
After the March: Building a Youth-Led Climate Movement

By: Ilana Cohen & Rachel Lee


On Saturday, July 21st, thousands of students, adult allies, and organizations across the globe marched and rallied to demand that our lawmakers act on climate change. Here in NYC, 300 …


Climate Change in My Eyes by Sonia Zinkin-Meyers

#3 Fear – February, 2018

One thing I’ve learned from my experience with learning about and speaking about climate change is how to cope with fear. When I started doing research about climate change, I learned how devastating its effects …


Climate Change in My Eyes by Sonia Zinkin-Meyers #2

Climate Education – January 2018

Climate change is a problem right now, and it will only get worse. My generation will be dealing with effects of climate change more than any previous generation. That is why activism is so important …


Climate Change in My Eyes by Sonia Zinkin-Meyers

#1 Introduction – December 2017

My name is Sonia Zinkin-Meyers, and I’m twelve years old. I’ll be the writer of this column, along with some of my schoolmates and friends. My column will be focusing on how those with less …
