Climate Action Mondays

Every Monday until the midterm elections in November,
we’ll push all 870 candidates for Congress to Take a Stand
for The OFF ACT and against Big Oil Bribes.

 Are you For Big Oil?  or  For The Planet?


We finally have litmus tests to box-in the politicians:

  1. The OFF FOSSIL FUELS ACT:  A Bill in the U.S. Congress to implement the Paris Agreement, by mandating 100% renewables nationwide by 2035, called “The OFF Act”.
  2. The NO FOSSIL FUEL MONEY PLEDGE:  Candidates’ Pledge to reject oil & gas campaign donation-bribes.

With elections on the horizon, it’s time for a showdown with Big Oil & Congress, and it starts now in NYC.  Join with climate activists and volunteers in the  CLIMATE WAR ROOM every Monday night.

Activism party with music and performances every week.
Potluck and BYOB
Join the Climate Cosmos @ClimateMondays  
#ClimateMondays  Facebook   Instagram


Climate Action Mondays Resources Documents Here

Climate Action Mondays Photo Album




We have two main goals this week:  a) get some real work done with our OFF ACT Adopt a District (AAD) teams and b) coordinate NYS Senate and Assembly District Office lobbying visits.
WEEK ONE AAD GOAL:  Deadline .  Send Email Inviting Candidates/Incumbents to the OFF ACT & NFFM Pledge. 
MEETING NOTE:  AAD Team will work onsite 7-9 pm at CAM.   Please bring laptop.
DISTRICT STRATEGY:  Some Districts have both pledges, many one, and some candidates opposed (D & R).  We’ll create different paths for each.  But don’t wait, forge ahead.
TEAM SUPPORT:  Rachel Goodgal and Cara Gross are going to help coordinate AAD and keep us supported and moving forward.  Anticipate nice nudging. 🙂
FOR ACTION:      AAD TOOLKIT on FB with WEEK ONE Step-by-Step, and Sample Emails.
And of course we’ll be calling and tweeting at the Gov. again!


Monday June 25th

Sign up to Adopt-a-District

Monday June 18th

Pride Month Celebration!

Focus on Candidates for Primary Elections – June 26th

Monday June 11th

Climate Cabaret! 

Monday, June 4th

Climate Action Mondays – Launch Party! 


Monday, June 4th @   7 – 9:30pm
Caligaris Chelsea
144 W 18th St, NYC

#ClimateMondays on FB

With elections on the horizon, it’s time for a showdown with Big Oil & Congress, and it starts now in NYC.  Announcing the launch of a CLIMATE WAR ROOM every Mondaynight, with a GRAND OPENING on June 4thPlease click on this Eventbrite link to RSVP

Climate Action Mondays: Broadway Sings For Climate Activists & Launch of 2018 Election Hub, June 4 – Experience immersive climate activism with amazing entertainment. Featuring stars from Spring Awakening, Sunday in the Park, and Hamilton. Enjoy NYC’s best and take quick powerful action on this planetary emergency.

Save-the-Planet Activism. Amazing Performances. Together, we’ll unite the movement behind a national solution, sound the emergency, and call the political question


HOSTS:  Calligaris NYC, Food & Water Watch, 350NYC, Sunrise Movement, Rise & Resist, NY Progressive Action Network, DSA, & allies