy #1? Why don’t most people know his name?  What is an enemy combatant as opposed to an “enemy”? When did the American people agree tounsign the Geneva Conventions?  Under the radar, the National Defense Authorization Act, 2012, obliterated the 5th and 6th Amendments to the constitution. Why isn’t that widely known? In an age of total surveillance  – is the constitution still relevant? Do most people know that a secret court, with no oversight, exists in Washington, DC? Did the hijackers of 9/11 really hate democracy – a mantra repeated over and over by the president and the press?  Or was there a back story? One needs to follow the money to peel back that simple explanation.Read The articleQ&A to follow with the Artist
547 West 27th Street, Suite 200    (212) 268-4952