For New York City, Superstorm Sandy meant something more than rising waters, storm surges, and high winds. The storm laid bare and exacerbated deep inequities that afflicted our city long before Sandy hit.

Now with tens of Billions of dollars heading to the city for recovery from the storm, our city has a choice to make: either use that money to fix the divisions Sandy revealed, or continue to deepen the divide.

An alliance of community groups, faith-based organizations, labor unions and environmentalists have come together to demand the just, sustainable rebuilding that New York deserves, and July 31st, they’re organizing a demonstration to bring that message to City Hall, where it has yet to be heard. 

Here are the details:

What: Turning the Tide: Remember Sandy, Revive Our City. Procession and Rally!

When: Wednesday, July 31


*MANHATTAN MEET-UP @ 10:45am Outside Staten Island Ferry Terminal (corner of Whitehall and State St),
*STATEN ISLAND MEET-UP @ 9:30am Inside St. George Ferry Terminal, contact

Sign up here.

PS – The Alliance for a Just Rebuilding (which is a member of) is the group leading the action — here are the 4 key demands that we’ll be pushing for:

1. Ensure Sandy Recovery and Rebuilding Dollars Create Thousands of Good Local Jobs

2. Restore Lost Affordable Housing, and Create New Affordable Housing for Displaced Residents that Preserves Community Ties

3. Invest in Sustainable Energy Infrastructure that Holds Utilities Accountable to the Public, Not Profit

4. Empower Community Organizations and Give Them a Stronger Voice in Planning New York City’s Future.

If that sounds good to you, click here to join the action.