EVENT IS SOLD OUT! Please write 350.orgnyc@gmail.com to get on the waiting list. Stay tuned for info on LiveStream of the event.


Saturday, September 20, 6:30 – 9:30 p.m. (Doors open at 6pm)

New York Society for Ethical Culture, 2 West 64th Street, NY NY

Admission $10.  Tickets available on EventBrite now (SOLD OUT)

In September, world leaders will meet in NYC for a UN summit on climate change. UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon is calling on world governments to commit to an ambitious, legally binding agreement in 2015 to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Our program will focus on why we need an international treaty and why it is critical for us to mobilize support to demand that the U.S. assume a leading role in the treaty negotiations.

Opening Address: New York City Council Members, HELEN ROSENTHAL, (District 6) and DONOVAN RICHARDS, (District 31).

Featured Panelists:

Tickets $10 – available at Eventbrite (SOLD OUT)

For more information, see: 350nyc.org


ALIGN: The Alliance for a Greater New York, Citizen Action of New York, Interdependence Movement, The Human Impacts Institute, New York Interfaith Power & Light, Sierra Club NYC Group, Sane Energy Project, United for Action, WE ACT for Environmental Justice, WESPAC Foundation, 350NJ, (WEDO) Women’s Environment and Development Organization, Corporate Accountability International.